Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 172 Chinese medicine methods, door-to-door collection of money

Chapter 172 Chinese medicine methods, door-to-door collection of money
Shanbaozhai's business is getting better and better, and it won't be long before its own medical center will definitely have business.

On this day, He Jincheng sat in the medical hall and looked at an ancient medical book that he had just bought from Qiangu Street. There were many things in this book that He Jincheng had never seen before, and there were many places to learn from.

For example, it talks about the method one.

In fact, in Chinese medicine, prescriptions and methods are two different concepts.

What kind of prescription to use, and how to decoct the medicine, are all very particular.

For example, on decoction, how many bowls of water are there, how many bowls are decocted, and how many bowls of medicinal soup are taken.

Another example is rapid frying on a strong fire, slow frying on a warm fire, and so on.

Another thing that surprised He Jincheng was the statement that form complements form.

We ordinary people say that what we eat can replenish what we eat. For example, if there is ischemia, we can eat more duck blood to replenish blood, and if we are deficient in calcium, we can take calcium tablets to supplement calcium.

In Chinese medicine, there are similar conclusions.

This medical book introduces a case.

It is said that an old lady was frightened by a snake one day, and then suddenly her heart hurt like a knife, and she was lying on the bed and could not move.

The family invited a local old Chinese doctor. As soon as the old Chinese doctor took the pulse, he said that the old lady should not die and there was nothing serious. Then he prescribed a prescription and asked the family to fry it for the old lady. .

In this prescription, there is a medicine lead, which is for sheep's heart.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the heart of the sheep can replenish yang qi, and it can restore yang and save the adversity.

He Jincheng had heard of this method before, but he had never used it.

Seeing this method of decocting medicine today really opened my eyes, and my medical skills have also improved a bit.

Just as He Jincheng was reading the book with relish, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside. You don't need to look up to know that the sound must be the sound of high heels.

He Jincheng was a little surprised. In this day and age, there are women who wear high heels, but they are definitely not many. Basically, they are rich people. I don’t know who came to him for medical treatment. Could it be that he cured Mr. Lu Yuan yesterday? After going out, someone came to seek medical advice?

When I looked up, I saw that the person who came was indeed a woman, wearing a red cheongsam, with bright colors on her face, she looked quite festive.

Looking at her feet again, she was indeed wearing a pair of high heels, which sounded very crisp.

"Is your boss here? Let him speak out!"

As soon as the woman came in, she just glanced at He Jincheng, and looked around, as if she had decided that He Jincheng was just a boy.

He Jincheng frowned slightly. Judging from the beauty's tone, it seemed that she didn't come to see a doctor.

Generally speaking, when a doctor enters a medical clinic, the first sentence must be to ask where the doctor is, and he would never ask where the boss is.

"What's the matter with you?"

He Jincheng asked lightly.

"I can't tell you. I'm looking for your boss. Let him come out. You don't even know how to say hello to me when you open a shop. Your boss is a newcomer and doesn't understand the rules of this ancient street!"

The woman sat down on the chair as if she had entered her own home, and said with a displeased face.

"I don't know who you are, eldest sister? We are a small shop, newcomers, really don't know the rules, please give me some advice!"

He Jincheng didn't know the purpose of the other party's visit. Although he felt a little unhappy, he still said very kindly.

"Hehe, you still have some sharp eyesight, okay, I'll tell you! The people on the road will save face and call me Sister Xiang. Anyone who opens a shop on Qiangu Street will pay some money every month." Money, you have been in business for a month, and you have not received a dime until now, does this mean that you are not going to continue?"

Sister Xiang crossed Erlang's legs, revealing her long snow-white legs, and laughed.

"Partial money? What is this part of money used for?"

He Jincheng understood in his heart that he was here to collect protection fees, but he didn't expect it to be a beautiful woman.

"What are you doing? Are you kidding me? You don't need to hire people for the sanitation and security of this street. You shopkeepers, don't pay for it, do you still want to use this street for nothing?"

Sister Xiang stared at He Jincheng like she was looking at an idiot.

"Oh, so that's the case. I wonder how much the money is? Our boss is not at home. Sister Xiang, please tell me first. When my boss comes back, I will tell him!"

He Jincheng said suddenly.

"However, 50 yuan a month will ensure that your business will prosper and you will make a lot of money!"

Sister Xiang thought why Jincheng was on the road, so she smiled and offered a price.

"50 yuan a month?"

He Jincheng thought he heard it wrong. These days, a factory worker's monthly salary is only a few tens of dollars.

This woman pays 50 yuan per mouth, which is worse than stealing money!

"Why, 50 yuan is too much. Those of you who open a store don't make thousands of dollars a month? You don't want to spend [-] yuan, so don't open a store here!"

As she spoke, Sister Xiang tapped lightly with her hand on the table, as if the old god was there, and she was not afraid of He Jincheng's disapproval.

"What if we don't give it?"

He Jincheng stared at Sister Xiang and asked with a smile.

"No, boy, do you think I'm joking with you? This is Qiangu Street, not your home. If you don't give me a share, you can try it! I can let your medical center open until tomorrow!"

Sister Xiang sneered, "I'm talking nonsense with you little guy, let your boss come out!"

"I'm the boss, and the store next door is also mine. Haven't you gone yet?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, looked at the other party playfully and said.


Sister Xiang stood up all of a sudden, with a bit of anger on her face.

"Are you kidding me? You are new here, so I advise you to be more honest!"

"Please go back, I don't need your help here!"

He Jincheng put away his smiling face and said coldly.

He was not used to collecting protection money on his own head.

"Good boy, let's wait and see, I hope you can still laugh tomorrow!"

Sister Xiang smiled coldly, then turned around and left.

He Jincheng sneered, and continued to sit in the medical hall and read his medical books.

After a while, Gao Ziqiang ran over, his face was not very good-looking.

"Brother He, a woman came to collect protection money from me just now!"

As soon as he came in, Gao Ziqiang said cursingly.

"How did you do it?"

He Jincheng looked at Gao Ziqiang and said with a smile.

"Of course he was scolded by me. He really didn't know what to do. He even dared to accept Brother Qiang's protection fee without inquiring about it. We weren't too scared!"

Gao Ziqiang said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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