Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 193 Sky-high price paintings, unique identification method

Chapter 193 Sky-high price paintings, unique identification method
There were quite a few people in the crowd who wanted to buy it, but they didn't expect Mr. Meng to directly offer a high price of 15, which made them a little discouraged.

When they want to buy this painting, what they value is its economic value. Only Mr. Meng really likes this painting, and wants to buy it home, store it, study and appreciate it, so he is not very sensitive to the price.

15 is a lot to him, but it's nothing.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, then I won't be polite! Xiao Wang, bring the money here!"

Seeing that He Jincheng agreed, Mr. Meng was overjoyed and waved to the assistant beside him.

Assistant Xiao Wang immediately came over with a box.

15 is actually not bad, but the largest face value in this era is only ten yuan, so it seems a lot.

"Mr. He, here is 5 yuan in cash, and the remaining 10 yuan can only be withdrawn from the bank after the banquet is over. Do you have any comments?"

Meng Lao smiled and pointed to the box.

"Of course I have no objection. At that time, Mr. Meng can directly transfer it to my card!"

He Jincheng nodded and smiled.

If all the coins of 15 yuan were turned into cash, they would be [-] coins, so it would be inconvenient to hold them in your hand.

And with Meng Lao's character, he would definitely not play tricks, and he had nothing to worry about.

"By the way, Young Master Hu, shouldn't it be time to verify your antiques? To be honest, I always thought there was something wrong with that ancient bronze lamp of yours. It might be a fake!"

He Jincheng suddenly thought of something, and looked at Hu Zhengsheng with a smile.

Hu Zhengsheng will definitely lose today.

But He Jincheng didn't want to just let him go so easily. If he wanted to step on him, he would step on him to death.

He really wanted to see what Hu Zhengsheng's expression would be when he knew that the ancient bronze lamp he bought for [-] was a fake.

"Nonsense, He Jincheng, what do you want to do, kid? I admit that I lost our bet before, and at worst, I just admit defeat, but you can't let it go like this!"

Hu Zhengsheng just couldn't find any reason to deal with the loss of the bet, but He Jincheng did not expect such a move.

Just right, if you can't give any reasonable explanation later, I will ask you to repay twice.

"Since you admit defeat, that's fine, but because you are so stupid, I will give you another chance. Let's gamble again, how about betting on the authenticity of your ancient bronze lamp?"

He Jincheng said with a sneer.

Seeing Hu Zhengsheng's stiff-mouthed face, He Jincheng felt it was funny.

Since I cleaned you up today, I will clean you up thoroughly.

"Okay, what's the stake?"

Hu Zhengsheng gritted his teeth and said.

"If I lose, the previous bet can be voided. If you lose, then the bet will be doubled, how?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

If it was doubled, it would be [-], which is not a big problem for a rich man like Hu Zhengsheng.

With such a calculation in mind, Hu Zhengsheng felt that he could agree to the bet.

I absolutely can't lose again, [-] is okay, the key is to kneel down and apologize to this kid He Jincheng in front of so many people, if this gets out, what will I do in the future?
Besides, Hu Zhengsheng has [-]% confidence in this ancient bronze lamp.

It was produced by Nandu Auction, and it was auctioned off by myself for [-], and so many people have verified it, how could it be fake?Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"Why, is Young Master Hu afraid?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"I'm afraid? He Jincheng, don't provoke me with provocative tactics, okay, I'll bet you!"

Hu Zhengsheng stared at him, and immediately lost his eyes. He looked at He Jincheng with a sneer, and said, "He Jincheng, come on, let us see, how did you prove that my ancient bronze lamp is fake!"

When he said this, Hu Zhengsheng's face was full of sarcasm and disdain.

In his opinion, He Jincheng is just a clown.

Everyone also watched this scene with great interest.

They were all very curious, wondering what method He Jincheng would use to identify the ancient bronze lamp.

At the previous auction, everyone took turns to appraise it, and they all felt that there was no problem with the authenticity of this ancient bronze lamp.

But He Jincheng wasn't joking. A bet was worth [-] yuan. Unless he was out of his mind, he would make such impossible bets with others.

That being the case, then He Jincheng must have a certain degree of certainty to do so.

However, everyone couldn't figure out what method He Jincheng would use to verify that this ancient bronze lamp was fake.

"It's very simple. I only need two seconds to verify it. Show me the ancient bronze lamp!"

He Jincheng smiled and held out his hand.

Hu Zhengsheng looked at He Jincheng with a frown, hesitating in his heart whether to give it to this kid.

"There are so many people here, are you still afraid that I will renege on my debt?"

He Jincheng sneered.

Hu Zhengsheng snorted coldly, put the ancient bronze lamp in front of He Jincheng, and said, "I want to see what kind of tricks you kid is playing!"

He Jincheng picked up the ancient bronze lamp with a smile, played with it in his hand, and shook his head repeatedly.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the workmanship is really good, it's no different from the real one, but it's a pity that it has a fatal flaw!"

Everyone stretched their necks to look, but they couldn't see anything. They couldn't figure out why this ancient bronze lamp was fake?
"Hmph, He Jincheng, you keep saying it's a lie, so you can prove it to us!"

Hu Zhengsheng said coldly.

"Okay, everyone, please watch!"

He Jincheng nodded, then raised the ancient bronze lamp high, and then slammed it on the ground under the astonished eyes of everyone.

There was only a bang, and the ancient bronze lamp was thrown to pieces by He Jincheng.

"He Jincheng, you bastard, I bought this with real money. I don't think you want to bet with me. You are clearly humiliating me and the IQ of all of us. You have to give me an explanation !"

After Hu Zhengsheng was stunned for a short time, he immediately flew into a rage, and at the same time, he was secretly happy.

Well, you He Jincheng, did you think that if you drop something, you don't have to fulfill the bet?
He can be sure that He Jincheng is clearly jumping over the wall in a hurry, and there is no other way.

Even Meng Lao frowned, full of doubts in his heart.

He has also appraised many antique treasures, and has used various appraisal methods, but this is the first time he has seen such a broken thing for appraisal. This is clearly destroying antiques!
"He Xiaoyou, what do you mean by this? It's a pity that you dropped such a fine bronze vessel!"

Old Meng said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, what do you mean? I think it's He Jincheng who broke the jar. He Jincheng, it doesn't make any sense for you to do this. I think you should just admit defeat. I can consider lightening the bet a little!"

Hu Zhengsheng sneered, He Jincheng is doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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