Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 202 Assistant professor, finally met Zheng Chunlai

Chapter 202 Assistant professor, finally met Zheng Chunlai
In his previous life, He Jincheng was also a big man who had experienced countless storms, so he was naturally not nervous.

After finding Zheng Chunlai's office, He Jincheng reached out and gently knocked on the door.

No one responded inside, so He Jincheng leaned closer and listened, but he heard a rustling sound inside, which made He Jincheng look weird.

There are obviously people here, why is no one paying attention to me?
So, He Jincheng knocked on the door again, only at this time came a voice with a bit of impatience from inside.

"Come on, wait a minute!"

After waiting for another minute, there was another sound in the office.

"come in!"

He Jincheng opened the door and walked in. He saw two people in the office, a man and a woman.

Both of them are in their early twenties, obviously not Zheng Chunlai to Professor Zheng.

"Who are you? What do you do?"

The man saw that He Jincheng was so young, and he was about the same as himself, so he said displeasedly.

He Jincheng looked at the two of them, and seeing that their clothes were a little messy, he knew what happened inside just now, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Young people are full of anger, and they can't wait to do things here.

He is a person who has been there before, and he knows the twists and turns, and he thought that this is a good thing that he has disturbed others, and it is no wonder that the other party is happy.

"Sorry to bother you, my name is He Jincheng, I'm here to see Professor Zheng, isn't he here?"

He Jincheng was still very polite, first apologized, and then went straight to the point.

The boy was fine, with displeasure still on his face, and he didn't think too much about it.

But girls are still more sensitive. When He Jincheng apologized, her pretty face turned red, and she lowered her head and stopped talking.

"He Jincheng? I don't know you. You are not a student of our English department. This is the office of our Professor Zheng. No one is allowed to enter. Let's go!"

The boy was very impatient, and looked at He Jincheng with a bit of hatred in his eyes.

No one will be happy if a good thing is interrupted halfway through.

"I don't know who you two are?"

He Jincheng wasn't angry either, since he ruined other people's good deeds, it was right for them to embarrass him.

"We are Professor Zheng's assistant, what's the matter with you, I didn't hear you were asked to go out, did you?"

The boy stood up, walked up to He Jincheng, and said angrily.

"Students, don't be angry. I really have something very important to ask Professor Zheng. I want to ask when Professor Zheng will come back. If it is late, I will come back in the afternoon."

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Hmph, why should I tell you, whoever comes here doesn't say it's something very important? If you're really in a hurry, call Professor Zheng yourself, don't make trouble here, get out of here immediately !"

The boy's patience seemed to be worn out by He Jincheng, and he pointed at the office door and said angrily.

He Jincheng spread his hands, he has nothing to complain about with a student, since Zheng Chunlai is not here, he can go outside and wait.

"excuse me!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, then turned and walked out of the office.

"It's really ignorant of good and evil!"

The boy still scolded himself.

He Jincheng also ignored it, and after closing the door, he stood by the window near the door. He was going to wait for a while to see if Zheng Chunlai would appear.

He Jincheng's hearing was very keen, and soon he heard low gasps coming from the office.

These young people are really brave. The doors of this company are not locked, so they dare to do such nonsense.

Moreover, listening to the boy's voice, it seems that there is still something wrong with his body, and the duration is estimated to be no more than 10 minutes.

Sure enough, after only five or six minutes, another low roar came from the office, and even though there was no movement, the battle was finally over!
He Jincheng secretly smiled, and continued to stand there waiting for Zheng Chunlai to appear.

He interrupted and waited until 11:30. If he hadn't come back yet, he was going to have a meal and come back in the afternoon.

Just like that, after standing and staring at the salesman for half a year, a middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and a somewhat refined air walked towards the office with a briefcase under his arm.

He Jincheng immediately went up to meet him.

"Excuse me, is it Zheng Chunlai, Professor Zheng?"

The man was slightly taken aback, and looked at He Jincheng with some doubts on his face.

"who are you?"

Fortunately, he didn't know He Jincheng.

"Professor Zheng, my name is He Jincheng. You may not know it, but you must know my wife Ye Qingmeng. She is the one who won the prize in the speech contest!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"'s you, why, are you standing in front of your wife?"

The middle-aged man was Zheng Chunlai. He also had some impressions after hearing what He Jincheng said.

When I was chatting with the arrogant Gu Rongan from Pingyao Middle School before, I heard Gu Rongan say that Ye Qingming's husband may have even better English skills.

Zheng Chunlai naturally didn't believe it, but seeing He Jincheng and his self-confidence today, he was willing to believe it.

"Haha, Professor Zheng, can we sit down and talk?"

He Jincheng laughed and said, but this matter can't be settled in a short while. Can't two people stand at the door of the office and discuss that He Jincheng's wife is going to have a baby, and then he needs to delay schooling?

"Oh, okay, look at my memory, I almost forgot! Let's go in first, sit down and chat slowly! I am also very interested in you, you must not hide it from me!"

Zheng Chunlai looked very happy.

He has been engaged in education for 30 years, and he has taught many students, but there are really not many promising ones.

As a professor, it would be a shame if he didn't have a good student.

So, when Zheng Chunlai saw Ye Qingmeng's speech, he had a plan in mind to recruit her into the school.

It's just that I have been so busy these days that my feet don't touch the ground, so I didn't think about it.

He Jincheng smiled and said nothing.

Zheng Chunlai pushed the door open, and then saw two assistants standing up to meet him.

Zheng Chunlai frowned slightly, because he smelled something strange in the air.

In fact, he has known these two assistants for a long time, and they like to do things together when they have nothing to do.

"You all go out, I want to talk to Dr. He alone!"

Zheng Chunlai smiled lightly.

"Teacher, this is clearly coming with malicious intentions. I'd better drive them out. With these two things, what qualifications do I have to chat with you alone!"

The male assistant said very displeasedly that he hoped that the professor could favor him. If the umbrella was also wrong, there would be no joke like today.

(End of this chapter)

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