Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 205 On the way home, he treated people on the train

Chapter 205 On the way home, he treated someone on the train
After explaining everything, He Jincheng set foot on the way home.

The train is almost full.

Passengers carry big bags and small bags. Everyone wants to take a train. They can’t empty their hands. They want to maximize the benefits of their itinerary. Especially some small vendors, they bring as many things as possible, so people on this train Not much, but a lot of luggage.

Those who sat with He Jincheng were some small traders.

During the conversation, I learned that they all purchased goods from Nandu City, and then sold them in county towns or small towns.

Anyway, being idle was idle, so He Jincheng chatted with them.

Several people were very generous, and some even took out the peanuts they brought and distributed them to everyone to eat together.

Soon a few people knew that He Jincheng was a doctor, a fat boss with a good figure, looking at He Jincheng with a smile on his face.

"Doctor He, you are so young, you don't know how to do medicine? I have a bad waist recently, why don't you come and help me?"

The fat boss' name is Zhang Fuqi. This time he wholesaled some shoes from Nandu City. His family is also from Shanbei County. He is from He Jincheng's hometown, but it's not Pingyao Town, but Gujing Town.

"It seems that Boss Zhang has really worked hard recently. If I'm not mistaken, Boss Zhang has a lot of good luck!"

He Jincheng sized up the fat boss with a playful smile on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Fuqi knew that he had met a real person, embarrassment flashed across his face, and even more surprise.

"Doctor He is really skilled in medicine, please show me Dr. He! I feel like my medicine is going to fail soon!"

Zhang Fuqi said quickly.

Isn't it like what He Jincheng said, I have a good friend in the south, and I have been living with her for the past few days. The two have not seen each other for a long time, so I went too far, and I spent a lot of time every day. As a result, today This waist will not work.

"Hahaha, Boss Zhang, you have to pay attention to this. Small businesses like us, the body is the capital of the revolution. If you don't make money, you will be useless!"

"Death under the peony flower is also romantic, Boss Zhang is so lucky!"

Everyone joked and laughed.

"Doctor He, why don't you just show him, Lao Zhang is a kind man, he will do his best in everything he does, but he is still a good man! Hahaha..."

Zhang Fuqi was very embarrassed when he was said, but since He Jincheng can see his illness at a glance, it means that there must be a way to cure himself, even if it can't be effective on the spot, it's good to make him feel more relaxed, so, He just looked at He Jincheng eagerly.

"Small matter, Boss Zhang is still from my hometown. When I see fellow villagers, my eyes are full of tears. Now that we have met, I will show you!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile.

"With Doctor He's help, my waist can be saved."

Zhang Fu smiled and said:

He Jincheng stood up, pulled up his sleeves, and said, "Come on, let me take a look for you! But first things first, with my medical skills, I can't guarantee a [-]% cure for you!"

After all, he just met Zhang Fuqi, so He Jincheng didn't have enough to say.

Zhang Fuqi nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "No problem, no problem, you just treat it, as long as it makes me lighter, you don't know, I can hardly walk these few days! If this continues, I will definitely not be able to walk. You must be paralyzed!"

The onlookers burst out laughing.

I didn't expect to take a train today and watch people being treated on the spot. It's really interesting.

Some people couldn't wait any longer, so they urged.

"Doctor He, please treat him quickly. Look at his posture with one arm on his hip, as if he is pregnant. Look at him from a distance, he really looks like a woman with a big belly."

Everyone laughed again.

That's not the case, Zhang Fuqi is fatter, especially the belly.

Because of the back pain, I support my waist with one hand from time to time, which is really similar to a pregnant woman.

He Jincheng didn't talk nonsense, so he asked Zhang Fuqi to take off his coat, then opened a pair, stretched out his hand to press on his waist, and asked Zhang Fuqi to pose a few poses, pressed them respectively, and felt it. He nodded slightly and pointed to the aisle.

"Okay, you stand here!"

Zhang Fuqi stood up and walked to the aisle, then looked at He Jincheng.

"Keep your legs shoulder-width apart, with your back facing me!"

While talking, He Jincheng helped Zhang Fuqi adjust his standing posture.

"Oh my mother!"

Because He Jincheng touched his waist, Zhang Fuqi cried out in pain.

"Doctor He, take it easy, my waist is really failing!"

"It's okay, just hold on, it'll be fine soon!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Everyone was amazed, it seemed that Zhang Fuqi's waist was really serious, it hurt so much even if he moved it twice.

I don't know how He Jincheng plans to govern.

After Zhang Fuqi stood up, He Jincheng smiled and said: "This posture is correct, but you have to get closer to the seat. It's best if your stomach touches the side of the seat back."

Zhang Fuqi tried his best to do what He Jincheng said, and it took a lot of effort to do what He Jincheng said.

Seeing Zhang Fuqi standing in the corner and trying things out, holding his breath and tightening his stomach, several people here burst into laughter, his appearance was really funny enough.

"Okay, just stand as close as possible!" He Jincheng shook his head helplessly, "Boss Zhang, you really have to lose weight."

Zhang Fuqi is sweating at this moment, most of it is tiredness, and most of it is the pain on his waist, "Yes, if Dr. He has any prescription for weight loss, please don't hide it. At most, I will treat you to another meal." Good wine."

He Jincheng stood three steps away from Zhang Fu when he got up, "Now you squat down, you must stand on your feet, squat as low as you can!"

"Okay!" Zhang Fuqi responded, but found that he couldn't squat down at all. As soon as he lowered his body, his waist felt a sharp pain, and then he was pushed up by his big belly, and he had to turn backwards.

"Don't worry, just try a few more times!" He Jincheng smiled, "I'm sure you won't be able to squat down once."

Zhang Fu started to dawdle, up and down, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't squat down. This appearance made the people around him laugh again. Everyone saw a meat ball bouncing back and forth on the side of the seat. Immediately To fall, but not to fall.

"I said..." Zhang Fuqi was a little embarrassed and wanted to change the subject, "If you have any bone injuries in the future, please don't go to the Nandu Orthopedic Clinic, it's a scam!"

Upon hearing this, He Jincheng asked, "Which orthopedic hospital in Southern Metropolis?"

Zhang Fuqi smiled wryly and said: "That Huaji bone injury is said to be a famous doctor. In my opinion, it is a quack doctor. I have had it several times, but it is useless!"

(End of this chapter)

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