Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 187 When the Painting Appears, He Jincheng Raises a Plaque to Bid

Chapter 187 When the Painting Appears, He Jincheng Raises a Plaque to Bid
"It turned out to be this big guy, it's no wonder!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Eight thousand!"

There are still people who continue to bid, and they are challenging Shi Changfeng.

At this moment, the entire venue was boiling, and they all looked around, wanting to see who was competing with Shi Changfeng.

"Eight thousand five!"

Shi Changfeng frowned, and bid again.

This price has almost reached the bottom line in his heart.

Although 10 Minutes loves Qi Baishi's paintings, if the price is too high, he can't bear it.

It is true that his own assets are tens of millions, but most of them are still occupied.

The funds that can really be auctioned are at most more than 100 million.

Today he came here with a purpose, and Shi Changfeng felt a little distressed after spending so much money on this painting.

"Nine thousand and five! Third Shi, this is my last bid. If you are higher than me, just take it!"

A fat man smiled and pushed open the window of the box, stuck his head out and looked at Shi Changfeng.

"Ma Laoqi, are you doing it on purpose, knowing that I like Qi Baishi's paintings, and driving up the price!"

When Shi Changfeng saw the fat man, he immediately flew into a rage.

This Ma Laoqi is a deadly enemy with him, not only in business conflicts, but also against himself many times in the auction.

"Hehe, everyone depends on their ability. If you Shi Laosan doesn't want to buy it, you don't have to buy it. Nine thousand and five. I'll buy it back and use it as toilet paper!"

Ma Laoqi laughed.

Hearing this, everyone frowned, thinking that Ma Laoqi was too vulgar.

This is Qi Baishi's painting, and it should be used as toilet paper, disgusting people can't be so disgusting.

Of course, Ma Laoqi would not really treat more than 9000 paintings as toilet paper. He said that to disgust Shi Changfeng.

"You bastard, Ma Laoqi, what a bastard you are, I'll give you [-], if you have the guts, give me more!"

Shi Changfeng was furious.

He admired Qi Baishi's paintings the most on weekdays. It is not an exaggeration to say that Qi Baishi is his idol.

When Ma Laoqi insulted Qi Baishi's paintings like this, he was insulting his idol. Of course Shi Changfeng was angry.

"Hehe, [-]! Third Shi, if you are more polite, I really won't raise the price, who made you owe it!"

Ma Laoqi chuckled and added 500 yuan.

Shi Changfeng's nose was almost crooked, this Ma Laoqi is really bad.

"Just in case, Ma Laoqi, if you have the guts, you can increase the price. I will never bid again. You can use it as toilet paper!"

Shi Changfeng gritted his teeth and added another five hundred. This was his limit, and no matter how high it was, he would never increase it.

"If you ask me to add it, I will add it. I just don't want to add it. I don't have such a luxury for more than 1 toilet paper!"

Ma Laoqi sneered, and stopped raising the price. Shi Changfeng was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

In the end, this picture of Qi Baishi's Basho Bookstore was photographed by Shi Changfeng at a high price of [-], which caused the audience to burst into exclamations.

In this era, let alone ten thousand yuan households, even thousand yuan households are extremely rare.

Ordinary people spend less than 1000 yuan a year, which is equivalent to ten years of food rations for ordinary people.

Moreover, this can almost refresh the record of the auction in the past two years.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shi, the map of Basho Bookstore is yours!"

Qi Linger knocked down the small hammer and said with a smile.

She is also very happy, being able to auction such a high-priced item, her reputation can increase a bit.

Every auction is to increase the qualifications of the auctioneer, especially the high price that breaks the record, and can write a strong stroke in the professional experience.

He Jincheng was also speechless when he saw it. Ten thousand and ten thousand was just for such a painting. He, an antique novice, really couldn't understand it.

The first lot broke the record of the auction, and the atmosphere of the whole venue was mobilized.

The next lot, although not as precious as the picture of Basho Bookstore, is also rare.

Everyone bid one after another, and several lots in a row were sold at prices that exceeded the auction's expectations.

"The next lot is also a painting. After appraisal, it should be the words of an unknown painter in the early Qing Dynasty. Although the artist is unknown, his painting skills are exquisite and the artistic conception is excellent. I believe it will not take long. Get great appreciation!"

After a lot of fun, Qi Linger took another painting, which is a rather exquisite landscape painting, and it was framed, and it seemed to be well preserved.

However, the author of this painting doesn't even have a name, so its value is greatly reduced.

Only He Jincheng's eyes flashed away.

Isn't this the baby with the picture in the picture?He was actually met by himself.

He Jincheng was secretly happy, but also a little worried.

All the auction items just now fetched very high prices.

Although this painting was painted by an unknown artist, the workmanship is very exquisite. If someone likes it, it may be able to fetch a high price.

There are only more than 3000 on him now, relatively speaking, it is still too little.

"Okay, then we will start the auction of this painting. The starting price is [-] yuan, and the price increase should not be less than [-] yuan each time. Please start bidding!"

Qi Linger said with a smile.

He Jincheng nodded slightly. This starting price is quite appropriate, which shows that the auction is not very optimistic about the value of this painting.

"One thousand and one!"

Unexpectedly, the person who bid at the beginning was that kid Hu Zhengsheng instead.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, thinking to himself, could this kid also see it?

"One thousand and two!"

An old man raised the price and seemed to like the painting very much.

Hu Zhengsheng glanced at the old man, and added another hundred, but the old man directly added three hundred, and the painting became fifteen thousand.

Qi Linger was very happy. Originally, their expectation of the auction was [-] yuan. Unexpectedly, it only took three rounds of asking prices to completely exceed the expectation of the auction.

Hu Zhengsheng withdrew from the competition, which made He Jincheng slightly relieved, confirming that this kid must not have seen the mystery of this painting.

Afterwards, someone increased the price one after another, and finally the price of this painting was fixed at [-].

In the eyes of everyone, this price is not low. After all, it is painted by an unknown artist, no matter how good the painting is, it is not worth so much money.

"Now Mr. Liu bids two thousand one, is there any higher price!"

Qi Ling'er said with a smile, "I didn't expect to get two thousand one at the auction, which is definitely far beyond expectations."

"If no one raises the price, I will start counting down! Two thousand and one times! It's a pity, the artist of this painting is definitely not bad. Maybe after two years of knowing the identity of the artist, it is very likely that the price will skyrocket! "

While counting down, Qi Linger said some encouraging words.

It's just that everyone is not a fool, and more importantly, there are not many people who are interested in this painting.

"[-] for the second time!"

"Two thousand and one..."

"Two thousand three hundred!"

Just when Qi Linger was about to hit the auction hammer, He Jincheng raised his placard to bid.

Everyone frowned slightly and looked in He Jincheng's direction with displeasure.

Old Liu also showed displeasure, seeing that he was about to get the painting, this kid jumped out at the last moment, he was trying to compete with himself!
(End of this chapter)

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