Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 166 Confirming the condition, the old man's life is dying

Chapter 166 Confirming the condition, the old man's life is dying
He Jincheng took the medical report folder and opened it, and saw the dense medical records.

The first record was more than a month ago, that is to say, the disease has been present for at least a month.

While He Jincheng was reading the medical report, Hao Renxin briefly introduced the situation.

"The patient has a history of smoking for decades. During a physical examination half a year ago, a malignant lesion was found in the lungs. It is an early stage disease and the condition is not serious. After a period of observation and research, and a period of careful preparation, the people The expert group of the hospital decided to take surgical measures for the patient."

He Jincheng nodded. The medical report shows the records from the day of the operation.

Early malignant lung lesions are not considered serious problems, and can be easily resolved with a single operation.

The main thing is post-maintenance.

As long as it is properly maintained, there will basically be no problems after surgery.

Hao Renxin continued: "The operation was very successful. Judging from the results of various postoperative examinations, the malignant lesions in the patient's lungs have been completely eliminated."

Hao Renxin paused at this point, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"However, from the third day after the operation, the patient began to experience intractable hiccups..."

He Jincheng nodded again, which was no different from what he deduced.

But he still asked, "How serious is it?"

Hao Renxin said with a solemn expression: "Because of the hiccups, the patient has trouble sleeping and eating. The condition is very serious. He has been critically ill several times. In just a few days, he has been rescued three times. He was critically ill again last night. After a night of emergency treatment, it is considered a serious illness." Barely keep it."

He Jincheng's expression changed slightly.

Sure enough, I saw the condition report, which wrote several times of rescue and some treatment measures.

After closing the medical report, He Jincheng looked at Hao Renxin and asked, "Apart from the treatment measures recorded above, is there any other plan?"

Hao Renxin thought for a while and said, "All the treatment measures are recorded on it."

Another middle-aged doctor in his 40s added at this time: "Western medicine mainly uses some sedatives; Chinese medicine uses two prescriptions, namely clove persimmon soup and Xuanfu Daizhe soup. .”

He Jincheng nodded slightly. Western medicine has not found an effective treatment for hiccups, which is what everyone usually calls hiccups. Tranquilizers can only relieve symptoms to a certain extent and relieve the patient's pain a little. Treatment is of no benefit.

Chinese medicine has some methods for treating hiccups. For example, the Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction mentioned by the other party just now comes from "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" written by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing. The classic recipe.

As for clove persimmon soup, it is also a proven prescription for treating hiccups.

Use these two prescriptions to treat hiccups, and generally you can get good results.

However, now it seems that neither of the two prescriptions has the expected effect, otherwise the patient would not be what he is now.

"Is there anything else Dr. He needs to know?"

Hao Renxin asked.

To be honest, he didn't quite believe that a young doctor like He Jincheng could cure patients.

You know, before this, many famous Chinese and Western doctors have treated patients, but they all failed without exception.

He Jincheng seems to be only in his early twenties, so is he better than himself and those doctors who have been practicing medicine for decades?

Of course, the patient's situation is somewhat special, and it's hard to say that He Jincheng can have some unexpected ways.

He Jincheng pondered for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "Can I see the patient first?"

If Hao Renxin was told directly that he could cure this disease, the other party would definitely not believe it, so he had to go through the formalities.

"Wait a minute, I need to tell the master first!"

Hao Renxin vomited a little, then turned and went into the bedroom next to him.

Another doctor took advantage of this opportunity to look at He Jincheng and asked, "I don't know if Dr. He is a Chinese medicine doctor or a Western medicine doctor. Where did he graduate from? Who did he study under?"

He Jincheng smiled helplessly in his heart, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, in fact, it is all about teaching from master to master.

This is also a simple evaluation of the level of doctors by ordinary people.

If you are studying under a famous doctor, then your medical skills must not be low.

But if he was from Ye Luzi, he might be discriminated against by the other party.

"I am a Chinese medicine practitioner, I am self-taught!"

He Jincheng didn't hide anything, and answered truthfully.

The man said "Oh" and stopped talking, but the expression on his face became more serious.

Obviously, he had some doubts about He Jincheng's medical skills.

But now there is nothing to do, so He Jincheng can only try it.

However, he was somewhat desperate.

Such a young Chinese medicine doctor may not be able to come up with a better solution. You must know that the two Chinese medicine prescriptions put forward by the expert group were both drawn up by leading figures in the Chinese medicine field today, but they were also based on the old man. There is no cure for the disease.

About five or six minutes later, Hao Renxin came out, slightly cupped his hands towards He Jincheng and said, "Doctor He, please come with me!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and followed Hao Renxin out.

Soon the two came to the door of a bedroom next to them.

"Please come in!"

Hao Renxin pushed open the door lightly and invited He Jincheng to enter.

A strong smell of disinfectant became pervasive, making it almost impossible to breathe.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and walked into the room.

There was a nurse in the room. When Hao Renxin and He Jincheng came in, he stood up and gave up his seat in front of the hospital bed.

Hao Renxin walked to the hospital bed, bent over to look at the situation of the old man, and the expression on his face could not help becoming a bit more serious.

He sighed secretly, and then waved to He Jincheng, indicating that He Jincheng could come forward for diagnosis and treatment.

He Jincheng walked to the hospital bed.

Various monitoring instruments are placed in front of the window.

He Jincheng first carefully observed the data on the bedside monitor.

The above shows that the vital signs of the elderly are still within the normal range, but slightly weaker than normal.

After observing for a while, the overall situation was fairly stable without any fluctuations, so He Jincheng turned his attention to the patient.

The patient is an old man who looks about seven or eighty years old.

The white-haired old man was lying on the hospital bed with a very pale face.

Obviously suffered great pain.

As if sensing someone approaching, the old man's eyelids moved slightly, as if he wanted to open them to see who was coming.

However, he really didn't have any strength left, he just narrowed his eyes, let out a hiccup sound, a look of pain appeared on his face, and then he closed his eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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