Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 203 Smooth look, He Jincheng translates literature

Chapter 203 Smooth look, He Jincheng translates literature
"Presumptuous, Xiao Wang, when will I need you to ask about my affairs, pay attention to your own identity!"

Zheng Chunlai frowned, and his tone became a little more serious.

Then Assistant Xiao Wang realized his mistake, quickly bowed slightly, and apologized to Zheng Chunlai.

"I'm sorry Professor Zheng, I made a slip of the tongue, we'll go out right away!"

After speaking, Assistant Xiao Wang hurried out together with the female assistant.

He only became Zheng Chunlai's assistant by relying on his relationship, so he is not qualified to decide on Zheng Chunlai's affairs.

He Jincheng interrupted his good work just now, so he got a little hot-headed and ran into Professor Zheng.

Although he knew this, Assistant Xiao Wang's hatred for He Jincheng grew deeper and deeper.

If it wasn't for He Jincheng, how could he have made such a low-level mistake, it's a damn thing.

After the two of Xiao Wang left, Zheng Chunlai put on a warm smile again, and beckoned He Jincheng to sit down.

"Little Doctor He, sit down quickly, I'll pour you a cup of tea!"

"Professor Zheng, don't bother, I'm not thirsty either!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

"Where is it, sit down and let's talk slowly, anyway, I won't have class later!"

Zheng Chunlai poured a cup of tea for He Jincheng, and then sat opposite him.

After the two had a sip of tea, Zheng Chunlai looked at He Jincheng and asked with a smile, "Xiao He, isn't your wife here? School will start soon, so don't delay the report time!"

"Professor Zheng, I came here this time just to talk to you about it. I think Qingmeng might not be able to come to class this semester!"

He Jincheng said apologetically.

He could tell that Professor Zheng really wanted Ye Qingmeng to study at Nandu Normal University.

Although it was only the first time seeing Zheng Chunlai, with the eyesight of He Jincheng's two lives, he could still tell whether a person was sincere or had ulterior motives.

Ye Qingmeng was specially recruited to go to university, but he couldn't come over after school started. This really felt a little sorry for Professor Zheng.

"Ah? What happened? Do you need my help? Going to school is not a trivial matter. If you have difficulties, you should try your best to overcome them. Xiaoye is a good seedling. A pillar of the country!"

To this day, when he thought of the scene when Ye Qingmeng gave a speech that day, he still praised it endlessly.

Ye Qingmeng's oral English is very good, she is a rare talent.

If we can recruit her, we can save a lot of effort when we do some research and read overseas literature. Of course, this is only part of the reason.

"Hey, we also know that going to school is a big deal, but there's nothing we can do about it. Qingmeng is pregnant, and she's going to give birth in four or five months. There's really no way to come and report on going to school!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Well, pregnancy is also a big deal, so it's really inconvenient to come to class!"

Zheng Chunlai frowned slightly when he heard the words, but he was also relieved in his heart.

He thought that something happened to He Jincheng's family and Ye Qingmeng was not allowed to come to school.

It's just that she couldn't report because she was pregnant, so it's not impossible to deal with this matter.

"What do you mean?"

Zheng Chun came to ask He Jincheng.

"We thought, if we come to Nandu Normal University to study next year, we will basically have no problems at that time!"

He Jincheng expressed his plan.

"Do you want to suspend school for a year? This is a bit long, how about this? I will go through the admission procedures for Xiaoye first, and then give her a half-year leave. It will depend on the situation at that time. If Xiaoye recovers well, I will come over next semester." Go to school, if the recovery is average, then wait and see, what do you think?"

Zheng Chunlai thought for a while and said.

It will take a long time for Ye Qingmeng to come to school next year. At that time, the special recruitment class does not know whether Ye Qingmeng can be specially recruited again, so Zheng Chunlai wants to help Ye Qingmeng occupy this spot first. .

At that time, it is also possible to come to school next semester. As a professor, I also have this right.

"Of course that would be better, thank you Professor Zheng!"

He Jincheng didn't expect Professor Zheng to be so talkative, and he quickly gave a solution, which made him a little overjoyed.

There is still more than a month before the start of school. After half a year, Ye Qingmeng will be able to give birth to the confinement. At that time, the child will be looked after by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, or he can find a nanny by himself. Ye Qingmeng will be able to come to school when he has time .

It can be said that Zheng Chunlai's method is definitely the best method.

"Hahaha, don't thank me, who made your wife so good? I am willing to give the green light to this kind of future talent! By the way, why don't you go through the admission procedures on Xiaoye's behalf today!"

Zheng Chunlai said with a smile.

"Of course it's fine!"

He Jincheng immediately agreed.

Zheng Chunlai is also a vigorous and resolute person. After getting He Jincheng's consent, he immediately took him to the Academic Affairs Office to sort out some information forms and the like in person.

He Jincheng has filled out the information here, and the admission procedure is considered complete.

"It's all done, remember to come to school as much as possible next semester! By the way, Xiao He, I heard that your English level is not worse than Xiao Ye. I don't know if this is true?"

After completing all the formalities, Zheng Chunlai led He Jincheng to his office, and the two sat on the sofa and chatted.

"It's average, but my wife is the best. I'm all self-taught!"

He Jincheng said modestly.

"Hahaha, I think you are quite slippery, I don't want to tell you anything else. I have an English document here, and I asked someone who knows English to translate it, but the result of the translation is I am very dissatisfied, many key words are very ambiguous, or we have no way to use Chinese to accurately express the meaning in English literature, which greatly hinders our research.”

Zheng Chunlai explained the reason for the incident.

Hearing what Zheng Chunlai said, He Jincheng couldn't hide it any longer. He picked up a 20-page document on the table, read it briefly, and immediately smiled.

"I know something about this, it's like this..."

He Jincheng not only translated the content, but also explained the general meaning of this document in a simple way, which made Zheng Chunlai feel suddenly enlightened, and his vision was opened at once.

"Hey, Xiao He, you are also a talent, how about it, why don't you come to our school, even if this year's enrollment quota is full, I will definitely help you!"

Zheng Chunlai was so excited that he wanted He Jincheng to come to Nandu Normal University to study.

(End of this chapter)

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