Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 210 Gao Ziqiang was beaten at the housewarming banquet

Chapter 210 Gao Ziqiang was beaten at the housewarming banquet
"Mom, you need to change your consumption concept. You don't need to worry about money, just live a good life and enjoy it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hmph, you brat is so courageous that you dare to teach me a lesson!"

Guo Lan glared at He Jincheng and said displeasedly.

"How dare I, I just want to let Mom rest assured that our future will definitely get better and better. You don't have to worry about this little money!"

He Jincheng quickly said that he really didn't dare to offend his mother-in-law.

When Tingting came to this courtyard, she seemed very happy and excited, running around in the courtyard non-stop, with a smile on her face.

Seeing the child so happy, He Jincheng felt very relieved, his busy work during this time was finally not in vain!

Qingfeng Building.

It can be regarded as a high-end hotel in Nandu.

The inside is full of antique decoration, and I heard that it is still a very powerful local boss.

Of course, He Jincheng was not afraid of these people, but in order for his wife and children to have a peaceful living environment, He Jincheng didn't say anything and didn't take the initiative to provoke others.

But if someone provoked him, He Jincheng would not be polite.

The box that Gao Ziqiang ordered was a box for ten people.

Looking at the antique decoration, both Guo Lan and Ye Qingmeng felt as if they had entered another world.

Several people sat down, ordered food, and after waiting for the food and wine to be served, they chatted and laughed.

"Brother, I am so self-improving to have a big brother like you, I am worth it!"

Gao Ziqiang raised his wine glass and had a drink with He Jincheng.

"In the future, we will have more opportunities to make money and make a fortune, but now we are just getting started!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good, our current business can just cover the cost."

Gao Ziqiang knew what He Jincheng meant, and said with a smile.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Gao Ziqiang got drunk and walked out of the box, ready to go to the bathroom.

As a result, it took more than ten minutes to go there, and he still hasn't come back.

"What's the matter, did Qiangzi drink too much?"

Guo Lan had a good impression of Gao Ziqiang. Gao Ziqiang called He Jincheng a brother, and Guo Lan treated him like his own child.

"I'll go and have a look, you guys are waiting here, don't move around!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, then stood up and walked out of the box.

As soon as he opened the door, He Jincheng heard voices not far away.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, and walked towards the bathroom, only to find that there were many people around the door of the men's bathroom, and there were yells of cursing and screams coming from there.

He Jincheng's heart skipped a beat, Gao Ziqiang couldn't have been beaten up!

"I think you're fucking tired of working!" Someone shouted loudly, grabbed Gao Ziqiang's collar and raised his hand to slap him, saying, "Believe it or not, I'll kill you today!"

This kind of ruthlessness can be seen as someone who came out of the army compound, and someone else would definitely not have this kind of ruthlessness.

Gao Ziqiang looks very miserable now, his cheeks are swollen, red handprints are all over his face, his mouth and nose are bleeding, and he mumbled: "I really... really didn't..."

"Damn, how dare you say no!" The man slapped his backhand again, and said, "I think you won't cry when you see the coffin!"

He Jincheng rushed over immediately and saw the situation here clearly.

"Stop me all!"

He Jincheng pushed aside the crowd and shouted angrily.

The group of people stopped their hands and looked at He Jincheng with displeasure.

"Who are you? Beating people in broad daylight, is there any law?"

He Jincheng was furious. Gao Ziqiang was working hard with him, and he had already regarded him as a brother. He didn't expect to be beaten like this. It's really unreasonable!
"If you don't change your name, if you don't change your surname, your grandpa Zhang is me, and I did it!"

A man in flared pants with a tuft of yellow hair on his head said with a sneer.

Gao Ziqiang finally got over his nerves at this time. Seeing He Jincheng coming, he said, "Brother He, I really didn't... They framed me!" "

"Still saying no!" Young Master Zhang was furious, grabbed Gao Ziqiang's collar again, raised his hand and slapped him, and said, "Could it be that my eyes are for venting!"


There was a crisp sound, this time it wasn't Gao Ziqiang who was slapped in the face again, and Zhang Shao, who was holding Gao Ziqiang's collar, fell to the ground covering his face, and when he let go, five fingers on his face were red and bleeding .

He Jincheng's eyes were terrifying at this time, no one even saw how he made the move, he took a step forward, coldly said to Zhang Shao who was lying on the ground, "I think your eyes are not only for expressing anger Yes, and blinded your dog eyes!"

"Brother He, they did it on purpose...I didn't peek at his female companion at all"

Gao Ziqiang was almost in tears, his cheeks were so swollen that he couldn't speak clearly.

He Jincheng supported Gao Ziqiang, pointed at Zhang Shao who was lying on the ground expressionlessly, and said, "Tell me, besides this bastard, who else made a move!"

The onlookers were all a little shocked.

I thought where did this kid come from, don't you know Young Master Zhang's name?
In the territory of Nandu, if you provoke Zhang Shao, you are looking for death, unless your strength is stronger than others!
"You dare to hit me!" Young Master Zhang stared, as if he couldn't believe the fact that he was beaten at all. He grew up so much that he was the only one who hit someone else. How could anyone else hit him? The guy howled so loudly.

"I'll ask you again, who else made a move!" He Jincheng ignored Zhang Shao at all, but continued to ask Gao Ziqiang with a dark face.

"Damn, you dare to hit me!"

Young Master Zhang was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses and suddenly became ruthless, saying, "I'm going to kill you today!"

As he said that, Young Master Zhang was about to get up, and several people around him also surrounded him.

As soon as these people's feet moved, He Jincheng raised his big hand, pointed at the other group with a finger, and said fiercely: "I see whoever dares to move, and whoever moves will end up just like him!"

As soon as the words fell, Young Master Zhang got up, just in front of He Jincheng's fingers, He Jincheng slapped his backhand, and with one slap, Young Master Zhang slammed his head against the wall next to him.

How could Young Master Zhang withstand He Jincheng's angry slap, hit his head against the wall, blood flowed immediately, fell to the ground, and was out of breath!
"Who else, stand up for me!"

He Jincheng continued to point his fingers at the others, and shouted angrily.

A crisp slap sounded right next to his ears, coupled with this shout, those guys were startled awake immediately, and they all stood still.

To say that these people are not ordinary people, even more courageous, and have been in the market for a long time, but at this time they are also frightened by He Jincheng's appearance, this is completely crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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