Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 185 Betting against each other, Gu Fengyue is really rich

Chapter 185 Betting against each other, Gu Fengyue is really rich
"It seems that it appeared at the auction, could it be here?"

He Jincheng suddenly thought of this, but he was a little uncertain.

Because he only knew that painting, which appeared to be painted by a Qing Dynasty painter, and the auction price was relatively low, more than 4000.

If he can really find that painting, he may be able to pick up the big leak.

So, He Jincheng wandered around here to see if he could find the painting.

As a result, after wandering around for a long time, he still didn't find it, which made him somewhat disappointed.

If you can pick up such a big leak, it will be extremely helpful to yourself.

Since it's not here, let's take a look at the auction.

"Do you understand antiques, kid? It's ridiculous that a person who doesn't understand antiques even came to the auction!"

Hu Zhengsheng finally couldn't help but ran over and sneered at He Jincheng.

"Hehe, it's none of your business whether I understand or not? Could it be that all the people who participated in the auction are experts in the antique world?"

He Jincheng smiled indifferently, and with a simple sentence, Hu Zhengsheng's words went back.

"Huh, you really have sharp teeth and sharp mouth! He Jincheng, you are very arrogant, how about it, do you have the guts to bet with me?"

Hu Zhengsheng saw that he couldn't match He Jincheng's verbal skills, so he thought of a way.

"Bet with you? What are you betting on?"

He Jincheng said with great interest that he wanted to see what tricks Hu Zhengsheng was playing.

"Since the auction is here, of course it's a bet auction. Let's auction it according to our own abilities. Finally, we will pick out an item and let experts judge the value. Whoever gets the higher value difference ratio will be considered as an item. Who wins and how?"

Hu Zhengsheng said with a smile.

"The difference in value? That is to say, the thing I bought for 1000 yuan was appraised at 1 yuan after evaluation, so my value difference is 9000 yuan? Is that what you mean?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"That's right, that's all. How about He Jincheng, you won't be afraid!"

Hu Zhengsheng said with a sneer.

"He Jincheng, don't bet with him!"

Gu Fengyue glanced at Hu Zhengsheng and said, "Hu Zhengsheng, what are you? He Jincheng is not an insider, he doesn't understand antiques at all, how can he bet? If you want to bet, I'll bet with you!"

"Hehe, Xiaoqian, you're wrong. No matter what, a man can't say he's not good enough, right He Jincheng, but if you say that you're really bad in front of big guys, I'll I won't force you either!"

Hu Zhengsheng said with a smile, his face was full of sarcasm.

"Hu Zhengsheng, your aggressive method is really childish!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Childish? I think it's okay!"

Hu Zhengsheng sneered.

What I use is a conspiracy. If you have the guts, you can tell everyone that you can't do it!
"Okay, then I'll satisfy you. I'll see you at the auction. I hope you won't cry then!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"He Jincheng, don't be impulsive!"

Gu Fengyue was very anxious.

He Jincheng brought it here by himself. If he loses to Hu Zhengsheng here, he will lose face.

For a person like Gu Fengyue who is very concerned about face, it is naturally intolerable.

"Master Gu, don't worry! Of course I won't lose your face! Men, you can't say you can't do it! By the way, Young Master Hu, what is our bet?"

He Jincheng looked at Hu Zhengsheng and asked.

"If I win, you will kneel in front of me and admit your mistakes, and you will not be allowed to appear in the antique business in the future. If I lose, I will be the same, how?"

Hu Zhengsheng had long thought about what he wanted to bet on. He wanted to make He Jincheng disappear in the antique world.

"This kind of bet is really meaningless! How about it, in addition to what you said, let's bet another 1 yuan, and everyone present will testify. I think no one will default!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Good boy, you are quite courageous. Since you are willing to give me money, I will naturally not refuse!"

Hu Zhengsheng was slightly taken aback, and then smiled.

In his opinion, He Jincheng just wanted to show off in front of everyone by slapping his face swollen to pretend to be fat.

This kid, in the antique industry, is also a relatively common out-of-the-circle technique.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, his reputation is earned.

"Okay, then let's sign a VAM agreement. After all, it's written in black and white, so everyone has a proof!"

He Jincheng nodded.

Of course Hu Zhengsheng would not refuse, if he couldn't compare to He Jincheng in the antique business, he might as well hit him to death.

Under the witness of everyone, the two parties signed the gambling agreement, and after their fingerprints were pressed, they each held one copy, and invited a highly respected senior present to witness the other.

"He Jincheng, are you ready to kowtow to me?"

Hu Zhengsheng looked at the gambling agreement in his hand, and sneered as if his scheme had succeeded.

"It just so happened that I was short of money recently, and Young Master Hu gave me money, and I have no objection!"

He Jincheng chuckled.

"You wait for me!"

Hu Zhengsheng gave He Jincheng a thumbs up, then turned his head down again.

He Jincheng spread his hands, with disdain on his face.

After Hu Zhengsheng left, Gu Fengyue spoke with a worried face.

"He Jincheng, you are too impulsive. Although Hu Zhengsheng is a dude, he is from an antique family after all. You can't take advantage of him!"

Not to mention that He Jincheng has just come into contact with this industry, how could he win Hu Zhengsheng.

"It's okay, let's play, why don't we want money from someone?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Gu Fengyue looked at He Jincheng, and felt in his heart that this young man was not as young as he looked on the surface, giving people a confident, mature and stable feeling.

In general, it is He Jincheng's city mansion, which seems to be not what he should have at this age.

He Jincheng didn't think so much.

Now his attention is basically attracted by this dazzling array of things.

The antiques here are so strange that He Jincheng was dazzled to see them. He Jincheng was amazed when he even saw a national treasure cultural relic worth hundreds of millions.

However, he didn't buy anything.

After all, He Jincheng didn't have much interest in things like antiques. He was like a mountain away from each other. After all, he was still a doctor in his profession, so antiques were just for fun.

Of course, He Jincheng wouldn't mind if there was a leak, after all, who would have trouble with money.

Gu Fengyue bought a few things casually, and according to what he said, he just picked up two small leaks.

For just a few things, Gu Fengyue spent 6000 to [-] yuan, which made He Jincheng speechless.

He Jincheng knew that Gu Fengyue was rich, but he was so rich, and he would pay five or six thousand for a single move. In the era of 82, he was really rich!

(End of this chapter)

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