Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 209 Chapter Nandu, 4 Courtyard Feelings

Chapter 209 Returning to the Southern Metropolis, Feeling Like a Courtyard Home
He Jincheng knew what Ye Qingmeng was worried about, and felt a little helpless.

After all, Ye Qingmeng's way of thinking is relatively traditional. It is absolutely unimaginable to make so much money in this era, especially for Ye Qingmeng who has been living in the countryside.

"Where do you want to go? I earned all this money by my own ability. You will know when you go to Nandu with me!"

At this moment, he couldn't explain clearly. After Ye Qingmeng arrived in Nandu, everything would be clear, and there was no need for He Jincheng to explain.

Although Ye Qingmeng believed in He Jincheng very much, so much money all of a sudden made her a little scared.

At night, Ye Qingmeng kept asking about this matter, and He Jincheng had no choice but to explain the process of how to make money.

Only then did Ye Qingmeng fall asleep dubiously.

The next day, He Jincheng went to the village head and called Liu Hao, and made an appointment with him to pick him up tomorrow to take the train to the county seat.

However, He Jincheng invited Xiao Jingran and Zhang Yuanshan to have dinner together.

Hearing that He Jincheng seemed to have opened up the situation in Nandu, Zhang Yuanshan was very interested, and thought of going to Nandu to develop and develop.

Xiao Jingran, Liu Hao and the others had no idea in this regard.

Now the profits of the medicinal material factory and winery are still growing rapidly, it would be a pity if they all left.

"If Mr. Zhang wants to come to Nandu for development, he may have to wait a little longer. I suggest you do real estate. It's best to build a good relationship with the local officials and buy some land before we can talk about it!"

He Jincheng gave Zhang Yuanshan a suggestion.

The current housing prices are very low, and few people are engaged in real estate.

However, those with a bright eye and an investment vision have seen the vigorous development of the domestic economy and know that the real estate industry will definitely grow a lot in the future, so in some big cities, some people have begun to hoard land.

Buying land in this era not only has a good location, but also a very cheap price.

However, even if the price is not high, it still requires a lot of money.

"Hahaha, no problem. I've already started raising money. After a while, I will definitely go to Nandu. If possible, I will also open a real estate development company!"

Zhang Yuanshan laughed.

Several people drank until eleven o'clock in the evening, and they were so drunk that they left the show.

Early the next morning, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng Tingting and mother-in-law Guo Lan into Liu Hao's car and headed for the county railway station.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, they finally arrived in Nandu City.

When I came out of the station, I saw Gao Ziqiang waiting outside.

"Brother He!"

Gao Ziqiang waved to He Jincheng with a smile on his face. When he saw Ye Qingmeng, he was slightly taken aback.

"Sister-in-law, auntie, and Tingting, right? I rented a car, let's get in the car!"

Liu Hao greeted them with a smile, and took them to the car.

He rented a minivan, which is also possible to pick up people, and he can usually pull goods, and the effect is very good.

"Qiangzi, I asked you to rent the house for me, is it ready?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"It's rented, it's not far from our Qiangu Street, let's go there now!"

Gao Ziqiang said immediately, and then drove a few people to the house he mentioned.

What he rented to He Jincheng was a courtyard house with two entrances and two exits, a yard inside and six rooms.

Seeing such a large courtyard, Guo Lan was a little uneasy.

"Oh, it's so big, the rent must be a lot, how can you spend so much money!"

Guo Lan felt a little distressed about money. She felt that when living in the city, the consumption was already high and the pressure was high. How could she spend money so recklessly?

"Ma'am, it's not expensive, it's only one hundred and twenty months, we can rent it now!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile.

Guo Lan felt even more distressed when he heard that it was going to cost one hundred and two.

This farmer is exhausted all year round, and he can't earn more than 100 yuan a month. He just rents a house.

"How can this work? It's too expensive, too expensive. Can't we rent a smaller one? Qiangzi, tell the landlord that we don't want to rent it anymore, just change to a smaller one!"

Guo Lan didn't dare to enter the yard anymore.

In her opinion, every brick here is money!
"Mom, don't worry, we are not short of money now, just ask Qing Meng, I will tell her all about it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Guo Lan looked at Ye Qingmeng, and sure enough, she saw her calm face, as if one hundred and twenty was nothing to her.

"Girl, you really don't feel bad, 120 yuan, this is enough for our family to feed for three months, and we can also eat meat!"

Ye Qingmeng was also very helpless. He saw the appointment in He Jincheng's passbook before, and knew that He Jincheng was really rich now. 120 yuan seemed really nothing.

Therefore, she has no objection to He Jincheng renting such a large yard.

"Mom, Jincheng did this for our own good, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Ye Qingmeng persuaded.

"Mom, you should take the money first. Now Qingmeng is pregnant, so you have to make up for it!"

He Jincheng took a bag and handed it to Guo Lan.

Guo Lan took it over and took a look, and almost called it a beast.

Inside this bag, there are bundles of big unity, just take a big look, at least there are 2000 yuan!

Good guy, I was shocked by the rent of 120 yuan just now, but I didn't expect to have 2000 yuan in my hand all of a sudden. What does my son-in-law do? Why is he so rich all of a sudden.

After all, Guo Lan accepted the fact that He Jincheng was really good at making money, and moved in with him.

I have been cleaning the room all day. As expected of Guo Lan, who has been doing housework all her life, she cleans and tidies up very quickly. In less than two or three hours, the courtyard, which was still somewhat dirty, is almost brand new now.

Gao Ziqiang used a van to pull some furniture and bedding, and today the courtyard can be lived in.

"To celebrate our moving, we will have dinner at Qingfenglou tonight, Qiangzi, go and fix it!"

He Jincheng was very happy. After tidying up, this courtyard house looked like a home, especially with his wife and children by his side, which made He Jincheng feel a long-lost sense of happiness.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Gao Ziqiang agreed, and then went to Qingfeng Building to reserve a box.

"Hey, why don't we just cook something at home? Why do we have to go out to eat! Jincheng, I know you have money now, but we can't waste it if we have money. Save some money, in case When will it be useful?"

Guo Lan still feels sorry for the money, and feels that He Jincheng is too extravagant and wasteful.

(End of this chapter)

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