Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 207 Arriving at home, expressing ideas at the dinner table

Chapter 207 Returning home, expressing ideas at the dinner table
Seeing that Zhang Fuqi's waist was healed by He Jincheng in this way, everyone praised He Jincheng's excellent medical skills, and at the same time, they also wanted He Jincheng to treat him.

Anyway, being idle is idle, and He Jincheng was also in the carriage, treating patients.

It's just that not all diseases can be treated by manipulation.

He Jincheng can only give the prescription or method, and wait for the patient to get off the car before grabbing the medicine.

"Doctor He, where are you doing the consultation? We have never heard of such medical skills. If we have a chance in the future, we will definitely go to see you!"

Someone asked He Jincheng where he had a consultation.

Such a genius doctor, if he really encounters some difficult and miscellaneous diseases in the future, there should be a place to go.

"Everyone loves me, I opened a small clinic on Qiangu Street in Nandu, and I usually do consultations there!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Chatting and treating diseases along the way, the time passed quickly.

Before he knew it, the train arrived at the station, so He Jincheng had no choice but to say goodbye to everyone. When he got out of the train station, he met Liu Hao who came to pick him up.

Before returning, He Jincheng called Liu Hao.

The two have a good relationship, and Liu Hao is now cooperating very closely with the Lianhua Village Medicinal Material Factory, and has made a lot of money during this period, so when He Jincheng comes back, of course he wants to borrow it.

Liu Hao drove a Santana today, and he just bought it.

It all depends on He Jincheng. Liu Hao has made a lot of money recently, so he specially bought a new car.

"Brother Hao, I haven't seen you in a few months, and Santana is all set!"

He Jincheng greeted Liu Hao with a smile.

"Hahaha, don't laugh at me, if you are still here, don't talk about Santana, even if it is a crown, you can afford it!"

Liu Hao laughed and said that he was very happy to see He Jincheng.

"Tonight, just stay in the county town for one night. I'll call Shang Lao Qiu, let's have a drink tonight!"

It has been two months since He Jincheng left, and when we reunited after a long absence, Liu Hao wanted to invite He Jincheng to have a meal.

"Brother Hao, you have to be considerate of me. I have been away from home for two months. My wife and children are waiting for me to go back. How about going to Lianhua Village tonight and having a meal at my house? I I just wanted to call Brother Xiao and the others!"

He Jincheng waved his hand and said.

"Oh, yes, my siblings definitely want to see you too, so I'd rather not bother you, we brothers have plenty of time, I'd better send you home safely first!"

Liu Hao didn't force it.

He also knew He Jincheng well, and knew that he was a very family-oriented person, and that unless it was a special situation, he basically wouldn't drink until late.

After sitting in Santana, within four or ten minutes, we finally returned to Lianhua Village.

Seeing the familiar door, He Jincheng couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"Wife, Tingting, Mom and Dad, I'm back!"

He Jincheng shouted as he opened the door.

Soon, Ye Qingmeng walked out with Tingting in his arms, and when he saw He Jincheng, he was also surprised.

Tingting jumped out of Ye Qingmeng's arms, opened her hands and ran towards He Jincheng.

"Dad, Dad, Tingting misses you so much!"

Tingting was picked up by He Jincheng, hugged his neck affectionately, and said in a childish voice, tears even flickered in her two big eyes.

"Tingting is good, dad misses you too, look what this is, dad bought you candy!"

He Jincheng hugged his daughter dotingly, took out the candy he bought a long time ago from his pocket with one hand, and said with a smile.

"Tingting doesn't want candy, Tingting wants Dad, Dad, don't leave after you come back!"

Tingting shook her head, but did not go to pick up He Jincheng's candy, and said aggrievedly.

He Jincheng looked at Tingting, feeling a little uncomfortable, knowing that he had been away for a long time, and Tingting was missing herself.

"Tingting is good. Dad is sorry for you. Dad will give you a guarantee. From now on, I will play with Tingting every day, okay?"

Hearing He Jincheng's words, Tingting immediately became happy, her little face was flushed, and she looked very happy.

Ye Qingmeng on the side didn't speak, just stood there with a calm smile on his face, looking at the father and daughter.

"Jincheng is back, you kid still knows how to go home, and your wife is still pregnant, it's shameful to run out by yourself!"

Guo Lan walked out wearing an apron with a displeased expression on her face.

But He Jincheng knew that his mother-in-law had a sharp mouth and a tofu heart.

He complained about himself, but in fact, wasn't he cooking for himself?

Ye Shanhe was sitting in the yard basking in the sun, smoking a pipe.

Now Ye Shanhe is responsible for helping to manage the medicinal material factory, and he does it in a decent manner, and he has an aura of being in a high position.

"Okay, Jincheng just came back, and you are here to teach people, honestly, hurry up and cook, I'm hungry!"

Ye Shanhe is defending his son-in-law.

Guo Lan rolled his eyes at Ye Shanhe, then turned his head and went back to continue cooking.

It didn't take long for a hearty lunch to be prepared.

At the dinner table, He Jincheng revealed his plan to take Ye Qingmeng to Nandu City.

Guo Lan immediately wanted to object.

"No, people in Southern Metropolis are not familiar with the place, and Qingmeng is still pregnant, how can she stand up to it! It's better to stay at home, the air in the countryside is good, the environment is good, and confinement is easy!"

He Jincheng knew that Guo Lan would object, so he explained patiently with a smile.

"Mom, your thinking is still too traditional. Although the environment in our countryside is good, the medical and sanitary conditions are definitely not as good as those in the city. I took Qingmeng over there. When I came here, I wanted to be able to accompany Qingmeng. Secondly, it can give Qingmeng the best medical insurance for maternity, and another point is to allow Tingting to receive a better education in the city."

Tingting is almost four years old and will be able to go to kindergarten soon.

Now some wealthy people in the city have started to send their children to kindergartens.

In the countryside, even in the county towns, there are basically no schools, only preschools.

Now that I have the ability, I can't be sloppy thinking about giving my wife and children the best living conditions.


Guo Lan hesitated when he heard what He Jincheng said, but he was still a little uneasy.

"You old lady, you've been thinking wildly all day long, and your daughter has gone, so you can't go with her? Can't you all go by then?"

Ye Shanhe spoke at this time.

He Jincheng's little thought, he saw clearly.

After explaining so much to Guo Lan, don't you hope that Guo Lan can go to Nandu with him and Qing Meng?

"If I go, who will cook for you?"

Guo Lan glared at Ye Shanhedao.

"Hmph, I have arms and legs, so why do I need you to take care of them? There is a cafeteria over there in the factory. As the factory manager, can I starve myself?"

Ye Shanhe snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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