Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 169 His condition has improved, and He Jincheng's goal has been achieved

Chapter 169 His condition has improved, and He Jincheng's goal has been achieved
Now it's best to pray that He Jincheng's method will work.

If it still doesn't work, then you may really not know what to do!

There are also very top national-level doctors in the country, but if you want to hire them, let alone whether they have the ability, the key people are all treating the big shots at the top of society.

The Lu family can look down on everyone in Nandu, but outside of Nandu, they don't have that much face.

Now all the famous doctors available in Nandu City have been invited. There is really no other way.

Half an hour later, the servant came in with a bowl of steaming ginseng porridge in his hand.

"Doctor He, according to your request, the ginseng porridge has been cooked, should I feed it to the master now?"

The servant looked at He Jincheng and asked respectfully.

He Jincheng nodded and said, "The sooner you take it now, the better."

After hearing this, the man looked at Lu Changdong again, saw that he also nodded, and was about to enter the bedroom.

He Jincheng thought for a while, stopped the man again, and said: "If the patient cannot swallow due to hiccups, try to hold it in the mouth for as long as possible, spit it out, and then take a new one until the patient can swallow it."

This is nothing, just a little trick.

Ginseng itself can be taken, and it also has certain effects.

This is why He Jincheng chose ginseng porridge to give to patients.

The servant nodded repeatedly, wrote down He Jincheng's instructions, and quickly entered the bedroom.

Lu Changdong Lu Changdong also followed in, with anticipation and anxiety on his face.

He Jincheng, Hao Renxin and the others sat in the living room and waited.

The servants brought them tea, but the atmosphere was still a bit dignified.

Now the old man's condition is unknown. Everyone came to see the old man. If they still don't get better, they will feel very ashamed when they go out.

About half an hour later, there was a sound of footsteps.

Everyone looked at the person who came, and saw that it was Lu Changdong who came down.

At this moment, Lu Changdong's expression was still dignified, but he was obviously more relaxed than before.

"Lu Changdong, I don't know how the old man is doing now!"

Lu Changdong took a deep breath, and said with a bit of excitement in his tone: "I fed the ginseng porridge according to your method, and it seems that the frequency of hiccups is much lower. Just now, I can already start to swallow the glutinous rice porridge."

He Jincheng also heaved a sigh of relief, if participating in the porridge was ineffective, then he would have no choice but to end up.

"This is a good sign! It shows that the situation is starting to move in a good direction."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Lu Changdong cupped his hands towards He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, thanks to you this time, you are our Lu family's great benefactor!"

He Jincheng waved his hands and said, "Lu Changdong is serious. It is the duty of a doctor to cure diseases and save lives!"

What's more, he still has to collect money, but He Jincheng only said this in his heart.

With a smile on Lu Changdong's face, he took out a cigarette and handed it to He Jincheng.

"I don't smoke, thank you!"

He Jincheng declined.

"It's good not to smoke, but it's a pity that I've been smoking for decades, and I can't quit even if I want to!"

Lu Changdong distributed it to several other smoking doctors, and soon the living room was filled with clouds and fog.

Everyone was smoking while chatting, waiting for the people inside to report the situation.

Not long after, a servant came down to report the situation to Lu Changdong, saying: "The patient's hiccups have stopped for the time being, but the patient fell asleep, do you want to continue feeding the ginseng porridge?"


Hearing this, Lu Changdong stood up, maybe because he stood up too violently, the stool hit the wall and made a sound.

He Jincheng waved his hand and said, "I need to see the specific situation before deciding!"

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng looked at Lu Changdong. He needed the other party's permission before he could enter the bedroom.

Without any hesitation, Lu Changdong raised his foot and led the way, while signaling He Jincheng to follow quickly.

Hao Renxin waited for the doctor, and continued to sit in the living room and wait for the news.

In the upstairs room, the old man had already fallen into a deep sleep, Lu Changdong's face was full of nervousness, he approached him and called twice, but he didn't wake up the old man.

Straightening up, a trace of excitement appeared on Lu Changdong's face.

It's been so many days, and it's the first time that the old man can sleep so comfortably.

Turning around, Lu Changdong hurriedly gave up the seat in front of the bed, and said softly: "Doctor He, let me show you again!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Changdong took two steps back, watched the nurse bring over the chair, he personally stuffed it behind He Jincheng, and then stood beside him waiting for the result.

He Jincheng's diagnosis this time was not as long as last time. He pulled out the old man's wrist and cut it for 2 minutes, then stood up and said: "The condition is normal, the pulse condition is stable, let the patient rest well now, and take the ginseng porridge at any time. Prepare it, wait for the patient to wake up and take another bowl."

Lu Changdong nodded, motioned the medical staff next to him to write down He Jincheng's instructions, and then invited He Jincheng outside the house, saying: "Doctor He, go and rest first, if there is anything wrong here, I will send someone to go Please. You must be tired after a busy night."

He Jincheng said: "I'm just outside, the eldest son is always on call."

Lu Changdong nodded, then lightly patted He Jincheng's arm, and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's just the duty of a doctor, not hard work."

He Jincheng said a few polite words and walked out.

Lu Changdong sent He Jincheng to the stairs all the way. Watching He Jincheng go down, he let out a long sigh of relief. When he turned around and returned to the old man's room, Lu Changdong pulled a chair and gently placed it in front of the hospital bed, and then leaned against the bed with his clothes on. Close your eyes in the chair and meditate.

After He Jincheng went out, he sat on the sofa and chatted with Hao Renxin and other doctors.

These doctors are all famous doctors in Nandu City.

Moreover, during this brief contact, He Jincheng also discovered that most of them had the benevolence of doctors in their hearts.

Although he underestimated himself at first, it is human nature in the end.

After seeing their medical skills, these people are also very polite to themselves,

Especially Hao Renxin.

"I don't know where Dr. Hao is working now?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

To be invited by the Lu family to be the chief physician, Hao Renxin is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Dr. He, you are welcome. I am currently the chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology at the Provincial People's Hospital. I have been a doctor for more than [-] years. When I saw Dr. He today, I realized what it means to have someone outside of a human being, and there is a sky beyond the sky! I really admire it!"

Hao Renxin cupped his hands and said.

Now Mr. Lu's condition has improved greatly, and the atmosphere in the living room is much more joyful.

Everyone also cast kind eyes on He Jincheng, and at the same time, they were also looking at the young doctor, thinking about where he came from.

(End of this chapter)

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