Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 168 Supplement Stomach Qi, Prescription Ginseng Jiangmi Soup

Chapter 168 Supplement Stomach Qi, Prescription Ginseng Jiangmi Soup
Everyone agrees with He Jincheng's conclusion.

What He Jincheng said was in-depth and simple, even people who don't know medical skills can understand it.

"Dr. He's talkative, I understand, but what puzzles me is why the medicine given by the doctor didn't work?" At this time, a Lu Changdong asked.

"This is Mr. Lu's eldest son, Lu Changdong. When Mr. Lu is seriously ill, the eldest son will decide all matters in the family!"

Hao Renxin asked why Jincheng introduced this young man.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, cupped his hands towards Lu Changdong, and explained.

"The eldest son asked a good question. It cannot be said that the previous medicine did not work at all. The reason why it did not achieve the expected effect may have something to do with the patient's postoperative weakness."

Everyone's faces showed doubts, and they didn't quite understand He Jincheng's words.

Seeing that everyone didn't quite understand, He Jincheng explained.

"Take the reason of hiccups as an example. For a normal and strong stomach, the gas in the stomach goes down, so there will be no hiccups."

"However, the occurrence of hiccups now means that the patient's stomach must be in an abnormal state. Specifically, the stomach qi is deficient. At this time, simply reducing the adverse effects may not achieve the therapeutic effect. Because the stomach is in an abnormal state of disorder, it can receive the signal from the medicine, but it has no ability to execute it."

So straightforward, if you don't understand, there is nothing you can do!
Doctors and experts like Hao Renxin must have understood.

An example will make it easier to understand this.

A track and field athlete has a broken leg and you ask him to run a [-] meters, that's bullshit.

"Oh, I see, so Dr. He, according to what you want to do now is to restore the stomach to normal?"

Lu Changdong suddenly realized, and finally understood. When he asked He Jincheng this sentence, his tone was a little respectful.

Seeing that He Jincheng was so young before, Lu Changdong felt a little contemptuous in his heart.

So many great experts can't cure the old man's illness, let alone this young man.

But He Jincheng's remarks made Lu Changdong suddenly enlightened, and at the same time saw hope.

Can explain the truth of the disease clearly, and can also explain the reason why the medicine doesn't work so thoroughly. For such a doctor, I have no reason to disrespect him.

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, and said: "Young Master is right, we first need to restore the old man's stomach to normal, and naturally it will resume its normal operation."

"Okay, okay, please doctor He prescribe quickly!"

Lu Changdong understood everything, so he stopped hesitating immediately, hoping that He Jincheng could prescribe the prescription as soon as possible.

The old man has been ill for such a long time, it is already a great sin for a son of man not to suffer for his father, now that he has a solution, of course he should ask someone to heal him as soon as possible.

He Jincheng understands everyone's mood, but he must say clearly what should be said.

Lu Yuan is the richest man in Nandu, and he has extremely powerful energy in all walks of life.

Now Lu Yuan is lying on the bed. If he doesn't tell the cause, he will prescribe the medicine himself. If something goes wrong or there is some misunderstanding, it's hard for him to explain it!

Of course, He Jincheng is still [-]% confident in his own diagnosis.

"Doctor He, if there is a way, please tell it! Let's verify together, I believe there will be no problems!"

Hao Renxin also spoke to He Jincheng. As a doctor, he knew what He Jincheng was worried about, so this sentence was equivalent to giving He Jincheng a guarantee.

This is what He Jincheng was waiting for, as long as someone is willing to guarantee him, then there is no need to worry.

"Since that's the case, let me tell you a way! In fact, there is no need to use any complicated medicine. Find an old wild ginseng and boil it in water, then use glutinous rice to cook it into porridge, and then feed it to the patient. It should have some effect!"

Hao Renxin looked at He Jincheng, a little surprised, is it really that simple?Can rice porridge cooked with ginseng soup cure the old man's serious illness?

No matter how people listened to this, they felt a little unbelievable. He Jincheng couldn't have scruples, so the prescribing was too cautious and conservative.

I only prescribed a bowl of rice porridge with ginseng soup, which is not considered medicine!

"Is that all you need?" Hao Renxin asked, he was afraid that He Jincheng might not have finished speaking.

He Jincheng smiled, with a confident and calm face: "Use this now, it will definitely work!"

Hao Renxin turned around and looked at Lu Changdong, still waiting for the other party to make an idea.

Lu Changdong pondered for a moment, and said: "At present, there is no other way, just follow Dr. He's method and try it!"

Based on his understanding of medicine, if he only uses old man's ginseng and glutinous rice, even if he can't cure it, he will definitely not be cured if he thinks about it. Why don't he try it, after all, these are not medicines, they can only be regarded as supplements.

He Jincheng walked to the desk, picked up the paper and pen on it, and wrote down a complete recipe, including what kind of old ginseng to choose, how thick to cut, how much water to fry, how much rice to use, and what to cook. The shape of the porridge, how to feed the patient, the frequency of feeding and the dosage, all are written down on the paper one by one.

Although strictly speaking, this method is not a formal prescription, in order to let the other party recognize his medical skills, He Jincheng still has to be meticulous in every link, one is to be perfect, and the other is to avoid mistakes.

Lu Changdong took the prescription and read it carefully, then said, "Let's do it this way!"

Immediately, a servant asked thousands of people for the prescription, and after receiving Lu Changdong's signal, he quickly went out and strictly followed the procedure to grab the medicine and cook the porridge.

"Doctor He, how useful is your method?"

After the servant went out, Hao Renxin asked again.

As a doctor, he always felt that this method was a bit too simple.

Ginseng soup is not a rare thing for rich people.

For a family like the Lu family with such a high position and wealth, ginseng is like an ordinary family's eggs.

He Jincheng smiled, but he didn't talk too much.

The illness has been dragging on for two months, causing the old man's vitality to be greatly damaged. At this time, no one can guarantee that they can cure the disease, so they can only take one step at a time.

If you can't make up, your own prescription is useless.

Everything still depends on whether the old man's process of taking the ginseng soup goes well.

"Even if it doesn't make a big difference, it won't make the situation worse!"

He Jincheng said.

Everyone, He Jincheng's statement is so cautious, it's not easy to ask again.

Lu Changdong didn't say anything more. He agreed to use He Jincheng's method precisely because it was simple and easy to implement, and it would not make the situation more complicated.

This is a relatively safe method.

(End of this chapter)

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