Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 174 Arrogant and domineering, Li Chundong fainted with anger

Chapter 174 Arrogant and domineering, Li Chundong fainted with anger
"Do you still have the guts to ask the rules?"

The tall and thin man sneered, pointed at He Jincheng's nose and said, "Tell you, our words are the rules, and if you say you don't follow the rules, you must be breaking the rules! If you dare to talk too much, the fine will be doubled!"

"You guys are so powerful!"

At this time, Lu Changdong couldn't stand it any longer, and sneered, "I think you are the emperor yourself!"

Those few people were stunned for a moment. They looked at Lu Changdong carefully, wondering what kind of person he was, and they spoke in a loud tone, because they couldn't figure out the depth for a while, and they didn't dare to say anything when they saw the other person's extraordinary appearance. action.

"How many times have I told you to enforce the law in a civilized manner!"

After all, the fat section chief is more experienced, so he turned back with one sentence.

He patted his beer belly with a smile and said, "Ask about the rules, right? Okay, I'll tell you the rules."

As he said that, he picked up He Jincheng's doctor's license, "Did you see that? This certificate was issued by your Shanbei County. This is Nandu City, not your Shanbei County. The certificate needs to be re-registered, understand? There is no re-registration. Registering is equivalent to practicing medicine without a license!"

This fat man still has two skills to become the section chief, and he can really scare people by saying a few words.

However, what he said was just to scare ordinary people.

For He Jincheng, this fat man was just looking for trouble.

"Did you hear that? This is the law. If you refuse to accept it, you have the guts to sue us!"

The few people who followed the fat man sneered and were extremely proud.

"Bad elements like you who don't obey the management and resist the law, directly withhold their certificates, and then punish them harshly, until you don't dare to say a word of nonsense!"

These few people were talking in a hurry, and their faces were full of sarcasm.

From their point of view, today this kid can only accept the punishment.

Lu Changdong was so angry that his face turned blue, really good, this is the first time he heard that the certificate issued by Shanbei County can no longer be used in Nandu!
Moreover, when He Jincheng opened a small clinic, he had already gone through all the relevant procedures. If it really couldn't be used, the licensing agency would explain it right from the start.

So, these fat guys definitely came here to make trouble on purpose.

Even if you meet all the requirements, he can find other problems for you.

Even if you can't find it today, you can find it tomorrow. In short, it must make you unlucky.

To deal with this kind of person, it is useless to talk about it. If this is the case, then there is no need to be polite!

"Doctor Li, I remember that you also opened a Chinese medicine clinic. I wonder if anyone told you this when you opened your business?"

Lu Changdong said with a sneer.

"I've been a doctor for so many years, and I've never heard of this kind of reasoning. Doctor He, don't worry. I happen to know their leaders. I'm going to call their leaders and ask them about it!"

Speaking of which, Li Chundong picked up the landline at the medical center and dialed a number.

For convenience, He Jincheng also spent a lot of money to install this landline phone. Fortunately, Shanbaozhai is relatively profitable now, so installing a landline is still no problem.

"Call, I'll stand here, waiting for you to finish this call!"

The fat man did not care about it, and even took out the cigarette case, knocked out a cigarette, lit it with a match, and smoked slowly.

He didn't think these few people would know his leader.

I do this kind of thing a lot on weekdays, even the leaders, they just turn a blind eye, even if they really know their leaders, at worst they just say a few nice words and leave. , without any loss at all.

Li Chundong held the phone, and soon the voice of the switcher came.

"Transfer me to Director Hou of the Health Bureau!"

Li Chundong's tone was very bad, and he spoke directly.

The fat man frowned slightly when he heard the words, and thought that this old boy really knew his leader. Director Hou is the deputy director of their health bureau, who is in charge of health inspection and other work, and is also the leader of their department.

If this old boy had a good relationship with his director, he might really be scolded.

Thinking of this, Fatty backed down a little.

But soon, the fat man noticed that Lu Changdong's complexion was a bit unsightly.

The call was transferred, but no one answered it. Lu Changdong called several times, and finally someone answered, but said that Director Hou had gone out to attend an important meeting and was not in the office.

This made Li Chundong a little embarrassed.

I didn't expect that in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, there would still be times when I was deflated!

It's really unreasonable, I came here today to make friends with Qin Ze, I didn't expect that such a small matter could not be solved, I'm still a famous doctor in Southern Metropolis, it's so embarrassing!
Seeing Li Chundong's expression, the worries in Fatty's heart were swept away.

Sure enough, this group of people was just bluffing. In fact, they had no background at all, they were just scaring themselves!

It's ridiculous, I grew up so big, do you think he grew up?
"Can't get through? Did you remember the number wrongly? Would you like us to provide you with Director Zhang's number."

The fat man laughed endlessly, his face full of sneer and complacency.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, first withhold the certificate! Then issue the punishment notice!"

Director Hou's name is on the bulletin board at the entrance of the Health Bureau.

So it's not surprising that Director Hou said the three words.

This means that you know our Director Hou, but who does our Director Hou know you!

The subordinates at the side immediately took out a punishment notice: revoked license, fined two thousand.

The chapters on this notice were all pre-stamped, and it was obvious that they came prepared.

"Boy, I limit you to pay the fine at our department and accept the punishment within 48 hours, otherwise I will bear the consequences!"

The fat man said with a sneer, and then he waved his hand and was about to lead people away.

"You bastard, stop! you know who I am!"

Li Chundong was also dizzy with anger, and unexpectedly said such a non-standard sentence. He put his hand in his pocket and was about to take out his work card. Although he couldn't control these people, he still had some reputation in Nandu , to frighten them, is enough.

He Jincheng stretched out his hand and stopped Li Chundong.

Li Chundong is just a Chinese medicine doctor. Although he is famous, this fat man is so arrogant and domineering. How could he be afraid of Li Chundong because of his reputation?
Besides, if Lu Changdong reveals his identity, people still won't buy it and spread the word, so how can Li Chundong hang around in the medical and health field in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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