Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 171 Returning to Zhang Medical Center, Gao Ziqiang recognizes him as his younger brother

Chapter 171 Returning to the clinic, Gao Ziqiang recognizes him as his younger brother
He Jincheng followed Lu Changdong into the bedroom again.

Sure enough, he saw Mr. Lu leaning against the head of the bed at the moment. Although his expression was still a little weak, he was obviously in better spirits.

"Father, this is the doctor who cured you, He Jincheng!"

Lu Changdong hurried forward and introduced He Jincheng.

Mr. Lu raised his eyelids very tiredly, looked at He Jincheng, and tried his best to squeeze a smile on his face.

"Doctor He, thanks to you this time, you are my savior!"

He Jincheng quickly waved his hands and said, "You are too polite, old man. As a doctor, of course the patient's condition must be the most important thing!"

"Hahaha, yes, yes! Dr. He has a noble medical ethics, which is admirable!"

Mr. Lu laughed, but he didn't have much strength, so he smiled forcedly.

The two chatted for a while, and He Jincheng said what he said just now to Mr. Lu again.

Hearing that He Jincheng had just opened the clinic, Mr. Lu waved to Lu Changdong.

"Changdong, Doctor He's medical center opened not long ago. We didn't catch up with the opening ceremony, but we still need to express it. How about this, you go to Xinxin Medical Center tomorrow and take a good rest for Doctor He instead of me!"

Mr. Lu said with a smile.

"Good father, arrange a gift right away!"

After Lu Changdong finished speaking, he went out and got ready.

He Jincheng smiled secretly, this Lu family is really a pair of heroes, this eldest son Lu Changdong, it is rumored that he is a playboy, he only knows how to eat, drink and play all day, he is a waste at all.

But seeing him today, He Jincheng's impression of this eldest son changed a lot.

Today, I saw that this eldest son behaved politely and was meticulous in doing things. He didn't look like the playboy image that the outside world said.

Obviously, what this eldest son usually shows is just the side he wants others to see.

There is a lot of wisdom hidden under the dandy appearance.

Such a character was born in a wealthy family, and he will be able to achieve considerable achievements in the future.

"Good father, you can rest assured to leave this matter to me, and I will definitely give Dr. He a big gift."

The eldest son said with a smile.

Even if the old man didn't say it, he was going to do it.

Not to mention that He Jincheng is the old man's fate, with his superb medical skills, he will definitely ask He Jincheng when he comes back, so there is no harm in building a good relationship now.

"Okay, I don't worry about your work. Dr. He heard that I have just regained a little strength and my spirit is not good, so I can't eat with you."

Mr. Lu showed a look of shame on his face, and said with a wry smile.

"It's okay! Old man, the most important thing for you now is to pay attention to rest. The most important thing is to wait until you recover from your illness."

He Jincheng knew that the eldest son would definitely not treat him badly, so he didn't ask about the so-called preparations.

In fact, the more powerful a person is, the less he likes others to show merit in front of him.

You are so active in showing credit for yourself, saying how important things you have done, and constantly reminding me of those high-ranking people. In this way, many times you will not get the important task of the other party, and you may even be fired directly.

You keep showing your merits in front of the other party. Doesn't it seem that the other party is likely to be ungrateful?

The Lu family has a great career, so if you give He Jincheng a big gift, you will definitely not be stingy.

In this case, why not accept it frankly?
"Old man, take a rest, I'll go back first."

He Jincheng cupped his hands towards Mr. Lu, and exited the room with a smile.

The eldest son came out of the bedroom after waiting for a while.

"Thank you so much Doctor He today. I'm also a little upset. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster, so I can't keep you here for a meal. How about this? I want to send you away, and then I will wait until tomorrow." Will definitely come and visit in person.”

The eldest son seemed to be really busy, so He Jincheng didn't say much, and nodded with a smile.

"Then tomorrow I will be at the Xinsheng Hospital, waiting for you!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, let's say that first, please!"

The eldest son smiled and said that He Jincheng had sent out of Lu Yuan's mansion, and then he personally brought a car and asked him to take He Jincheng back to Qiangu Street.

After returning to Qiangu Street, He Jincheng greeted Gao Ziqiang and went directly to the medical clinic.

He sat on the chair, thinking secretly in his heart.

What happened today gave him a lot of inspiration.

In the past, he only wanted to study medicine, but he lacked a lot in interpersonal relationship.

It seems that I need to communicate with outside doctors more in the future.

In this way, it is more convenient to do some things by yourself, and at the same time, it will be much more leisurely in the medical center.

At dinner, Gao Ziqiang brought some side dishes bought outside and two bottles of Nandu Daqu, and he and He Jincheng drank freely.

Both of them can drink very well, and they didn't feel at all after drinking two bottles of wine.

"Brother He, what do you think? It has been more than a month since the clinic opened, and there are only a handful of people who come to see a doctor in your clinic. We are not in the same profession at all. If you do it forcibly, the risk is real. It's too big."

All of He Jincheng's suggestions before this were desperate coups.

"In the future, you will still be in charge of managing the Wenwan store. Your current ability in Wenwen must be stronger than mine."

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, very satisfied with Gao Ziqiang's progress.

"Our store's business is very good now, but there are always a few troublemakers. I think it should be people hired by the same industry to make trouble."

The little brother continued.

"Doing business? Many methods are impossible to guard against. What we have to do is to insist on the quality and quality of the product and then consider which one is better than which one!"

"So, if they come from the same industry, let them buy it hard. Even if it is a [-]% discount, there is still a profit on their side."

"As long as the quality of our products is maintained, there is no problem with the gradual development of fame. Now you can only see that he is busy every day, but if you wait for a few months, maybe you will be even busier. But come here, people always have to lie to themselves, I believe you can definitely do it and won't disappoint me."

He Jincheng said with a smile, his eyes full of encouragement.

"Brother He, I won't say anything else, thank you for looking up to me, Gao Ziqiang, I will be your little brother from now on!"

Gao Ziqiang said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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