Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 199 Soil and gold buried, use 1 dose of cicada slough to be effective

Chapter 199 The soil is rich in gold, and a dose of cicada slough is effective

"Young man, you don't practice Chinese medicine, do you?"

Elder Gu looked at He Jincheng with a displeased look on his face, because there is no such thing as "soil rich in gold buried" in traditional Chinese medicine.

He Jincheng smiled slightly and said, "I am a Chinese medicine practitioner."

Although Mr. Gu is a Chinese medicine doctor, what he hates the most in his life is the yin and yang and the five elements that Chinese medicine doctors play tricks on. full of doubts.

Therefore, Mr. Gu must clearly tell each patient how he got this disease, why he got it, and how to prevent it.

In the end, Mr. Gu would often refer to the classic prescriptions in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" for treatment.

This is also the main reason why Mr. Gu is the Taishan figure of the contemporary School of Classical Prescriptions.

Virtuous and artistic, that is to say, Mr. Gu.

So, when Mr. Gu saw He Jincheng making a diagnosis like this, he really felt a little aroused.

"Okay, okay, then tell me, which medicine can quickly cure this disease?"

Elder Gu asked very displeased.

He didn't believe that a blind medicine could beat his classic prescription.

My own dose of medicine is quoted from a classical prescription. The law is strict and the specimen is taken into account. Taking into account all the expressions of the patient, it only takes four doses at most, and it will definitely be effective.

In the case of Mr. Liu, he can recover within three days.

"All you need is a single dose of cicada slough, decoction and oral administration, one dose can heal!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Cicada slough, that is, the skin left after the cicada has shed.

Gu Lao frowned slightly, suppressed the anger in his heart again, and asked in a deep voice, "Is this the proven prescription you summed up, or did you read similar medical cases from some ancient book?"

He is a representative of the Classical Prescription School, so he naturally believes in classical prescriptions the most.

"I didn't quote the scriptures below, but just 'observe the pulse and syndrome, know what is wrong with it, and treat it according to the syndrome'."

This sentence comes from the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" written by the medical sage, and it has a great influence in the school of classics and prescriptions.

On weekdays, Mr. Gu often used this sentence to warn his students that they must prescribe prescriptions according to the patient's condition, and never be self-centered,

Therefore, when He Jincheng said these words, Mr. Gu became a little angry. It is really unreasonable. This kid is simply insulting the words of the medical sage!
Gu Lao has always used this standard to strictly demand himself, but today He Jincheng used a set of street fortune-telling methods.

What about gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc. If you can call it "treating according to evidence", then what am I doing on weekdays?
"Being able to say this, it seems that you have studied Zhongjing Liangfang intensively, so tell me, how did you 'cure it according to the syndrome'?"

Old Gu snorted angrily, and said dissatisfiedly.

If he hadn't taken his identity into consideration, he would have wanted to teach this kid a lesson.

When everyone saw the confrontation between the two, they all showed surprise.

It is extremely rare for Gu Lao's status to be irritated by He Jincheng to such an extent.

Dr. Wu was a little gloating. In his opinion, the two Chinese medicine practitioners were nothing more than dogs biting dogs.

This is your traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Two doctors have two different methods of treating diseases. This is simply a joke.

You know, in Western medicine, there are rules for what kind of disease you get and what kind of medicine you take.

For example, if you have a cold, it is cold medicine. No one has ever told you to take antipyretics!

Gu Lao felt even more grief in his heart.

I have studied Chinese medicine for more than [-] years, and I have taught many students and apprentices.

Among them are some arrogant and ignorant juniors like He Jincheng.

And Chinese medicine was destroyed by these juniors who didn't know the depth. They thought that after two days of learning Chinese medicine and reading two medical books, they felt that they had surpassed the medical saint Zhong Jinggong, so they dared to establish a new school and a new theory.

Moreover, it is simply ridiculous to use the words of a medical sage to flaunt himself!

Not to mention anything else, the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" has been passed down for more than 2000 years, and it is still very effective today. How can the work of Zhong Jinggong's experience be surpassed by you younger generations.

Talking nonsense here is simply embarrassing the ancestors!
"As for Mr. Liu's disease, I think it can be regarded as the phenomenon of 'buried in soil and gold', and the medicine of cicada slough is also taken from the elephant!"

He Jincheng smiled,

Gu Lao snorted and sat there without speaking.

He was so angry now that he felt that He Jincheng was talking nonsense.

What Chinese medicine pays attention to is seeing, smelling and asking. What does this have to do with what it looks like?
"Otherwise, Mr. Gu should use your prescription!"

Liu Lisheng on the side couldn't stand it any longer.

If the two continue to argue like this, how can the old man be cured!

"It's okay, since this doctor He said that using cicada sloughs can be used for treatment, let him try it! I want to see if the so-called phenomenon of buried gold buried in soil is true!"

Unexpectedly, Gu Lao waved his hand.


Liu Lisheng hesitated a little.

To be honest, he listened to He Jincheng's words and thought it was very reasonable.

However, Mr. Gu's reputation in the Chinese medicine field was not just blown out.

How many big shots lined up to seek medical treatment from him, what he said was authority.

"You don't have to worry, this cicada slough does have the effect of separating the sound and promoting the lungs. Even if it has no effect on Mr. Liu's illness, it won't do any harm! I'm here, and I promise nothing will happen!"

Gu Lao made up his mind to correct He Jincheng's misconception on the spot.

Although what He Jincheng said was a bit whimsical, but I have to say that Mr. Gu still thinks that this son is a good seed to learn Chinese medicine, so he is determined to help him rein in the precipice and return to the right path.

"In that case, I'm going to trouble Dr. He. I don't know when it will be effective?"

When Liu Lisheng heard Gu Lao's words, he didn't have any worries. He looked at He Jincheng and asked.

"One dose works!"

He Jincheng stretched out a finger and said with a faint smile.

"What? Do you really mean what Doctor He said?"

Liu Lisheng's eyes widened immediately, with an expression of disbelief.

The strange disease that has troubled so many doctors and doctors, here in He Jincheng, just use cicada slough, one dose is effective, this is too simple!
Doctor Wu on the side was already filled with disdain.

This kid really knows how to talk nonsense.

You are in the limelight now, but later Mr. Liu's illness doesn't improve, we'll see how you end up.

The Liu family are not fools, as long as they find out the truth, He Jincheng will definitely not be able to get out of this manor.

(End of this chapter)

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