Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 176 Sister Xiang's background, Lu Changdong self-declared his family

Chapter 176 Sister Xiang's background, Lu Changdong self-declared his family
"Ah? Did you recognize the wrong person? I may have gone to the wrong place. I'm sorry!"

With that said, Sister Xiang stepped on her high heels and was about to go outside.

With Lu Changdong's look, a bodyguard quickly walked over and stopped Sister Xiang.

"Sister Xiang, we just met yesterday, how could we admit our mistake? Look, your friend is still here, and you don't know him anymore?"

He Jincheng chuckled, and pointed to the fat man lying on the ground.

Sister Xiang's face was extremely ugly.

Fatty and the others came here because of her relationship, and the purpose was to close He Jincheng's medical clinic and teach him a lesson.

Using this method in the past, many thorns who disobeyed the management, but they would be obedient in two days, and even paid double share money.

But looking at the situation today, it is obvious that he has stepped on an iron plate.

What is the background of the other party, even public officials dare to fight, this is too arrogant!

Looking at the tall and burly bodyguard, Sister Xiang knew that she would not be able to leave easily today, and looked at He Jincheng coldly.

"Boss, those who hang out on the road are all making money by being friendly. There's no need to make it so embarrassing! The matter of the share money, let's stop here, let me and my friends leave, let's forget about this matter, we promise that in the future I will never trouble you, how about it?"

Sister Xiang has been on this street for several years, and she still has some strength and background, and she can get through the relationship between the upper and lower levels, so she won't be easily intimidated by He Jincheng's posture.

She felt that she had already given He Jincheng enough face by saying this, and the other party should accept it after meeting.

However, she did not expect that He Jincheng would not give any face, and shook his head directly and said: "Not so good! I heard that Sister Xiang is very popular in Qiangu Street. I wonder if you have a stronger background behind you? How about Call your relationship over, let's talk together, once and for all!"

He Jincheng didn't want to worry about this kind of thing in the future, so he just settled the matter once while Lu Changdong was here.

With Lu Changdong's status in Nandu City, no matter whether he is a high-ranking official or a wealthy businessman, he should give some face.

No matter how great this sister Xiang's background energy is, it is impossible for her to surpass the Lu family.

"Boss, are you really going to get things out of hand? I warn you, if I let my backer come, you will all be out of luck!"

The person behind Sister Xiang has a lot of background, and she doesn't want to use the energy behind it unless she has to.

"Hmph, what a big tone, I want to see who is supporting you! Fifth, have you called the police and when will you arrive?"

Lu Changdong snorted coldly, his voice was cold and full of momentum.

"The police have been called, and the security team will be here soon!"

The bodyguard named Lao Wu said immediately.

When Sister Xiang heard this, her face became even uglier. She didn't expect that the other party even called the police.

This time, if you don't use the energy behind you, it won't work!

"You guys are really emboldened. Bullying a weak woman like me is a hero. If you have the ability, let me call too!"

Sister Xiang said bitterly.

"Okay, there is a phone here, just call!"

Lu Changdong pointed to the landline phone in the clinic, and said with a sneer.

Sister Xiang hesitated in her heart, but if she didn't call her backer over today, she might not be able to pass this hurdle, so she gritted her teeth, walked to the phone, picked up the phone, dialed a number, and called .

After ten seconds, the call was connected.

"Brother Liao, are you busy? I have encountered some troubles here. Fatty and the others were beaten. Yes, yes, they were beaten very badly. They are here at the Xinsheng Medical Center in Qiangu Street. There are many of them. Okay, okay, then come here quickly, these people are really shameful, even public officials are beaten, you must be the master for us!"

After answering the phone, Sister Xiang made a call in a soft voice.

After hanging up the phone, the anxious look on her face disappeared, and she looked at He Jincheng and the others with a bit of sarcasm and contempt.

A bunch of savages, dare to fight against my aunt and me, seek death!
"Did you finish the phone call? Then let's wait for your backer to come over!"

Lu Changdong said coldly.

"Hmph, just wait, when you will cry!"

Sister Xiang snorted coldly, sat down on a chair, raised Erlang's legs, her face was full of sarcasm and pride.

My relationship was with Liao, the leader of Nandu's health department.

Over the years, leader Liao has a share of the money he has collected. It can be said that the two are grasshoppers on the same rope, and leader Liao will never sit back and let him be bullied.

Soon, a siren sounded outside.

Then I saw a group of big caps walking in, the leader had a scar on his face and a sneer on his face.

"I received a call from the police, saying that there was a fight here. Are you the ones who beat people?"

The man with the scar was obviously the one Fatty and the others called the police.

"who are you?"

Lu Changdong looked at the other party and asked lightly.

"Hmph, I'm the cavalry team of the Nancheng Security Department, who are you? If you dare to beat someone in broad daylight, come with me to the bureau!"

The cavalry snorted coldly, especially when they saw the fat man being pressed to the ground with their noses bruised and faces swollen, they felt even more angry.

Fatty respects himself a lot on weekdays, and he can be said to be his own people, yet someone dares to touch them, it's so boring!

"Presumptuous! This is Lu Changdong, the eldest son of the Lu family. Can you just scold him casually?"

The bodyguard Lao Wu couldn't help yelling, and reported Lu Changdong's identity.

The horse team was startled for a moment, and quickly turned it over in his mind, and suddenly thought of the Lu family in Lu Yuan's mansion, and his face immediately looked as embarrassed as if he had eaten a dead fly.

Ma De, what's going on with the Lu family!
Back then, Mr. Lu held a high position in Nandu City. Now many leaders are under Mr. Lu's subordinates.

Although the Lu family has devoted all their energy to doing business since Mr. Lu, their background energy cannot be underestimated!

In the entire Southern City, no one dared to provoke the Lu family, let alone the eldest son of the Lu family!
"Cavalry, arrest all these people quickly, it's too arrogant, it's too arrogant, we are performing official duties normally, it's fine if they refuse to cooperate, and beat them up, look at us all being beaten into pieces What is it like!"

As soon as the fat man saw the cavalry team coming, his eyes lit up, and he felt confident. Although he was still pinned to the ground by Lu Changdong's bodyguards, he already dared to speak out.

(End of this chapter)

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