Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 182 Shocking Test, Have You Heard of People With ALS?

Chapter 182 Shocking Test, Have You Heard of People With ALS?
"Very good, that is to say, you think you are normal now, right!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"Of course, I have no problem at all, haven't I said it many times?"

Chen Li said with a cold snort.

He Jincheng didn't say anything more, and took out a nine-inch long silver needle from the needle bag, looked at Chen Li and said: "Next, I will use the silver needle, and my needle will pierce it down. , if there is any reaction, let me know!"

Chen Li reluctantly responded, and sat there motionless.

I have also tried acupuncture and moxibustion, but I don't feel that it is of great use.

He Jincheng took out silver needles to play acupuncture, this is playing big swords in front of Guan Gong!
Let's see how I expose you later!
"You don't feel anything now, it's just that your disease is hidden too deeply. If you can feel it, it will be too late. I will give you an injection in the eye right now, so that you can understand the reality of your body first." Condition!"

Before Chen Li could react, He Jincheng just said a word, and raised the needle. Before Chen Li could respond, the needle had already pierced the opponent's eye.

The onlookers around were stunned for a moment, my mother, if you pierce in this time, you have to pierce your eyes.

Chen Li was also taken aback, he wanted to move but dared not move.

However, after waiting for a few seconds, I found that my eyes didn't feel at all, and then I calmed down a little. I thought in my heart that He Jincheng is a bad guy, this is scaring myself!

Then he said coldly: "I don't feel anything."

"Okay, don't be afraid next time, just tell me if it hurts, and I will stop immediately!"

He Jincheng said lightly, and then continued to push in with the silver needle.

All the onlookers were heartbroken.

The atmosphere in the whole medical center froze. They watched He Jincheng's nearly foot-long silver needle go in inch by inch, and half of it went in in the blink of an eye.

Everyone often sees doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, and of course they have seen acupuncture and moxibustion.

But no one has ever seen He Jincheng do acupuncture like this, with such a long needle piercing through the eyes, it must have pierced the head?This is too scary!

"How do you feel now?"

He Jincheng asked again.

Chen Li also seemed to be a little scared. The needle was inserted inch by inch next to her eyes, and she could see it herself. The needle went in so long that Chen Li was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, and he didn't even dare to breathe. Yes, the face is tense.

Now Chen Li has no intention of trying to embarrass He Jincheng.

I just feel that my life is in He Jincheng's hands.

Then it went an inch further in, and He Jincheng stopped, twisted and lifted two fingers lightly, and then covered the end of the needle with his palm, as if he was feeling something.

During the whole process, Chen Li's face was tense, and his heart was in a panic. The cold sweat on his back soaked his clothes.

After a while, He Jincheng looked at Chen Li and asked lightly, "You should feel it now?"

Chen Li looked nervous, and said, "No... I haven't felt it yet."

He was a little scared.

The nine-inch-long silver needle pierced in like this, and I didn't even feel it at all.

Isn't this sick, or what?

"It's not the feeling of needles, but other parts of the body. Is the leg numb?" He Jincheng asked.

Chen Li felt it, and said, "I can't feel my legs either!"

He Jincheng looked sideways at the surrounding patients and said, "Come here, pinch his leg!"

A middle-aged man nodded, Qianqian came in front of Chen Li, and then stretched out his hand to lightly pinch Chen Li's calf.

Chen Li's eyes widened suddenly, he was a little panicked, he didn't feel anything, "You try harder!"

The middle-aged man wrinkled slightly. Seeing this reaction, he knew something was wrong, so he added a little more strength to his hands.

"You try harder..."

Chen Li's voice trembled a little this time.

He couldn't feel his calf at all, being pinched twice, he had no intuition at all.

The middle-aged man pinched harder this time, and the naked eye could see a fleshy bump on his leg.

However, Chen Li still didn't respond at all.

This time, Chen Li's complexion really changed, and he was stunned. Could it be that he was really going to be paralyzed?He Jincheng didn't scare himself?
"Impossible, I can't be paralyzed!"

Chen Li exclaimed, but now he really can't feel anything, and he doesn't dare to move.

"Doctor He, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, you have to think of a way, I know this can't help you."

Since He Jincheng can see his illness, then he must have a solution.

He Jincheng nodded with a sullen face, and said, "I'll have another injection to see how serious the situation is!"

As he said that, He Jincheng twisted the silver needle lightly, took out the silver needle in less than three seconds, then raised Chen Li's right arm, and injected another needle on the arm.

Different from the previous one, Chen Li yelled as soon as this one went in, "It's so cold! I'm freezing to death!"

"Where is it cold?"

He Jincheng asked lightly.

Chen Li pointed to his legs and said, "Legs are cold! Very cold!"

Before he finished speaking, he shuddered a few times.

"Hold on!"

He Jincheng said something coldly, and then continued to do needles.

Chen Li shivered non-stop, as if he had stepped into a cold wind.

Three minutes later, He Jincheng took out the needle and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Chen Li stopped shivering, felt his legs carefully, and said, "It still seems a little cold!"

He Jincheng wound the silver needle round and round in his hand, and asked casually, "Where is it cold? To the ankle, or to the knee?"

Chen Lidao: "It seems that the feet are cold, the parts above the ankles don't seem to be cold anymore..."

He Jincheng put away the silver needle.

Sitting on the chair again, he stared at Chen Li and said indifferently: "Have you heard of people with gradual freezing? Your condition is not the most serious, but you feel cold below your ankles. If you feel cold above your knees, there is no medicine." It can be cured."

Chen Li could no longer believe He Jincheng's words, and said, "Then can I be cured?"

"It's not sure yet!" He Jincheng put his hands behind his back and said, "The two needles I just inserted have temporarily sealed the coldness in the feet, and I will take some medicine later. If the coldness disappears after taking the medicine That's it, that's good, if the coldness doesn't disappear or shows signs of spreading, then it will be more difficult."

When Chen Li heard this, he was both surprised and happy, and hurriedly begged He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, you need to save me. I don't want to be paralyzed. I'm only in my 20s. You are a genius doctor, so you must have a solution, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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