Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 170 Master Lu's condition improved

Chapter 170 Master Lu's condition improved
"Doctor He, this is Li Dongchun, the doctor in charge of Dongchuntang. Please forgive me for being rude. I have been working in Chinese medicine for 30 years, and I have never heard of your name in Nandu. I don't know where you are. Where is the high school?"

An old Chinese doctor stood up and asked He Jincheng.

Now everyone's attitude towards He Jincheng has changed a lot, and they all admire his medical skills very much.

Li Dongchun's question is also everyone's doubt.

Where did this young genius doctor come from, and why has he never heard of it.

"I was born in a small place called Lianhua Village, and this is the first time I have come to Nandu. You are all famous doctors who have been famous for a long time. It is very normal that I have never heard of you."

He Jincheng said with a smile that he had nothing to hide about his background.

After all, I want to make friends with these.

"Oh, it's not easy for Doctor He to be able to possess such superb medical skills from a poor background!"

Li Dongchun said in surprise, he didn't expect He Jincheng to be able to achieve such an achievement because he was still from the countryside. It was indeed not easy.

"Then I don't know where Doctor He learned from?"

Hao Renxin also asked with a smile.

To be able to teach such a high-level apprentice, then He Jincheng's master must be a national-level doctor in China!

"I'm ashamed to say that I met Master, an old man, by chance. I have been taught for three months, but I only learned some superficial aspects of the old man. My master likes to travel around, and the dragon sees the beginning and the end, and even I don't know him. What's the name, so I don't know the name of the teacher."

This was what He Jincheng had thought up long ago.

It's okay to say that I was born in a rural area, others will just be surprised.

But if you say that you are self-taught, what will others think of you?

I am afraid that I will feel that I am arrogant and disdain to tell them about my teacher.

So, He Jincheng made up an illusory character to be his master. In this way, many things can be easily explained.

"So it turns out that the masters are still among the people! In just three months, it's unimaginable that a genius doctor like Dr. He has been cultivated unexpectedly!"

Everyone was just surprised, but they didn't have too much doubt.

Many high-ranking people in the world are indifferent to fame and wealth, and their deeds are elusive, and ordinary people can't see them.

"My medical skills are only [-]% of Master's old man. What Master taught me back then, I haven't fully mastered it yet!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"I really want to meet with Master Ling. Such a genius doctor, if he can get a lesson or two, he will definitely benefit his whole life!"

Li Chundong said with a sigh of regret.

Everyone nodded secretly, isn't that so? He Jincheng is just an ordinary villager, but he was able to achieve such high medical skills after being instructed by that expert for a while, let alone if he could get advice. ah!
He Jincheng was a little speechless, of course he knew what these people were thinking, but for this kind of thing, he could only slander in his heart, and he couldn't explain it clearly!

"Doctor He just said that you just came to Nandu? Where are you now?"

Hao Renxin asked with a smile.

"I recently opened a medical clinic called Xinsheng Medical Clinic. It's on Qiangu Street. If you are interested, all seniors are welcome to come to my medical clinic for inspection and guidance!"

He Jincheng reported his medical clinic with a smile.

This is his main purpose today, to build up the reputation of his Xinsheng Medical Center. In this way, he will not have to go out in the future, and people will come to him for medical treatment.

"It turns out that it is not easy to open a medical clinic by yourself. Dr. He, I wonder if you are interested in working in our hospital? Our People's Medical Center also needs a genius doctor like you. As long as you are willing to come, I can make the decision. At the very least, I will arrange a chief physician position for you!"

Hao Renxin rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, such a powerful young doctor, why didn't I expect to poach him here? All of you here are either important figures in major hospitals, or have their own medical clinics. There must be no problem for He Jincheng to arrange a position.

If you can get He Jincheng to come over to your clinic or hospital, you will get great benefits.

He Jincheng smiled and shook his head.

"I appreciate everyone's kindness, but I am used to being free, so it is more appropriate to open a medical clinic by myself. Everyone is my senior, please take care of me!"

Everyone could tell that He Jincheng would not come to their side.

It's right to think about it. With He Jincheng's medical skills, he naturally doesn't have to worry about no one to see him. Even if the two things of wealth and fame are not revealed now, as long as there is a certain amount of time, they will be widely known.

Everyone chatted for about ten minutes, and the topics basically revolved around He Jincheng.

At this time, the eldest son Lu Changdong walked over with a happy face.

"The old man woke up just now, and his spirit has improved a lot, and he even sat up!"

These words surprised everyone, and at the same time they looked at He Jincheng with a little more admiration.

The person who was still being rescued yesterday was cured by a small bowl of ginseng soup by He Jincheng today, which is amazing.

"It's good to wake up. As I said before, the old man's condition is not that bad. Next, if the old man is hungry, he will feed another bowl of ginseng soup and try not to eat other things. Wait until tomorrow to add some light food to the old man. Use less salt and light oil, whether it's vegetables or meat!"

He Jincheng nodded, and then asked a few more words.

Lu Changdong quickly wrote down these words of He Jincheng.

This is the old man's way of saving his life.

"Okay Doctor He, I've remembered everything, how long will it take for the old man to eat meat?"

This matter needs to be clarified, the old man is a person who loves meat, and he can't stand not letting him eat meat for so long.

"In about three days, as long as there is no more continuous hiccups, you can eat normally!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

In fact, the stomach function of the old man is much better now, he only needs to add some physical strength, and he can even get out of bed and walk around.

However, Lu Changdong was somewhat nervous. These things, no matter how big or small, should be well written down for emergencies!
"Thank you, Dr. He! The old man is awake now, and wants to see Dr. He as soon as possible, so please ask Dr. He to come with me!"

Seeing that He Jincheng had nothing else to order, Lu Changdong bowed slightly and led the way ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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