Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 180 Seeing a doctor quickly, breaking the pulse of the other party's age

Chapter 180 Seeing a doctor quickly, breaking the pulse of the other party's age

He Jincheng frowned, and he took a big look, the young man was fine, obviously he was looking for trouble!

His face was a bit ugly, so he said coldly: "If you want to see a doctor, go to the queue, don't you see so many people waiting?"

Chen Li glared, and said displeasedly: "I'm in the emergency department, so you have to show me first. Is there anyone like you who runs a medical clinic? Can't you see the priorities?"

"Whether it's light or heavy, I have my own measure. It's not your turn to point and point, go back and line up for me, otherwise, I can only ask you out!"

Naturally, He Jincheng would not be polite to such a person who took the initiative to seek trouble.

This kind of person is the same as Sister Xiang's cavalry team, and it doesn't make sense to reason with them. You can only fight head-on, let them know that you are not easy to mess with, and naturally there will be no next time.

"Don't show it to me? I think you are a quack doctor at all, you are afraid of showing your feet!"

Chen Li said with a sneer.

He was just here to ask for trouble, and he had already thought up a lot of excuses, so he answered fluently.

"I don't know if I'm showing my feet or not. I only know that when you see a doctor in my clinic, you can only follow my rules. If you don't line up, please leave! Otherwise, I will call the police!"

He Jincheng said angrily that he didn't want to talk nonsense with this person anymore, so he got up and helped the old man over.

Chen Li wanted to say something more, but those who were honestly waiting in line were not happy.

"Young man, why are you like this? Everyone is queuing honestly, why are you still jumping in line!"

"That's right, young man, it's a new society now, we should be more civilized and polite. It's wrong for you to do so!"

"Hurry up and queue up, don't waste everyone's time!"

The patients said one after another that Chen Li blushed and felt very angry. He had no choice but to go out honestly and line up again.

Looking at the more than 30 people in front of him, Chen Li felt even more angry.

"Surnamed He, just wait for me, I want you to look good later!"

Chen Li cursed secretly in his heart, if he didn't ruin He Jincheng's reputation today, his surname would not be Chen!
Seeing Chen Li honestly queuing up, He Jincheng ignored him and continued to see patients with peace of mind.

The old man had a back injury, and he said he had twisted his waist. He Jincheng massaged the old man for a while, and gave him two more needles. The old man immediately felt that his waist was much lighter.

"Oh, Dr. He, everyone said that you are a miracle doctor. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect it to be so miraculous. It took a lot of effort. I feel that my waist is more than half healed!"

The old man had been walking cautiously and tremblingly just now, but after He Jincheng's treatment, he immediately became much lighter.

Even people who don't know medical skills can tell that the old man's symptoms have improved a lot, and they all praised He Jincheng for his excellent medical skills.

"Old man, you have to be careful at ordinary times. I'll give you a prescription. I'll buy medicine and go home. Apply hot compresses once a day. Don't do heavy work for the next ten days. Otherwise, it's easy to relapse!"

He Jincheng wrote a prescription, took the medicine again, and told him.

The old man nodded repeatedly, thanking He Jincheng a thousand times, and after paying, he took the medicine and left, with an excited smile on his face when he left.

The real patients were all in a good mood seeing this scene.

I just came to see a doctor. The doctor's medical skills are so good, which is definitely a good thing for me. Of course they are happy.

Only Chen Li snorted, with a bit of disdain on his face.

He said in his heart that the old man was probably entrusted by He Jincheng. If he was a real patient, how could he recover so quickly.

Even if he let his master Feng Jinde come to treat him, it is impossible for him to recover so quickly.

In Chen Li's eyes, his master's medical skills are already the best, and He Jincheng's grade is about the same as his own, how could he have such superb medical skills.

False, must be false!

Among the more than 30 people who lined up, more than [-]% were invited by this kid.

I will let Lao Tzu expose you later, and see if you can still open a medical clinic.

Chen Li thought so, and he was not in a hurry, so he slowly lined up behind.

He Jincheng sees a doctor very quickly, basically as soon as he takes the pulse, he can give a conclusion in three to five minutes, and then start treatment.

On average, it takes less than 10 minutes for a patient to be cured and leave.

Seeing this speed, Chen Li became even more convinced that He Jincheng must be a quack who only fools the common people.

After seeing a patient in 10 minutes, those who didn't know thought it was a joke.

When the business of Donglin Medical Center used to be good, there were no more than 20 patients a day at most, which was enough for Master and myself to work hard for a day.

He Jincheng is the only one in the Xinsheng Medical Center, and he can still be so orderly.

If these patients were not invited, Chen Li would not believe it.

Even though He Jincheng's speed was fast, it was already around three o'clock in the afternoon when it was Chen Li's turn.

He Jincheng has been so busy seeing a doctor that he didn't even have a meal.

But at this time, there were a lot of people lined up behind Chen Li. He Jincheng hadn't made a good plan before, so he had divided the number into morning and afternoon, so that he could at least give himself some time to eat.

When it was time for Chen Li, He Jincheng wanted to eat something. How could Chen Li let He Jincheng go? He had been queuing up here for four or five hours, his legs were numb, so he ran to He Jincheng sat down in front of him.

"Doctor He, right? It's my turn now!"

Chen Li said with a cold snort.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?"

He Jincheng glanced at Chen Li, and thought that if he didn't clean up this kid today, he might come and make trouble for him in the future, so he might as well clean up this kid once, so as to save trouble in the future.

"What's wrong with me, as a doctor, can't you see it?"

Chen Li was going to say nothing, but I want to see if you have the ability to see what's wrong with my body.

He Jincheng knew the other party's plan, so he didn't ask any more, and reached out his hand to give Chen Li a pulse.

"Judging from your pulse, you should be 23-[-] this year!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

This surprised Chen Li a little.

It was the first time he heard that a person's age could be seen from the pulse condition.

Be fooled, this kid must be fooled.

"Doctor He, I'm here to see a doctor, not to tell a fortune. My age doesn't seem to have anything to do with seeing a doctor!"

Chen Li said very disdainfully.

"That's not entirely true. A person's age also represents his growth stage. Do you think that the body of a young man in his 20s can be compared with that of an old man in his 80s or [-]s?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, and blocked Chen Li's words with one sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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