Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 208 Strolling in the village, He Jincheng came up with a surprise

Chapter 208 Strolling in the village, He Jincheng came up with a surprise
"Look, you've ruined your ability. You, the factory manager, didn't Jincheng get it for you? Without Jincheng, both of your workers wouldn't be able to do it!"

Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe were also used to bickering, and they had a great time fighting with each other.

But in the end, Guo Lan agreed to go to Nandu with He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng.

After dinner, He Jincheng and Ye Shanhe went to the medicinal material factory, and he was very happy to see that everything in the medicinal material factory was in order.

"Jincheng, you don't know. Our factory is very powerful now. Even the neighbors from the next county come to us to place orders. The villagers work in the factory while planting medicinal materials. The coins they earn have doubled before. times, our village will soon be lifted out of poverty and become rich!"

The village head, Huang Baofu, is now also serving as the deputy director of the medicinal material factory. He is very happy to see He Jincheng here.

Because the development of Lianhua Village is good, the deeds have spread to the ears of the leaders above.

Some people even suggested that Huang Baofu be promoted to a higher level and manage a town or something.

This was undoubtedly a surprise to Huang Baofu, who had been the village head all his life.

But after thinking about it again and again, Huang Baofu still refused.

It's not that he doesn't want to be the head of the township, but as soon as he gets older, he's in his sixties, half buried in the soil, so being the head of the township doesn't mean much.

So, I might as well stay in Lianhua Village as the village head and take good care of the medicinal plant. Maybe I can really lead the villagers out of poverty and become rich. This can be regarded as my biggest dream in my life.

"With Uncle Baofu's help, it's no wonder the factory is not doing well!"

He Jincheng also recognized Huang Baofu's ability very much.

Among other things, almost everyone in the village did not listen to him.

"In the past two months, our orders have doubled several times. I predict that by the end of the year, our factory will at least have a profit of more than [-] yuan!"

Ye Shanhe took a puff of dry tobacco, with a somewhat smug look on his face.

You know, before He Jincheng left, the medicinal material factory only had a profit of three to five thousand a month.

Now that he can achieve what he is today, he has worked hard.

"It's thanks to Dad and Uncle Baofu. By the way, I still have some methods of processing medicinal materials. You can take them first. If you don't understand anything, just come to me!"

After He Jincheng finished speaking, he took out another business card with He Jincheng's name and contact information on it.

"Fine, sure, sure!"

Huang Baofu said yes again and again, and stretched out his hand towards this side.

"Our factory, under the care of Uncle Baofu and Dad, it won't be long before our Lianhua Village will be famous all over the world."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Then, He Jincheng strolled with Ye Shanhe to Yiyi Huanxin Medical Center.

The doctor sitting in the hall was personally selected by He Jincheng, and he also gave a lot of money to the merchant.

After a brief exchange, He Jincheng felt that there were no major problems in the hospital as a whole, and he left the doctor with a medical record book that he summed up, which could be regarded as helping him.

This book is the solution to more than 100 difficult and miscellaneous diseases recorded by myself. As long as this doctor can study it carefully, he will definitely gain a lot.

After walking around for a while, the two returned home.

Ye Qingmeng and Guo Lan were both packing their things.

Now that they have agreed to go to the city with He Jincheng, they are naturally not Moji people.

"When are we leaving?"

Guo Lan asked.

"Tomorrow, I'll have another drink with Dad tonight, and I won't go home until I'm drunk!"

He Jincheng laughed.

This night, He Jincheng really drank too much.

Early the next morning, He Jincheng was woken up by Ye Qingmeng before he woke up.

Yesterday, she wanted to have a private chat with He Jincheng, but this kid didn't give him a chance at all. He was drunk at night, so he didn't chat with Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng didn't fall asleep much at night, she had a lot to ask He Jincheng.

"Jincheng, wake up, let's talk!"

Ye Qingmeng gently shook He Jincheng to wake him up.

He Jincheng opened his sleepy eyes, hugged Ye Qingmeng into his arms with a smile, and said with a smile: "What's the matter Qingmeng, just ask if you have anything, we are old couples, why are you so polite?"

"Do you think it's really good for us to go to Nandu?"

Ye Qingmeng gritted her teeth lightly, it seemed that she would need to make a journey with an unknown result, which made her a little nervous.

"Qing Meng, are you worried that you are not used to life in the city? Don't worry, the people in the city are not what we think. It's just working in the factory!"

He Jincheng smiled and enlightened Ye Qingmeng.

He could understand Ye Qingmeng's thoughts, but this kind of thinking would need to be changed sooner or later, he might as well let her accept and adapt to it earlier.

"But we don't have any money. I'm sure you came back to pick me up after you achieved some results, but I'm going to give birth soon, and everything will cost money, which..."

What Ye Qingmeng was most worried about was money.

Although during this period of time, the medicinal material factory and the winery have a certain amount of share in the account, but after all, the proportion of shares is not high, so the money divided is not a lot.

"Don't worry, your husband's ability is far higher than you imagined! Show you something good!"

With that said, He Jincheng got up and opened one of his handbags.

Ye Qingmeng stretched out his head to look, his eyes lit up immediately, and he was extremely excited.

The handbag was surprisingly filled with stacks of Great Unity, it looked like there might be tens of thousands of them.

"This... How much is this!"

Ye Qingmeng rubbed her eyes, thinking she was wrong.

I have never seen so much money in my life!
"Don't worry about money. Your husband's current financial resources are far beyond your imagination! By the way, after we return to Nandu together, we will buy a house as soon as possible."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Buy a house? Oh my god, how much is that? Last time I heard people say that a prescription in the county town can be sold for four to five thousand yuan. If you want to buy a house in the city, you need at least one hundred thousand yuan." Come on!"

Ye Qingmeng's face was still somewhat shocked, full of disbelief.

"Look at what this is..."

He Jincheng smiled mysteriously, and then took out a passbook.

Ye Qingmeng took the passbook with some doubts, and when he opened it and saw the numbers on the passbook, Ye Qingmeng gasped.

There is actually 10 yuan in this passbook, which is too scary!
"Jincheng, you couldn't have done something..."

Ye Qingmeng couldn't imagine how He Jincheng could make so much money after only going out for a month or two!

(End of this chapter)

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