Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 167 Three reasons, the situation is not so bad

Chapter 167 Three reasons, the situation is not that bad
Hao Renxin sighed inwardly. Every time he hiccupped, he would be woken up again. Even hardened people couldn't bear such torture, let alone this situation had lasted for more than two months.

He Jincheng also sighed, birth, old age, sickness and death, this is the unchangeable law of nature, this is fair to everyone, no matter you are powerful, wealthy, or medically skilled, you will be subject to this in the end iron rule.

He Jincheng leaned forward again and took a closer look at the old man's expression.

The long-term suffering from illness made the old man look very bad, and he could be said to be extremely weak.

The nurse next to him moved a chair and placed it behind He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was not polite, he just sat down, then stretched out his hand to take a pulse, and sat there to feel it carefully.

Seeing He Jincheng's actions, Hao Renxin felt a little moved in his heart.

Not to mention He Jincheng's medical skills, just his calm look is enough to have a bit of everyone's demeanor.

It's a pity, I'm still too young, and I don't know in the end if there is a better way.

Within a few minutes of He Jincheng's pulse diagnosis, the old man hiccupped a few more times, opening his eyes weakly each time, and then quickly fell into groggy again.

Seeing this situation, He Jincheng's face remained unchanged, but he was a little worried.

Every time the old man opened his eyes, he only had a series of movements caused by hiccups, and he was unconscious. This was the scariest part, and the situation looked very pessimistic.

At this moment, He Jincheng suddenly noticed that the old man's eyes seemed to have opened a crack again, and he turned his eyes, staring in his direction for two seconds, and then closed them weakly.

This short two seconds made He Jincheng feel relieved.

What worries him most is that the old man has lost his sense of autonomy.

But the opening of the eyes just now was definitely not caused by hiccups, but because the old man realized that there was an outsider beside his bed, so he opened his eyes on his own initiative.

This movement is very slight. If it wasn't for He Jincheng's close proximity, keen eyesight and careful observation, he would have almost missed it, but the meaning of this movement is very important. It shows that the situation is not too bad.

Soon after He Jincheng went to see the doctor, he sat there and meditated.

Two minutes later, He Jincheng stood up and turned to look at Hao Renxin, and then looked at the door, which meant that his diagnosis and treatment had come to a conclusion.

Hao Renxin didn't say anything, and walked towards the outside of the house, followed by He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, how is the old man's condition?" Hao Renxin asked anxiously as soon as he left the house.

A group of family members of the old man also gathered around, very concerned about the old man's condition.

He Jincheng nodded, and said slowly, "I don't think the patient's condition is very serious!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone had different expressions.

Some are joyful, some are excited, and some are doubtful and angry.

Hao Renxin was surprised at first, and then a trace of excitement and hope appeared in his eyes.

The middle-aged doctor's face suddenly became very serious. He Jincheng is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. How could he speak so lightly? The old man has been critically ill for three times. If he hadn't been rescued effectively, could he have saved his life at this time? It's hard to say, you kid just said that the situation is not very serious, and the three critical illnesses are not serious, so what is serious!
You can score a target for your big talk, let's see the occasion!

It's not good to brag and blow the sky.

"Doctor He, please tell me your reasons!"

The middle-aged doctor spoke lightly, with a bit of displeasure in his tone.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile: "Although the patient looks very weak at the moment, based on three judgments, I don't think the situation is at its worst."

"First of all, the patient's pulse is not chaotic, I have carefully checked it several times, and it is confirmed to be correct; secondly, the patient's breath is not stagnant, the breathing is even and strong, and there is no panting, out of breath, or difficulty in breathing Furthermore, the patient's mind was still there, and when I approached the hospital bed, the patient could sense my approach and opened his eyes to look at me, which indicated that the patient's perception ability was normal and he had a clear consciousness. The situation where the consciousness is chaotic and insensitive to external objects is just too exhausted."

"The pulse is not chaotic", "the breath is not stagnant", and "the mind is not scattered", three reasons were thrown out in a row, not only that Hao Renxin, but also those who were very suspicious of He Jincheng's eyes lit up.

It has to be said that He Jincheng does have some abilities.

The other doctors said that the situation was so dangerous, and they also issued several critical illness notices.

In their view, there is nothing good about the old man except for the bad.

But He Jincheng was different. He directly said several good things, which made everyone see a glimmer of hope.

"Doctor He, please tell me quickly..."

Hao Renxin was the most excited. He was the old man's chief physician, so he naturally wanted to see the old man recover.

The middle-aged doctor who doubted He Jincheng the most couldn't help but take half a step forward at this time, waiting for He Jincheng's next words. He listened most carefully. Although He Jincheng said a lot just now, there was actually nothing When it comes to the disease itself, it is only a truthful statement of the patient's physical condition.

To put it bluntly, he didn't say anything, but he gave people a very peaceful feeling. He is definitely a master!

Of course, since He Jincheng dared to say that, he must have a certain degree of confidence in the treatment.

This is the main reason why the middle-aged doctor's attitude towards He Jincheng has changed.

Seeing that everyone trusted him a little, He Jincheng knew that he would be able to tell the real diagnosis and treatment method next.

So he said slowly: "The judgment of the doctors before was not wrong. The reason why the patient hiccups is because of the stomach. This is its nature, and because of this, the internal operation of the body can proceed normally, which is a very important part!"

All the doctors present nodded their heads one after another, and at the same time cast grateful glances at He Jincheng.

There are so many famous doctors together, but two hiccups can't be cured in the end. It's a bit embarrassing to spread the word.

What He Jincheng said at least helped them save some face.

Afterwards, He Jincheng made a downward gesture with his hand, vividly explaining the definition of stomach in traditional Chinese medicine, which is to descend.

"When there is a problem with the stomach, the law of movement is disturbed, and the gas in the stomach may no longer go down, but up, so hiccups begin, which is called hiccups in traditional Chinese medicine, so the two doses of traditional Chinese medicine used by the expert group before have no effect. It’s about harmonizing the stomach and lowering the adversity, the purpose is to lower the qi for it!”

This explanation was very easy to understand, and everyone present immediately understood it.

(End of this chapter)

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