Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 204 Buying a house, He Jincheng plans Zhang's house

Chapter 204 Buying a house, He Jincheng plans to go home
Of course He Jincheng would not go to school again.

The knowledge he possessed might not be taught by the entire Nandu Normal School.

For He Jincheng, coming back to school can only be said to be a waste of time.

As for education and the like, He Jincheng didn't even need it.

Open a medical clinic by yourself, relying on your own medical skills, what kind of wealth can you not own?

No matter how educated you are, how high your status is, and how much wealth you have, in the end, if you get sick, why don’t you go to a hospital to see a doctor?

So, He Jincheng never considered this kind of thing at all.

"I'm sorry, Professor Zheng, I opened a medical center here in Nandu, and there's a cultural and entertainment store next to it. I really can't get away. I think I'd better leave!"

He Jincheng politely refused.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Zheng Chunlai was filled with regret.

He is clearly a talent in the English field, but he is unwilling to do this job.

You know, in this line of work, you will interact with many high-level people. At that time, what you want to do, network resources, and wealth channels can all be done easily.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng refused so quickly.

"Xiao He, you should think about it again, as long as you graduate from our school, your future is definitely bright!"

Zheng Chunlai really didn't want He Jincheng to lose his talent.

He Jincheng opened a Chinese medicine clinic, and the income from this business is not stable, how can it be compared with college students who have gone to college!
"Professor Zheng, thank you for your kindness, but if Qingmeng and I are so busy every day, what about this family? Who will take care of the child?"

He Jincheng refused again.

Seeing that He Jincheng's attitude was so appreciative, Zheng Chunlai suppressed the idea of ​​poaching He Jincheng.

The two chatted for a while, and He Jincheng picked up the English documents on the table and took them away.

Back at the clinic, He Jincheng immediately called Lianhua Village, and the village chief Huang Baofu answered the phone.

There is only one telephone in the village, which belongs to the head of the village.

By the time Ye Qingmeng was called over, more than ten minutes had passed.


Ye Qingmeng's voice was somewhat excited.

It has been a few months since He Jincheng left. Although she would call occasionally, she had been undergoing abortion some time ago, so she didn't come over to say a few words to He Jincheng in person, and she let Guo Lan convey it.

So now that he received a call from He Jincheng and heard his voice, Ye Qingmeng was very happy.

"Honey, long time no see, I miss you!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"I don't think I'll come back to see me. I'm alone with a big belly and Tingting with me. Do you think it's easy for me?"

Ye Qingmeng said pretending to be angry.

She really missed He Jincheng, especially since he had been away for several months, and she missed him every day, hoping to see him sooner.

"My wife, I'm sorry, I have wronged you, but it's all right now, I have established a firm foothold here in Nandu, after two days, I plan to go back, and then we will take you over. We can be together forever!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Ah, do you want to introduce me too? This is not good, there is still so much farm work to do at home!"

Ye Qingmeng said hesitantly.

With a big belly, going to He Jincheng can only be a burden.

She didn't want to be He Jincheng's burden.

There are still a few acres of land at home. If He Jincheng does not do well outside, at least he will not starve to death after returning home.

"How can I do that? You are pregnant now, and you don't have to do the farm work at home. I will take you over in two days. As for the money, you don't have to worry about it. I already have a lot of money here." Savings, just waiting for you to come and help me spend them!"

He Jincheng is not talking nonsense.

The 15 yuan given by Mr. Meng has already arrived in the account, and with the 2 yuan given by Hu Zhengsheng, he has a huge sum of 17 yuan.

At this time in 82, he was definitely a rich man.

For an ordinary family of three, the annual expenditure will never exceed 1000 yuan.


Ye Qingmeng still hesitated.

He was a little bit reluctant to go home.

"That's it. I'll do something here. I'll go back to pick you up soon. By the way, I've already talked to the teacher over there about the school. I'll go through the admission procedures for you first. It's time to wait until next semester before you go to school!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Ye Qingmeng nodded slightly, now she is completely relying on He Jincheng to make decisions.

The two chatted for a while, and Ye Qingmeng suddenly realized that He Jincheng had been on the phone for a long time, and the call might cost a lot, so he hung up the phone hastily.

He Jincheng also hung up the phone, and then wondered if he should buy a house next.

In 82, the real estate industry hadn't boomed yet, and housing prices were still at a very low price. It is estimated that a few thousand yuan could buy a good property.

Now that I have so much money in my hand, I might as well buy a house.

After all, sleeping in the same room with Gao Ziqiang, it would be too inconvenient for Qing Meng to talk.

He Jincheng has always been a person who does what he thinks, so he immediately took the passbook and went to withdraw 1 yuan, and then went to find Gu Fengyue.

Gu Fengyue's connections in Nandu are not comparable to He Jincheng's.

After finding Gu Fengyue and telling him something, he got strong support from the other party.

Then Gu Fengyue asked someone to take He Jincheng to see the house.

In the end, He Jincheng took a fancy to a 130-square-meter house.

This house is located near Nandu Primary School.

It was a house allocated by the work unit when a big man was working.

Because the family had too many houses, the big man asked someone to sell one.

This house, with three bedrooms and two living rooms, is only simply decorated and has not been fully decorated, it looks very dilapidated.

However, the price is really very cheap, and it only costs 8000 yuan.

He Jincheng took a fancy to this house at a glance. After some negotiations, the final price reached 500 yuan. He Jincheng paid the full amount directly and signed the contract with the representative of the landlord. It's a house in the school district of Xuediao!

After signing the contract, He Jincheng immediately contacted the decoration company to redecorate the room. At the same time, he bought some items, such as cribs, strollers, etc., which were for Tingting and her future younger brother.

After explaining where the decoration company was, He Jincheng immediately bought a ticket to return to Lianhua Village.

The medical clinic put up a sign saying that it was closed for going out, and at the same time, Gao Ziqiang was looking after him, so there would be no problem. Anyway, after I went back, I would not stay long, and I would come back after Ye Qingmeng was picked up, and it would not take a few days .

(End of this chapter)

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