Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 211 Can't represent, let's accept punishment

Chapter 211 Can't represent, let's accept punishment
The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. He Jincheng looks ordinary in clothes, and he is completely incomparable with people like himself, but his substantive aura is far from that of dudes like Zhang Shao.

"You...don't go too far, this is Qingfeng Building, no one dares to make trouble here!"

A man wearing glasses said timidly.

As a result, He Jincheng stepped forward, grabbed his collar directly, and then lifted the boy abruptly, as if he was carrying a chicken.

The companion next to the man with glasses subconsciously wanted to help him, but was kicked aside by He Jincheng.

"Qingfeng Building? Could it be that in Qingfeng Building, you can beat people, but I can't?"

He Jincheng slapped him with a slap, the man's glasses were blown off, and the left side of his face instantly swelled up.

"Bastard, who the hell are you, committing murder in Qingfeng Building for no reason, I think you don't want to live!"

Someone shouted again.

He directly labeled He Jincheng as an innocent beating person, trying to make the onlookers misunderstand He Jincheng.

"For no reason? My brother was beaten like this by you, can't we fight back and give you an apology?"

He Jincheng stepped forward again, and pulled out the person who dared to speak threats. He raised his hand and twitched violently, and soon everyone calmed down.

Zhang Shao shrank in the corner, and now he has completely lost his previous arrogance.

He didn't know He Jincheng, but he could tell that this kid was really trying to kill him. He was beaten badly just now, so how dare he touch He Jincheng's brow again.

Now he is very anxious, thinking why the boss of Qingfenglou hasn't come out to save the situation. He has a very good relationship with the boss of Qingfenglou. As long as he steps forward, he can turn the situation around.

Soon, those who beat Gao Ziqiang were all cleaned up by He Jincheng, and they all huddled beside the sink at the door of the bathroom with bruised noses and swollen faces.

How could this be the majestic young masters on weekdays, just like a group of elementary school students who have been cleaned up by the teacher.

"Qiangzi, do you feel angry?"

He Jincheng looked at Gao Ziqiang and asked in a deep voice.

"Brother, it's okay, why don't you forget it!"

Although Gao Ziqiang was still a little reconciled, he also knew that he and He Jincheng were away from home, how could they fight against these local snakes.

He Jincheng was able to teach these people a lesson today, which is already considered good. If he really offended people to death, there would definitely be a lot of trouble in the future.

In the past, how could Gao Ziqiang let these people go so easily, insisting on asking someone to break their dog legs.

But these time, with He Jincheng, he also learned a lot.

Have to forgive others and forgive others, stay on the front line in everything, so that we can meet each other in the future.

"Hmph, look at your prospects, where's the ruthlessness from before? You stand and I'll take care of this matter!"

He Jincheng rolled a blank look at Gao Ziqiang, and felt that this kid's courage became weaker when he came to a big city.

Does he think that these young masters will let him go in the future?
I have already started today, so I will be in an endless situation with these young masters in the future.

So, since you have fought, you should completely conquer him, which will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

Gao Ziqiang stopped talking, he was grateful and admired He Jincheng in his heart.

Only He Jincheng dared to vent his anger on himself like this.

Watching He Jincheng walk towards him slowly, Zhang Shaoji's legs went limp.

He has never seen such a soft and hard guy, this is too difficult to deal with.

"Brother, brother, what exactly do you want, can't we apologize?"

Zhang Shao said quickly.

"How to apologize?"

He Jincheng smiled and stared at Young Master Zhang.

"We lose money, medical expenses, damage expenses, I am willing to pay 1000 yuan!"

Zhang Shaoyi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

The compensation of 1000 yuan is quite a lot.

However, it depends on who it is for.

He Jincheng took out a bundle of Great Unity from his pocket and threw it on Young Master Zhang's face.

"Here is 2000 yuan, how about you let me beat you again?"

Hearing this, Young Master Zhang knew that the other party was definitely not simple.

Throwing 2000 yuan in cash casually, even if you are yourself, you may not be able to do it.

Where did this guy come from? There is no such a number one person here in Nandu. Could it be that he came from another place?
"Brother, I know you are not short of money, so let's give it a chance, let's sit down and have a good chat. I, Zhang Hongqi, are here in Nandu, and I have some energy. Let's turn hostility into friendship, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. How about making friends?"

Zhangjia in the southern capital.

On Nandu's side, apart from some official institutions, people from the five families were the least to be provoked.

The Liu family is the owner of Nandu Manor; the Hu family is the family of Hu Zhengsheng; the Hua family is a well-known Chinese medicine family in China; the Qin family is said to have a background in the capital.

And the last one is the Zhang family.

This Zhang family used to be in the business of touching gold captains. Although they basically stopped doing it later, the number of treasures in the family is unimaginable. Coupled with the manpower, material and financial resources accumulated by the Zhang family, I am afraid that among the five major families, The most unprovoked family.

"The Zhang family, right? I've heard of it, but can you represent your Zhang family?"

He Jinsheng sneered and said.

Before he came to Nandu, he knew about five relatively powerful families in Nandu.

Moreover, before rebirth, I knew more about these families.

The old man of the Zhang family was later poisoned by a very strange poison. Although He Jincheng didn't know it at the time, he vaguely guessed that it seemed to be contaminated from below. so clean.

It is precisely because of this that He Jincheng is not afraid of the Zhang family at all.

It won't be long before this family will come to invite me.

"I...Brother, I can't represent the Zhang family, but I can be regarded as a matchmaker. My cousin Zhang Mingyu is the eldest son of my uncle, and he is very important in the family. Brother Mingyu and I have a very good relationship. If you want, I can arrange for you to meet!"

Zhang Hongqi thought about it, but still didn't dare to speak big words.

His father, Zhang Youde, was the least valued in the family, and he was only known as the young master of the Zhang family. In fact, apart from a little money, he really had no power.

If he dared to claim that he could represent the family, he would definitely be subject to strict family law after returning.

"Hehe, then I'm sorry, since you are worthless, you can only accept the punishment obediently!"

He Jincheng chuckled, reached out and grabbed Zhang Hongqi.

(End of this chapter)

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