Chapter 175
The fat man really stopped when Li Chundong called him out, thinking that there was something really special about him.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from Lu Changdong, so he couldn't help getting angry.

"You shitty thing, I've put up with you for a long time, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Brother, calm down, why should you have the same knowledge as this kind of person!"

The subordinates on the side quickly persuaded and looked at Lu Changdong with a mocking face.

"We don't know who you are. It's fine for Director Hou to know. Why don't you feel wronged? You can talk to Director Hou. You have such a good relationship. If you tell Director Hou, we will all be unlucky, right?"

As he spoke, he spit at Li Chundong loudly, then supported the fat man and prepared to leave.

Li Chundong was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

I have been in the medical and health field for so many years, how have I ever been humiliated like this, I didn't expect to be humiliated like this in front of a few villains today, it is really hateful!

Li Chundong was so angry that he couldn't speak, only felt his eyes darkened, and almost passed out.

Qin Ze quickly supported Li Chundong, feeling extremely angry towards these people.

"Boy, remember, 48 hours, more than 48 hours, you will bear the consequences!"

Before the fat man left, he didn't forget to warn He Jincheng.

He Jincheng took a deep breath and glanced at the other party coldly.

"I hope you can still be so arrogant in two days!"

"Hehe, maybe we will meet in another place in two days. I hope you can still be as stubborn as you are now!"

The fat man said coldly, and then stepped forward to leave.


At this moment, Lu Changdong, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

He stood up slowly, with a cold look in his eyes.

At the same time, the two bodyguards beside him also followed behind him, walking towards the fat man and the others.

"What's the matter, do you still want to resist the law? Bringing two bodyguards is really intimidating. Are you going to hit me? Are you going to hit me?"

When the fat man saw that Lu Changdong was full of style, he immediately became angry.

He was used to being arrogant, and he felt very uncomfortable when he saw someone who was even more arrogant than himself.

"I have never heard of such a request. You have all heard it. He asked you to call. What are you doing?"

Lu Changdong said lightly.

The two bodyguards behind them couldn't take it anymore, and as soon as Lu Changdong finished speaking, they rushed over.

Before the fat man could react, a fist the size of a sandbag landed on their heads.

Usually, they are lazy and domineering, Fatty and the others have no combat power at all, but within a minute, they were all beaten to the ground by Lu Changdong's bodyguards.

"Bastards, you dare to beat public officials. I think you are tired of your life! I want to call the police and arrest you all immediately!"

The fat man screamed from the beating, and kept shouting.

"Okay, I'll let you go and call the police alone, and I'll wait here! I want to see if the sky in Nandu City can be covered with one hand!"

Lu Changdong didn't talk too much harshly, he just sat on the chair, and he really looked like he was waiting for the other party to call the police to deal with him.

The fat man's eyeballs rolled and he thought to himself, could this be some kind of big shot?

Not at all afraid.

But after thinking about it, I was a public official, and I was beaten, no matter who it was, the nature must be extremely bad, and after calling the police, I would save myself from being beaten up.

"Okay, okay, you have the guts, that Xiao Wang, you go to Captain Ma right now, this group of people must be gangsters, let's take them down together!"

As soon as the fat man opened his mouth, he put a big hat on Lu Changdong and asked one of his men to call the police.

"Uncle Lu, this is too troublesome, let's forget it, I can handle this matter!"

Qin Ze was a little embarrassed.

This fat man must be with Sister Xiang, and he came here to deliberately mess with him so that he could pay the so-called share money, which has nothing to do with Lu Changdong and the others.

Qin Ze feels very sorry for being involved in such a matter for no reason.

Lu Changdong is also over 50 years old, so it is not wrong for Qin Ze to call Uncle Lu.

"Hahaha, Xiao He, just based on your words, Uncle Lu, I'll make the decision for you today! Don't worry about watching the show, they won't be able to turn the world around!"

Lu Changdong laughed out loud, looking very happy.

He Jincheng was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Lu Changdong seemed to have a strong background.

He didn't know that Lu Changdong once held an important position in Nandu City, and now 80.00% of Nandu's defense and security departments were once Lu Changdong's subordinates or apprentices.

In the health system, Lu Changdong can't speak, but in the public security system, he is a highly respected senior, not to mention a small captain, even if their chief comes here, he has to respectfully call Lu Changdong a big brother!

"Hey, how embarrassing does this make me!"

He Jincheng sighed and said, but seeing how persistent Lu Changdong was, he didn't say anything more.

Come to think of it, one thing that I thought was very troublesome, maybe in Lu Changdong's eyes, it wasn't a big deal at all.

"Doctor He, don't worry, Mr. Lu is not a soft persimmon. Someone is destined to be unlucky today, but it is definitely not you or Mr. Lu!"

Li Chundong was also relieved at this time, and when he saw Lu Changdong make a move, there was a gloating expression on his face.

It would be strange if this fat man hadn't been stripped of his skin today!

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and it was that sister Xiang who came.

After Sister Xiang notified Fatty today, she thought that the matter should be dealt with almost, so she came over to watch the show and collect some money by the way.

She has been in this business for four or five years, and she has never failed.

It must be the same today, that kid He Jincheng will beg for mercy as soon as he sees him, so I have to charge double the money, oh no, triple it.

This is the consequence of offending your sister Xiang!

"How about it, have you figured it out..."

Sister Xiang walked into the medical hall, and opened her mouth to say if she had figured it out, but she found the fat man lying on the ground, stepped on the ground by two strong bodyguards, and she was stunned.

But soon, Sister Xiang realized what was going on, and turned around to leave.

She knew that she must have been kicked to the iron plate. Even public officials dared to beat her. If she stayed here, wouldn't she be making fun of herself?

"Sister Xiang, since you're here, sit down and have a cup of tea before leaving!"

He Jincheng also saw Sister Xiang and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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