Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 206 Unexpectedly, a knee bump treats a waist injury

Chapter 206 Unexpectedly, a knee bump treats a waist injury
He Jincheng just said "oh", he also knew about Huaji's bone injury, after all, he was a colleague, so he understood to some extent, but since he is so famous, it shouldn't be ineffective!
"Perhaps it wasn't Mr. Hua himself who acted. Otherwise, with his old man's ability, it is impossible to cure your illness."

He Jincheng said a word to help his colleagues, everyone is a Chinese medicine doctor, and it is appropriate to take care of each other when there is nothing wrong.

Zhang Fuqi was stunned by this, and said: "That's right, the one who treated me was a young man. I think that kid must not have studied Taoism. I can't go to him for treatment in the future. In case I don't get cured If it’s in place, if you completely cripple me, it will be troublesome.”

Everyone couldn't help secretly praising He Jincheng for his generosity, saying that his colleagues are enemies, but He Jincheng still speaks for his colleagues. There is no such thing as medical ethics!
Zhang Fuqi moved a few times, his body was not as stiff as before, and he could squat down a bit.

He Jincheng said: "Okay, don't give up in a hurry this time, squat down as much as possible! It's okay, I'll support you behind, don't be afraid to fall!"

Zhang Fuqi squatted down vigorously, his stomach pressed against the side of the seat, his buttocks were pouted, and his face was flushed red.

If they didn't know that he was seeing a doctor, some people would have misunderstood him.

But this time, I only squatted down a few centimeters more. If I tried harder, I suddenly lost my center of gravity and fell straight back.

Instinctively, Zhang Fuqi had to move his feet back and stand back, so that he could support his body and regain his balance.

But at this moment, He Jincheng stepped forward suddenly, and pushed Zhang Fuqi's foot to death, preventing him from moving back.

At the same time, He Jincheng stretched out his hand again, supported Zhang Fuqi with one hand and his back, and said, "Don't move your feet, don't worry, I'm behind, don't worry about falling!"

Zhang Fuqi flashed, and the pain made his head sweat even more, but he still said: "Okay, I will try my best, but this foot can't be controlled!"

Feeling the power coming from behind, Zhang Fuqi was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng looked weak, but he really had some strength in his hands.

His weight of two hundred catties was easily supported by him.

He Jincheng smiled, supported Zhang Fuqi to stand by the wall again, and then took another step back, saying: "Do it again! This time try to squat down completely!"

Zhang Fuqi stood up again, and after resting for a while, he took a deep breath, tightened his belly a little, then held his breath and squatted down again, this time it was better than last time.

This made Zhang Fuqi happy. He was about to squat down again, but he suddenly felt a little out of breath. As soon as he exhaled, his big belly "fleshly" repeated the original shape, pushing against the seat, with a rebound force When he came back, Zhang Fuqi fell back again.

He Jincheng appeared in time at this time, and he straightened Zhang Fuqi just like before.

The people in the room laughed, all amused by Zhang Fuqi's suddenly enlarged belly just now.

I really didn't expect that the stomach can have such a function, making people unable to squat down.

But everyone didn't mean to laugh at it, they just thought it was more fun.

Zhang Fuqi tried several times in a row, but failed to squat down. He was tired and hurt, and even the shirt on his back was soaked. He said, "Doctor He, if I still can't get down this time, I'm going to take a rest. I lost all my strength! But doing this seems to have some effect, the pain is not as painful as before, your method is really good!"

Although he failed several times, Zhang Fuqi really felt a little more comfortable, and his trust in He Jincheng increased a bit.

He Jincheng smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's do it one last time, and try to squat down! As long as you squat down, your waist will be more than half healed!"

Zhang Fuqi nodded slightly, took a deep breath, then adjusted his posture, and squatted down again, probably because he thought this was the last time, so he was discouraged, this time he was not as deep as the previous few times, and he had already stretched I couldn't hold it any longer, and the whole person fell backwards.

Every time he fell down, He Jincheng would support him in time, and Zhang Fuqi was used to it.

So this time he didn't use any strength and let himself fall down.

As a result, more than half of it fell down, and the strength to support should have appeared earlier, but it didn't. Zhang Fuqi panicked. At this time, he wanted to adjust his posture, but it was already too late.

So Zhang Fuqi stretched out his hands, subconsciously wanting to grab something, but he couldn't catch anything, and then he could only support himself with his hands behind his back, hoping that when he fell to the ground, he would be able to support himself so that he wouldn't fall to the ground.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched his hand back, he was grabbed by someone, and then a strong force came from his waist, making a "click", the sound was clear and loud, and could be heard clearly in the whole room.

The room suddenly fell silent, Zhang Fuqi didn't know what happened, but the crowd watching the play could see clearly, everyone was stunned.

Because just when Zhang Fuqi was about to fall to the ground, He Jincheng suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Fuqi's hand. At the same time, the knee of his right leg was raised suddenly, and he punched Zhang Fuqi's injured waist.

That clicking sound came out like this.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The sound was really too loud, like a bamboo pole being broken by life.

Zhang Fuqi's waist must have been broken.

No one knew what He Jincheng was thinking just now, why he didn't support Zhang Fuqi in time!
And that knee bump just now was clearly a deadly attack during a fight!
What is this young doctor going to do!

At this time, He Jincheng straightened Zhang Fuqi, then clapped his hands, and said with a smile, "Okay, move around a bit!"

Zhang Fuqi's face turned pale. The sound just now scared him so much that his heart stopped beating.

But after hearing He Jincheng's words, he subconsciously tried to move his waist, and he was stunned.

"Hey, my waist..."

After a little more movement, Zhang Fuqi's face was filled with surprise and joy, and he said: "Okay, it doesn't hurt at all, it's great, this is amazing..."

The people over there were all relieved, it was a false alarm!Everyone misled Zhang Fuqi, thinking that squatting around was treating him. Who would have thought that Zhang Fuqi had been tossing around for most of the day just to warm up.

Zhang Fuqi’s back has been hurting for several days. He can’t stand or lie down. He’s almost dying of pain. Now he’s suddenly lightened, not to mention how happy he is. He’s standing twisting his lungs and waist. alright.

He Jincheng laughed twice, and said: "The bones have just reset now, and you need to rest for a while! But then you have to pay attention, it's best to do less double exercise in the short term, otherwise I won't be able to heal your waist Already!"

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, I will listen to Dr. He!"

Zhang Fuqi couldn't help but nodded and said.

"Dr. He, thank you very much. The one just now was really comfortable. Why don't you give me another one?"

"Do you think I'm giving you a massage? If you do it again, you will have to use a wheelchair when you go out in the future. If Boss Zhang wants to change transportation, I don't mind!"

He Jincheng said dumbfoundedly.

"Ah? Let's forget it, this time is just right, just right!"

Zhang Fuqi waved his hands again and again, knowing that it was Meng Lang himself.

(End of this chapter)

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