Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 213 The Zhang family's hidden love, the strategy of killing two birds with one stone

Chapter 213 The Zhang family's hidden love, the strategy of killing two birds with one stone

Zhang Yuanchao said in a deep voice.

"It's not easy for our Zhang family to come to the present. We can't waste all our previous work because of a scoundrel! Have you forgotten what father told us?"

The Zhang family used to do shady business.

Being able to still gain a foothold in Nandu and become one of the five major families is precisely because the old man of the Zhang family resisted all opinions and strictly prohibited all previous illegal acts. white.

Relying on the accumulation in the past, the Zhang family is now rich. As long as it continues, it will not only become more and more prosperous, but also prosper in a fair manner.

Now for a junior who is not valued, it is necessary to violate the rules that the Zhang family has adhered to for more than ten years, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"Does Hongqi deserve to be beaten? Brother, Hongqi's legs have been broken, and the other party is just a little-known doctor. Why should we be so afraid of his mother?"

Zhang Youde was very dissatisfied with his elder brother's attitude.

Although he didn't intend to fight for power, and his son Zhang Hongqi didn't have that ability, but Zhang Hongqi's surname was Zhang after all, and now that he was beaten up, it would be extremely detrimental to the Zhang family if word spread.

"He Jincheng, He Jincheng... why do I feel that this name sounds familiar?"

Zhang Yuanchao ignored Zhang Youde's anger.

He knew in his heart that as long as he didn't speak, Zhang Youde would not dare to go against his will and trouble He Jincheng.

"My lord, I've heard of this He Jincheng. He seems to have some medical skills. At the auction, He Jincheng picked up a big leak and took a picture of Tang Bohu's painting, which was finally bought by Mr. Meng!"

At this time, the housekeeper on the side stepped forward and said.

After being reminded by the housekeeper, Zhang Yuanchao finally remembered who He Jincheng was.

The person I sent to participate in the auction before came back to report this matter. At that time, I also praised He Jincheng for being young and promising, and he was a talent.

"I just didn't expect that He Jincheng was actually a doctor!"

Zhang Yuanchao said in a deep voice.

"That's right, I did a brief investigation before. When He Jincheng came out, he was surrounded by people led by Hu Zhengsheng. As a result, he cleaned up Hu Zhengsheng's group by himself! Later, he was invited into the manor by Liu Lisheng, and the next day Liu The old man's illness is cured!"

The butler told all the information he had learned.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuanchao's eyes lit up.

In this way, He Jincheng is still a miracle doctor!

Mr. Liu's illness is a secret to the outside world, but it is well known to the five major families.

It's just that everyone didn't tell the truth, and they were all waiting for the final news.

If Mr. Liu died of illness, the Liu family's property would definitely be squeezed out by other families.

Basically every family can get a piece of the pie, and Ziqian Zhang Yuanchao is also waiting for this opportunity.

To everyone's surprise, Mr. Liu, who was dying the first day, acted like a normal person the next day. He even invited a few people from the older generation to drink tea. He was in better spirits than before he fell ill. Be energetic!
"In this case, we can invite him to see if the old man is sick!"

Zhang Yuanchao had such an idea in his mind.

The old man of the Zhang family retreated behind the scenes early, not because he was old and frail and couldn't keep up with energy, but because the old man suddenly got a strange disease and his ears could not hear.

The Zhang family naturally invited a lot of famous doctors, but the final result was really unsatisfactory and had no effect at all.

As a top family in Nandu, if the person at the helm is deaf, it will really affect the image of the family.

Therefore, Mr. Zhang retired to the background early on, and rarely even appeared in front of him.

This also made many people outside feel that Mr. Zhang's time was approaching, which also put a lot of pressure on the Zhang family.

If the old man's strange disease of deafness can be cured, the benefits to the Zhang family are self-evident.

"What? I don't agree! Brother, it's fine if you don't let me deal with that kid He Jincheng, but you still want to invite him to treat the old man. If someone else finds out about it, you will laugh your ass off!"

Zhang Youde immediately jumped up when he heard the words, his face was full of anger.

His son's leg was broken by someone, so it's fine if he doesn't take revenge, but he even went to invite him over.

If this really cured the old man, wouldn't he still have to thank him?
Zhang Youde didn't have Zhang Yuanchao's vision and didn't think so much.

In his opinion, if you suffer a loss, you have to take revenge, so how could you invite others to come over?

"Presumptuous, third brother, don't you even listen to me now? Is your precious son or your father important? Or the Zhang family!"

Zhang Yuanchao slapped the table and said angrily.


Zhang Youde's face turned red, and he really wanted to say that no matter what, he would not agree to invite He Jincheng to see the old man.

Besides, the Zhang family and He Jincheng are considered hostile now, how could anyone invite the enemy over to see a doctor?Can he treat the old man sincerely?

"You idiot, I want to invite him to treat the old man. I don't mean to compromise with a kid. If he can really cure the old man, it means that he is a genius doctor. He has a good relationship with a genius doctor and treats our Zhang family There are all benefits but no harm, if he can't cure the old man, we can just use this reason to attack him, and when the time comes, if you settle accounts with him, wouldn't you be famous as a teacher?"

Zhang Yuanchao said with a sneer.

Zhang Youde was startled, then laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, big brother is really big brother, why didn't I figure it out with my pig brain? Okay, okay, I agree, I agree, why don't we just go and invite that kid over here in person, so we can show our sincerity!"

It was rare for him to be smart for a while, and offered to invite He Jincheng himself.

Zhang Yuanchao nodded and agreed to Zhang Youde's suggestion.

"Okay, then I'll let you go. Remember to be polite, and say that you are apologizing to him instead of Hongqi, and invite him to our Zhang family for dinner!"

"Okay, just look at it, even if I tie him up, I will tie that kid back!"

Zhang Youde chuckled, couldn't sit still anymore, and planned to invite He Jincheng immediately.

At this moment, He Jincheng is seeing a doctor in the hospital.

There were not many patients today, and there was nothing wrong with it at first, but at a nearby construction site, a worker was hit in the head by a scaffolding, and he passed out on the spot.

The workers saw that there was a medical center here, and felt that there was no time to delay, so they immediately carried them to the Xinsheng Medical Center. At this moment, He Jincheng was preparing to treat the worker.

(End of this chapter)

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