Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 194 It's really a fake, Hu Zhengsheng kowtows and admits defeat

Chapter 194 It's really a fake, Hu Zhengsheng kowtows and admits defeat
"Really? It's not certain who wins and loses, everyone, please watch!"

He Jincheng chuckled and pointed to the pile of debris on the ground.

Everyone looked in the direction He Jincheng pointed, and frowned.

But soon, someone discovered something was wrong.

"Hey, what is this, why does it look like a stone?"

"It seems to be true, no, it seems to be cement!"


Suddenly, an incredible exclamation broke out from the crowd.

Everyone looked down, and Elder Meng himself knelt down and picked up something from the pile of debris.

When everyone saw clearly what was in Meng Lao's hands, they all gasped.

It's really cement. How can there be cement in an antique with a history of thousands of years?
Seeing this, even people who don't know much about antiques will know that this ancient bronze lamp is absolutely fake!

"Impossible, how could there be cement, my ancient bronze lamp is absolutely real!"

Hu Zhengsheng was the first to speak, and rushed over in a hurry, pawing at the pile of debris, his expression became even uglier.

This is not cement, what else can it be?Many of them are stuck to the fragments of the ancient bronze lamp, and they are indeed inside the ancient lamp!
"Everyone, I don't need to say this, if it is true or false, everyone will know it at a glance!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, with an expression on his face that I had expected a long time ago.

"This is indeed fake. It must be that someone used a special method to glue some bronze fragments together, and then solidified them with cement. The method is so superb that even I was deceived!"

Mr. Meng examined these fragments carefully, with a bit of surprise on his face, and even more amazement on his lips.

Everyone also checked it one after another, and their reactions were similar to those of Mr. Meng.

"It's no wonder that Young Master Hu didn't see it. I'm afraid that among all of us present, only He Xiaoyou saw it!"

Old Meng said with a smile.

The expressions of Hu Zhengsheng and Bai Shengshi were extremely ugly.

Just now, they were full of confidence, feeling that they would surely win.

In the blink of an eye, the situation was reversed.

How could this happen? I bought a fake product for [-] yuan, and the Hu family will not be laughed at from now on. How does this make colleagues think of the Hu family and his son!

"Now, we can decide whether to win or lose!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, his eyes fell on the Hu family father and son.

Hu Zhengsheng's face was extremely ugly, as if he had eaten a dead fly.

"Hehe, naturally He Xiaoyou won, everyone can be this witness! Hu Zhengsheng, do you have any questions?"

Old Meng chuckled, and turned to look at Hu Zhengsheng.

Hu Zheng was angry and his teeth were itching, but there was no other way.

In this line of work, the most important thing is reputation. If you cheat and refuse to admit it, you will not be able to get along in this line of business in the future.

Hu Zhengsheng was anxious and angry.

Do you really want to let yourself kneel down to this kid He Jincheng?
"He Jincheng, I admit that I lost, but let's not be so desperate, I will give you [-], how about this matter end here?"

Hu Zhengsheng said in a deep voice.

We can only increase the amount of compensation to save He Jincheng from kneeling.

"I heard that in the antique business, reputation is the most important thing. Since we have made a bet before, Hu Shao should follow the bet! [-], no more points, no less. As for the matter of kneeling, Naturally, it must be fulfilled!"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, "Let me ask, if I lose, will Young Master Hu spare me?"

This sentence blocked Hu Zhengsheng's subsequent bargaining.

He Jincheng was right. If Hu Zhengsheng had won, he would never have easily bypassed He Jincheng.

"You... He Jincheng, stay on the front line in everything, so we can meet again in the future! Don't go too far!"

Hu Zhengsheng gritted his teeth and said.

If He Jincheng really knelt today and called him grandpa, he would be a grandson in the future.

"Meng Lao, look, I didn't pick out the bet first, so I ask Meng Lao to uphold justice!"

He Jincheng didn't talk nonsense with Hu Zhengsheng, turned to look at Meng Lao, and asked Meng Lao to uphold justice.

"That's right, Hu Zhengsheng, if you lose, you lose. How can you renege on your debt? Don't let people look down on your Hu family!"

Old Meng nodded.

He bought He Jincheng's picture of spring trees and autumn frost, which can be regarded as a small advantage.

If it is auctioned at an auction, 20 yuan may not be able to get it. If you meet someone who really likes Tang Bohu's paintings, even if the price is higher, someone will probably buy it!

What's more, Hu Zhengsheng is clearly asking for trouble, insisting on betting with He Jincheng, and now he can only blame himself if he loses!

So, of course, Mr. Meng doesn't mind giving He Jincheng some face and being a justice.

Hu Zhengsheng seemed to have a fire burning in his chest, but he had no choice but to fulfill the previous bet.

"Twenty thousand is twenty thousand!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Zhengsheng gritted his teeth and asked his assistant to bring a big leather bag, took out several wads of cash from it, ordered 2 yuan and put it on the table.

He Jincheng checked and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the amount, then nodded, put the money away and put it aside.

Hu Zhengsheng glanced at He Jincheng bitterly, then knelt down full of humiliation, yelled grandpa, and immediately stood up and ran out regardless of He Jincheng's consent.

What a shame, what a shame!
A farce ended with He Jincheng getting [-] in cash and an unfilial grandson.

He Jincheng did not leave in a hurry, and continued to stay here, chatting with Meng Lao and others.

These are big figures from all walks of life in Nandu, and it will be of great benefit to me to have a good relationship with them.

Moreover, He Jincheng expected that Hu Zhengsheng would not just let him go like this. He was afraid that as long as he walked out of the manor, he would immediately be stopped by someone led by him.

After Hu Zhengsheng left the manor, he kept guard outside.

When did he get Hu Zhengsheng's money so easily?

If He Jincheng was not made to pay the price today, how could Hu Zhengsheng hold his head up?

Today he called more than 20 people and waited outside for He Jincheng to go out.

As long as he dared to take a step out of the Shangcheng Manor, he would immediately have He Jincheng arrested, and then he would definitely be humiliated and humiliated.

He Jincheng took his time, and chatted with Mr. Meng until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Then they met each other and hated it late. After making an appointment to meet again next time, they left the show one after another.

"Xiao He, I think Hu Zhengsheng will definitely not let you go, otherwise I will tell the owner of the manor, let's go through the back door!"

Gu Fengyue said with some worry.

(End of this chapter)

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