Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 184 Nandu Manor, Gu Fengyue's Opponent Appears

Chapter 184 Nandu Manor, Gu Fengyue's Opponent Appears
It is not allowed to drive in here, the car is parked in the parking lot at the door, after entering, there will be a shuttle bus to pick people up.

The two of them were asking the guard to verify the invitation letter, when suddenly two people, one old and one young, walked up not far away.

"Master Gu, you are here too!"

There was a bit of surprise and excitement in this voice.

Gu Fengyue turned her head to look, and the smile on her face suddenly cooled down.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, and looked at the person who spoke, thinking that the road to enemies is really narrow.

After the person who came saw He Jincheng, his face suddenly showed anger.

"Gu Fengyue, it's you, I didn't expect you to dare to come here? Aren't you afraid of embarrassment?"

The person who spoke was named Hu Zhengsheng, who, like Gu Fengyue, was an expert in Nandu Antiques.

However, there is a big gap between the two, and they have always taken care of each other pleasing to the eye.

Once they meet, both sides will fight to the death.

Hu Zhengsheng is a well-known antique connoisseur in Nandu City. There are as many antique calligraphy and paintings in his family, and he also has a great reputation in the antique circle of Nandu City.

"It turned out to be Master Hu. It seems that we are really destined. I heard that you have collected a lot of good things recently. Are you here to sell calligraphy and paintings today?"

Gu Fengyue smiled faintly.

"Gu Fengyue, you really dare to come, I want to let you have no face in the antique world!"

Hu Zhengsheng was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Why don't I dare to come, even people like you can come here. This person is your apprentice, he looks like a good seedling, don't teach him badly!"

Gu Fengyue said lightly.

"Are you Master Gu's apprentice? I want to compete with you!"

Hu Zhengsheng's land, Bai Ziqian looked at He Jincheng and asked indifferently.

"Young man, don't be too much of a person, being young and energetic is not good for you!"

He Jincheng comforted him with a faint smile.

"Really? What are young people called young people if they are not young and vigorous?"

Bai Ziqian smiled lightly, not paying attention at all.

"I hope you can still say such things after today!"

He Jincheng snorted coldly.

"Boy, what's your name, tell me if you have the guts!"

Hu Zhengsheng pointed at He Jincheng and said coldly.

"Hu Zhengsheng, I'm still here, I can't tolerate your nonsense!"

Gu Fengyue stood in front of He Jincheng and said in a deep voice.

He knew very well that Hu Zhengsheng was a man, and he had a grievance with He Jincheng, and he would definitely take revenge on He Jincheng in the future.

"Master Gu, you're just a dude. There's no need to worry so much. My name is He Jincheng. If you have the ability, come and take revenge on me!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Okay, okay, what a He Jincheng, you just wait for me, sooner or later I will deal with you!"

Hu Zhengsheng gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, let's go in, don't talk nonsense with such little people!"

Hu Zhengsheng said lightly, and then walked directly into the manor.

He is very famous, he is a frequent visitor to the manor, and the guard didn't stop him, so he let him go directly.

"Master Gu, don't you feel that you have lost your identity when you get entangled with this kind of person? He is just a nouveau riche with mud legs, and he is not of the same class as us!"

Hu Zhengsheng said with a sneer.

"Hu Zhengsheng, I advise you to take care of yourself. I don't need you to point out who I'm with!"

Gu Fengyue said coldly.

"Hmph, a dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart, Gu Fengyue, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

After speaking, Hu Zhengsheng turned his head and entered the manor.

"He Jincheng, are you okay? That Hu Zhengsheng is really annoying. Don't take what he said to heart. If I knew you had conflicts with him, I wouldn't let you come!"

Gu Fengyue said with a bit of apology.

"It's okay, you don't know, last time this Hu Zhengsheng was beaten all over the floor by me, if you were there, you would definitely laugh out loud!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"You, you are really bad enough! Well, let's go in too, I think there are quite a lot of people!"

Gu Fengyue said with a smile, and dragged He Jincheng into the manor.

After getting on the shuttle bus, we soon came to the backyard of the manor.

Here is a pond, which is full of lotus flowers, next to it is a gazebo, and there is a corridor.

The gazebo and the corridor are not small. There are already many people inside, and there are many tables with various antiques on them. It seems that it is what Gu Fengyue told He Jincheng before, it is freedom The place to trade.

Hu Zhengsheng and Hu Zhengsheng have also arrived here, chatting and exchanging around.

Seeing He Jincheng and Gu Fengyue coming, Hu Zhengsheng's eyes flashed a chill.

He had already notified his bodyguards that as soon as Gu Fengyue came out of the Shangcheng Manor, he would be surrounded and beaten up immediately. Only by making Gu Fengyue kneel down and begging for mercy could he relieve the anger in his heart.

As for He Jincheng, he must be unlucky!

"He Jincheng, you boy, just wait for me, I will definitely make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

Bai Ziqian calmly cabled the way.He secretly said in his heart.

On the other hand, He Jincheng didn't take Hu Zhengsheng seriously at all.

As a master of antiques, Gu Fengyue was very interested in the antiques at the scene. She took He Jincheng to look around and introduced him.

He Jincheng really didn't know much about this aspect, so he could only smile and listen to Gu Fengyue's explanation, nodding his head in response from time to time.

"Look at this Yuan blue and white flower, it is a treasure among blue and white flowers, and it is very valuable."

Gu Fengyue pointed to Yuan Qinghua on a table and said with a smile.

He Jincheng took a closer look, and felt that it was just a piece of porcelain. Looking at the price, it actually said 300 million.

He looked at the price carefully and was sure it was seven digits, secretly amazed in his heart.

Good guy, it costs 300 million for just such a thing, it really is for rich people!
"This is a Duan inkstone from the Ming Dynasty, which is even more expensive than that Yuan blue and white inkstone!"

Gu Fengyue pointed to a dark stone again, and said with a smile.

He Jincheng looked at it, and it cost 600 million, which made people's scalp tingle.

Hu Zhengsheng had been observing He Jincheng's side, seeing him constantly amazed, and he looked like he had never seen insomnia before, and he sneered in his heart.

"Sure enough, he's a country bumpkin who ran over without knowing anything!"

Hu Zhengsheng sneered endlessly, and his contempt for He Jincheng increased even more.

"You really don't understand anything?"

Gu Fengyue looked at He Jincheng and asked with a smile.

"That's right, I've never played with antiques before, and today I've opened my eyes with Sister Xiaoqian!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile.

There is nothing to hide, I really don't understand antiques.

These things can't be fooled by pretending, they will only attract others' jokes.

However, He Jincheng suddenly thought of something.

Not long in the future, a collector in the antique world took a picture of a painting from the early Qing Dynasty, only to find that the bottom of the painting was Tang Bohu's authentic painting, Spring Trees and Autumn Frost, which seemed to have sold for a high price of 9000 million.

(End of this chapter)

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