Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 186 The Auction Begins, Qi Baishi Basho Bookstore

Chapter 186 The Auction Begins, Qi Baishi Basho Bookstore

"Okay, the auction will start right away, let's go too! He Jincheng, I'll help you watch the auction when the time comes, don't be impulsive anymore, with my ability, as long as Hu Zhengsheng's father Bai Shengshi doesn't make a move If you don't, you probably won't be able to beat me!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Gu Fengyue can only help He Jincheng as much as possible.

He Jincheng didn't understand antiques, so he had to come by himself.

"Later, it will all depend on Master Gu!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

My eyesight is definitely not as strong as Gu Fengyue's. With Gu Fengyue's help, I will definitely be able to gain a lot.

The auction was held in a three-story hall.

This small building is built in an ancient style, and it looks like it has come to ancient times.

The female employees inside are also wearing cheongsams, all of them have lovely looks and exquisite figures, which makes people can't help but take a few more glances.

Following Gu Fengyue, it seems that because Gu Fengyue is relatively low-key, he didn't ask someone to arrange a box, and the seat is an ordinary seat.

And some assets of more than [-] yuan have their own separate boxes.

Hu Zhengsheng seemed to want to see He Jincheng make a fool of Gu Fengyue and lose face, so he also sat outside.

The two sides are separated by two rows, but the distance is not far.

After seeing He Jincheng, Hu Zhengsheng even made a gesture of wiping his neck, which was to make He Jincheng wait to die.

He Jincheng didn't even look at Hu Zhengsheng, just chatted with Gu Fengyue in a low voice, and from time to time teased Gu Fengyue, covering his mouth and laughing, which made Hu Zhengsheng's nose crooked in anger.

"Ma De, He Jincheng, you are looking for death, I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy later!"

Hu Zhengsheng cursed secretly in his heart.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the auction finally started.

A beautiful woman in a red cheongsam came up with a twisting and graceful figure, with a gentle smile on her face, which made people feel refreshed.

"Hi everyone, many of you here are old friends, but there are also new friends here. I will introduce myself as usual. The little girl Qi Linger is the chief auctioneer of the Shangcheng Auction. Welcome everyone! "

Qi Linger bowed slightly towards the crowd, her posture was very generous and decent, which was pleasing to the eye.

"This Shangcheng Manor belongs to the Shangcheng Auction. This auction is very large, with assets exceeding tens of millions. It is one of the largest auctions in China. This Qi Linger is the daughter of Qi Yuanshan, the helm of the auction company. , is also their chief auctioneer, very amazing!"

Gu Fengyue introduced He Jincheng in a low voice, with a very calm expression on his face.

This kind of scene is really nothing to him.

However, women who can achieve Qi Linger's sake are definitely the idols of most women.

In the past, Qi Ling'er once held an auction, auctioned more than 500 million terrifying turnovers, and became famous in one fell swoop. It's impossible not to be admired!

In this era, let alone 500 million, even 50 is still a huge sum of money!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Miss Ling'er to preside over the auction today. Today we came at the right time!"

"Yeah, being able to participate in the auction hosted by Miss Ling'er is already a worthwhile trip!"

Everyone echoed, not to mention Qi Linger's ability to host, just her status as the eldest lady of the Qi family had to be sought after by everyone.

A company with a level of tens of millions, even in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, is definitely a leading existence.

"Thank you for your love, I hope everyone will participate more, so that the little girl can successfully complete this mission!"

Qi Linger said with a smile.

"Next, the auction will officially start. Today we are preparing 23 lots for you, each of which is a treasure. I hope you can gain something!"

"First of all, the first lot is one of the three finale items among the 23 lots, a painting by Mr. Qi Baishi!"

As she spoke, Qi Linger glanced aside, and immediately two beauties pushed a painting up.

When the canvas is unveiled, the whole venue will be boiling.

"This is the picture of Basho Bookstore. I never expected to see such a treasure here!"

"My God, don't grab me, I want this painting!"

"Hehe, whoever bids the most at the auction wins, why do you want it?"

There is a lot of discussion among the people, and some people are already determined to win.

"The picture of Banana Bookstore was drawn by Mr. Qi Baishi when he was visiting Annan. He passed an iron bridge and saw countless plantains growing around the house. The painting is full of poetic and picturesque, revealing Mr. Qi Baishi's nostalgia for his hometown!"

Qi Linger introduced with a smile.

He Jincheng felt a little strange, this painting is indeed a treasure.

Of course, the price of such a treasure must be astonishing.

"I won't go into details about how precious this painting is. The starting price is 3000 yuan, and each increase should not be less than [-] yuan. Now everyone can bid!"

As Qi Linger knocked the gavel, the auction officially started.

"Three thousand five! Wouldn't it be a pity to miss such a treasure?"

Someone bid immediately and directly raised the price.

"Five thousand, I really like old Qi's paintings, and I'm sure to get them today!"

"Six thousand!"

"Seven thousand!"


He Jincheng gave up his intention to bid directly after hearing the thousand increase in price.

Just kidding, compared with these people, my family background is probably not enough to fit my teeth.

The minimum price increase is [-], and as a result, no one increases the price according to [-], at least it is more than [-], this is called rich and willful!

During the period, Gu Fengyue also asked to increase the price, but gave up after only making a price once.

In just 5 minutes, this painting was quarreled to 2000 million. At this level, the number of people who raised the price was finally much less.

After all, 2000 million is not a small amount. It’s okay to buy a few million and collect it. At a price of more than 2000 million, the profit is already very small.

After all, many people collect antiques, and they value their economic value more. It is common for them to keep them in their homes for ten or eight years, and then take them out for auction. The price doubles.

"50 million!"

For the first time, there was only a price increase of 50.

The bidder was an old man in Tang suit. He was in the box on the second floor, but it seemed that because he valued the painting too much, he walked to the window and leaned out, looking like he was bound to win.

"This old man's name is Shi Changfeng. He is a wealthy businessman from Donggang next door. He is also well-known in the antique world. He has a lot of Qi Baishi's calligraphy and paintings in his home. It seems that he really wants to buy them!"

Gu Fengyue introduced to He Jincheng from the side.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, he had heard the name Shi Changfeng before.

The family seems to have started with stone materials, and later turned to jade. Because of the very high-quality channels in hand, the business is very good, and the assets seem to exceed tens of millions. He is a real jade king.

(End of this chapter)

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