Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 181 He Jincheng promised to verify the nonsense

Chapter 181 He Jincheng promised to verify the nonsense
"Hmph, then go on!"

Chen Li's face flushed a little, and he snorted coldly.

He Jincheng took his pulse without haste, and stopped talking. After waiting for about 3 minutes, he withdrew his hand, stared at Chen Li, and looked up and down.

Chen Li felt terrified when He Jincheng looked at him, and said impatiently: "He Jincheng, what do you mean by this, what disease do I have, you tell me!"

But He Jincheng shook his head slightly, with a look of regret on his face.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity to have this disease at such a young age!"

Hearing the meaning of He Jincheng's words, it seemed that Chen Li had suffered from some terminal illness.

This made Chen Li's face even uglier.

"What do you mean, tell me clearly, if you can't explain clearly, it means you are a quack doctor!"

He is clearly not sick at all, he is also an apprentice of traditional Chinese medicine, he still knows some medical principles, how could he be fooled by He Jincheng with a single word.

"Hey, this patient, I'm not scaring you. You do have serious hidden dangers, but you can't see them through general examinations. But if you don't get treatment as soon as possible, your two legs may not be able to survive within half a year. It's gone!"

He Jincheng sighed and said with a serious face.

"Nonsense! My legs are fine, how could I lose them? I think you are a quack doctor who can only fool people!"

Chen Li was startled for a moment, then said with a sneer.

In order to prove that his leg was fine, he also stood up and kicked two high kicks.

"Look, do I look like I have a leg problem? This kid, about my age, even dares to open a medical clinic. I think you are big enough. Don't you know that Chinese medicine pays attention to qualifications? The older you are In Chinese medicine, the higher the medical skill, the better this kid is, he is just fooling you!"

It can be regarded as having caught He Jincheng's handle, of course Chen Li will seize and smear him severely!
As for what He Jincheng said, his legs would have problems within half a year, he didn't believe it at all, it was pure nonsense!
"Scaremongering, I don't believe it anymore. I am a good person, and I will become disabled immediately when I come to you. He Jincheng, your trick is just to scare ordinary people. You want to scare me?"

Chen Li's face was full of sarcasm, and he said disdainfully.

He Jincheng glanced at Chen Li with eyes full of pity, and shook his head slightly.

"The doctor is benevolent. I reminded you out of good intentions. Since you don't believe me, please go back. I have no obligation to treat you."

After waving his hand, He Jincheng was ready to let the next patient come over.

"He Jincheng, what do you mean, you want to send me away after talking nonsense? Let me tell you, if you don't say something today, you can't even think about opening this broken hospital. Don't even think about seeing a doctor!"

Of course Chen Li wouldn't just leave like this, his purpose was to tarnish He Jincheng's reputation.

Now that He Jincheng has a loophole, he naturally cannot miss this great opportunity.

"Why are you like this? You don't believe in Dr. He, but you insist on asking Dr. He to treat you. You really are looking for a doctor when you are not sick!"

Other patients can't stand it anymore.

Some of them are sensible. This Chen Li has been messing around since he came here. It's too much not to let everyone see a doctor now.

"What does it have to do with you? I want you to talk too much! I'm questioning He Jincheng now, isn't he a doctor? Didn't he say that I will be paralyzed within half a year, so you can prove it to me!"

Chen Li sneered, as if he had grasped He Jincheng, and said very proudly.

"It's really unreasonable. I know you. You belong to Donglin Medical Center. You must be jealous of Dr. He's good business here, so you came here to make trouble. Don't pay attention to him, Dr. He, we all trust you!"

Someone pointed out Chen Li's origin, and as soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Chen Li angrily.

Many of them actually came here for the first time to see a doctor, but they just heard that He Jincheng's medical skills are good.

In the end, when Chen Li came to make trouble, they thought it was He Jincheng who had some problem, but they didn't expect it to be a colleague running over to touch the dark. This is really shameless.

"What nonsense, it's true that I work for Donglin Medical Center, but I didn't make trouble. My master and his old man just took my pulse yesterday. There is nothing wrong with me. This He Jincheng actually said that I was going to be paralyzed. You said he What is not a quack?"

Chen Li didn't panic, he now had He Jincheng's handle, so what's there to be afraid of?

Even if he files a lawsuit with the police, he will not lose.

As long as He Jincheng can be ruined, no one will say anything about what he has done.

The crowd was so angry that some even rolled up their sleeves and wanted to hit this kid.

However, He Jincheng stood up and stopped everyone.

"There is no need to be angry with this kind of person, please listen to me!"

He Jincheng was very grateful for everyone's trust in him. If he didn't convince Chen Li today, he would feel sorry for them.

Everyone fell silent and looked at He Jincheng.

"First of all, thank you for your trust in me. I, He Jincheng, would like to express my apologies to everyone. Although I don't know the reason, it is our hospital's fault to let people with ulterior motives come here to disturb your medical treatment."

"Secondly, in order to be worthy of everyone's trust in me, I am willing to verify what I just said in front of everyone, and invite everyone to be a witness."

He Jincheng smiled and cupped his hands towards the crowd.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but He Jincheng really planned to verify it with Chen Li.

"Doctor He, there's no need, this kid is here to make trouble, why bother with him?"

Someone persuaded.

"Hehe, you people, Dr. He has already said that he wants to verify it for me, what are you talking about?"

Of course, Chen Li couldn't let these patients spoil his good deeds, so he said loudly immediately.

"You bastard, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

Everyone was furious.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive. Why are you angry with a person who will soon be disabled? Come here, and I will tell you why you are paralyzed."

He Jincheng waved his hand towards everyone, signaling to everyone to be calm, and then looked at He Li.

"Hmph, I want to see what kind of tricks you kid is up to!"

Chen Li snorted coldly, and walked up to He Jincheng.

"Please stand still and tell me first, how do your legs feel right now?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"How do you feel? Hehe, it's just a normal feeling. Hurry up, my time is precious, but I don't have the time to argue with you here!"

Chen Li said impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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