Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 200 One dose healed, Gu Lao was also convinced

Chapter 200 One dose heals, Gu Lao is also convinced
Liu Lisheng glanced at Gu Lao again, saw him nodding slightly, and then nodded towards He Jincheng.

So, He Jincheng picked up a pen and wrote a prescription with only a few words on it: Ten cicadas have sloughed off, just boil it.

Under the prescription, He Jincheng also signed his own name: He Jincheng, Xinsheng Medical Center.

Gu Lao saw his eyes brightened, and secretly praised him, this kid is not very old, but he has the demeanor of a famous doctor, and now very few people dare to sign their names on the prescriptions!

It's just a pity, it's a pity, a good talent, instead of following the right path, just engages in the metaphysics of the Five Elements and the Eight Diagrams.

There are many important things here in the manor, and ten cicadas sloughed up soon, and by the way, they also brought a pot for decocting medicine.

There is a stove in the room, and the decoction starts on the spot.

Dr. Wu just sat in the corner, without saying a word, watching the scene in front of him with a sneer in his heart.

He thought that Chinese medicine is really hopeless, watching these two people treat people is like watching a debate, it is really ridiculous.

With his expression unchanged, He Jincheng decocted the medicine himself without feeling nervous at all.

After more than ten minutes, the medicine was fried and turned slightly yellow. He Jincheng took out the medicine and put it in a small bowl to cool.

"Doctor He, tell everyone about the basis of your medicine!"

When Gu Lao saw that the medicine was ready, he asked.

"Doctor, Yi Ye! This medicine is taken from Xiang!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"The old man's illness is a sign that the soil is buried in gold. If you want to be cured, you must break the soil to produce gold. Insects like cicadas live in the ground, and when they become adults, they break out of the soil. There is an image of breaking ground and gold coming out; after the cicada is unearthed, it molts its shell and sings, so the cicada slough also has the meaning of opening the sound. This just hits the old man's current disease that cannot make a sound, and the cicada slough is the most suitable for this syndrome!"

Gu Lao felt very sorry, this young man was too deeply poisoned, cicada sloughing has the effect of clearing the lungs and opening the sound, this is the effect of medicine, how could it be connected with cicada breaking out of the ground, shedding its shell and singing!

Dr. Wu on the side almost sneered, what's the difference between this and what you eat to supplement your body, it's a completely different kind of supplementing your body with your body.

If you want to use this ridiculous theory to cure Mr. Liu's illness, probably only the mentally ill can come up with it.

After He Jincheng finished speaking, the medicinal soup had cooled down a little and it was ready to drink.

"Drink it while it's hot, it'll be fine!"

Dr. Wu snorted coldly in his heart, it's no wonder if he has a good heart, you think it's magic!
Liu Lisheng quickly took the medicine bowl, felt the temperature with his hands, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he fed it to old man Liu and started to drink it.

As soon as the first sip of the medicine was taken, Mr. Liu's eyes lit up, and then he became more energetic. In just 2 minutes, he took the initiative to drink up the remaining medicine soup.

After Mr. Liu finished drinking the medicinal soup, everyone heard a few gurgling sounds in the old man's stomach, and then the sound went down to the intestinal tract, and then let out a light fart.

When Mr. Gu heard this movement, his complexion changed drastically. He moved closer, listened carefully, and then stood up, his face full of surprise and doubt. Could it be that all the prescriptions he had worked on all his life were all wrong? of it?
He is an expert in medical skills, so he naturally understands the meaning of these sounds, which means that the stomach qi has started to go down, and the stomach qi is going down when it is normal.

Mr. Liu's illness was caused by stomach qi steaming his lungs upwards. Now that stomach qi is descending, the illness has mostly healed.

Seeing Gu Lao's expression, other people in the ward couldn't help being shocked.

Could it be that Mr. Liu was really cured by that brat?
No way, how many cicadas have cured a disease that Western medicine can't find out the cause of the skin that has faded?

Everyone was silent and didn't dare to speak. That kid cured his disease with just one medicine, but Mr. Gu's prescription contained seven or eight medicines. You can tell who has a higher level at a glance!

"Earth is rich in gold, earth is rich in gold..."

Gu Lao carefully savored He Jincheng's conclusion.

To be honest, he didn't believe it at all before, but now that the disease has been cured, after he savored it carefully, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this conclusion was extremely incisive, and the disease was described vividly in just four words .

And it also gave a cure plan. Excessive stomach qi suppresses the lungs, isn't it just a lot of money.

Thinking about it now, this sentence is too vivid, isn't it exactly what He Jincheng said?

At this time, Mr. Liu coughed, as if to clear his throat.

He Jincheng smiled and said, "Old man, try to start talking now!"

Everyone was shocked, what?It took only a few minutes to drink this medicine, and he even said that he was going to try to talk. Do you think that the medicine soup boiled by Cicada skin is holy water!Even holy water will never have such a miraculous effect.

Mr. Liu cleared his throat again, looked at He Jincheng, and said, "Thank you...thank you..."

Although the voice was a little low, with a hint of hoarseness, but it was really talking, and everyone in the room could hear it clearly. The old man said thank you.

Dr. Wu stood up from his seat at once, with an inexplicable look of horror in his eyes. How is this possible? !

Gu Lao looked at the prescription in his hand, shook his head, crumpled it up, put it in his pocket, and said, "There is no limit to medicine, today I have seen it, the young man is very skilled in medicine, I admire it!"

He Jincheng cupped his hands respectfully, "Don't take Gu Lao's absurd praise. There is no limit to the sea of ​​medicine, and the juniors are just getting their hands on it. They lack experience, and they have to learn from seniors like Gu Lao."

Gu Lao waved his hand, "You are too modest, just looking at today's case, you can be called a famous doctor!"

He Jincheng smiled politely, expressing that he couldn't afford it, and then said nothing.

As long as the disease and syndrome are accurately identified and the right medicine is used, even if there is only one blindness, it has the power to overwhelm the wall.

Everyone in the room looked at He Jincheng. Who is this young man and where did he come from? He can make Gu Lao lose his temper. Why haven't I heard of such a person in the Chinese medicine field before?

After Mr. Liu said the thank you, he was also a little surprised. At this time, he came back to his senses and said again: "Thank you Mr. Gu, thank you Mr. Gu, this time the old man's life depends entirely on the two of you."

Saying the second sentence, the voice became much smoother and sounded very natural. You would never have imagined that he was still mute a few minutes ago, and he was lying on the bed, feeling like something was going to happen.

Gu Lao praised repeatedly, then turned his head, and said to He Jincheng: "I don't know the prescription you just had, can you give it to me for collection?"

He wanted to take He Jincheng's prescription back and put it on his desk, as a warning to himself that there is no limit to medicine.

He Jincheng looked at Mr. Liu, and the prescription belonged to the patient.

Mr. Liu had no objection, he signaled Liu Lisheng to pick up the prescription, and handed it to Mr. Gu politely.

(End of this chapter)

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