Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 214 Healing sewing, Zhang Youde came to seek medical treatment

Chapter 214 Healing sewing, Zhang Youde came to seek medical treatment
The worker's forehead was directly sunken by the smash, and his whole body was turned into a bloody man, his breath was weak, and he looked like he was dying.

The workers and fellow workers at the side were all worried and sighed secretly.

"Old Wang is such a good person. There is a daughter in my family. It is said that this year she is admitted to university. Originally, life is getting better and better. Who would have thought that suddenly... oh..."

"God doesn't know what's going on, but he likes to punish good people!"

"It's hard to be a human being, and it's even harder to be a good person! Shall we tell Lao Wang's family?"

Everyone felt that Lao Wang was not doing well, and some even began to think about notifying Lao Wang's family and letting them prepare for the funeral.

After He Jincheng checked Lao Wang's situation, he was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, it hit the forehead, if it hit the back of the head, I'm afraid the person would be gone on the spot.

At the same time, He Jincheng checked it carefully. Although it looked a little scary, it did not hurt the tissues inside the head. It can only be said that it was a skin trauma, that is, there was too much bleeding, which made Lao Wang very weak.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to worry too much, the situation is not that bad!"

He Jincheng spoke.

When everyone heard the words, they were both a little excited and somewhat skeptical.

When they first came over, they found that there was only a young man in the medical center, He Jincheng, and they questioned his medical skills.

Now that He Jincheng said that the situation was not serious, he became even more suspicious.

However, it might be too late to send her to a big hospital now.

After all, in this day and age, they have no way to make a phone call!
"Doctor He, have you seen it clearly? This situation is not bad, it's almost scary!"

Someone said doubtfully.

"It's okay. Although I was injured, it was only a skin trauma. I will stop the bleeding first, and then I will prescribe a medicine. After drinking it, the patient will wake up in half an hour at most!"

He Jincheng said confidently.

He had double-checked it many times, and the patient's condition was indeed not that bad.

Basically, as long as you pay attention to rest, you can recover in a week at most, but the depression on the forehead will definitely not recover.

Fortunately, Lao Wang is a man, so he doesn't care too much about these things.

Next, He Jincheng immediately began to stop the bleeding of Lao Wang. After a few injections, Lao Wang's wound miraculously began to stop the bleeding. After cleaning the blood on his face, everyone was surprised to find that it was really There is no more bloodshed.

For a moment, everyone was stunned, a little unbelievable.

Everyone is very clear about Lao Wang's injury just now.

The blood flowed out continuously like a river, just looking at it, it was particularly scary.

However, with just a few silver needles pierced by He Jincheng, the wound stopped bleeding smoothly, which is simply miraculous!

Then He Jincheng prescribed a prescription, grabbed a pair of medicine, decocted the medicine on the spot, boiled it into a dark brown medicine soup, and fed it to Lao Wang.

Within half an hour, Pharaoh groaned and opened his eyes.

Everyone's faces flushed with excitement, not only because they were happy that Lao Wang saved the day, but also because they saw the extraordinary skill of a genius doctor.

What is the rejuvenation of the wonderful hands, isn't that what it is?
With such a pulse, you can know the severity of the patient's condition, but after Jian Answer's treatment, the patient woke up within half an hour, which is amazing!

"Doctor He, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good. We all didn't believe you before. I apologize to you on behalf of everyone!"

An older worker said excitedly.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands! Old Wang, how do you feel now?"

He Jincheng waved his hand, turned to look at Lao Wang, and asked about his situation.

"Dr. He, thank you so much, I'm much better now, but my head still hurts!"

Old Wang said in a weak voice, but he was indeed fine.

Everyone laughed.

This old Wang was really confused, his head was sunken, if it didn't hurt, it would be a strange thing!
"Okay, I'll prescribe you two more medicines, drink one every day, and you should be fine!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, thank you Doctor He, how much is it, I have..."

Lao Wang nodded slightly, and then reached out to take out the money.

"Okay, don't be so polite to me, my clinic is not here to make money, and it's not easy for you, so I won't charge you!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, he did not collect Lao Wang's money.

"Ah, how can I do that, Dr. He, we are migrant workers, but we also know how to be grateful. You saved my life. Is there anything more important than this? I don't have much money, but as long as you open your mouth, I will be considered a Smashing pots and selling iron, I also got it together for you!"

The old king said quickly.

On weekdays, if he had a fever or a cold or something, Pharaoh would just lie in bed and rest for a day or two.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to the doctor, it's mainly because the hospital charges are too high, and he doesn't have medical insurance. He's afraid that one visit will cost him a month's salary.

But He Jincheng has cured himself and saved his life, so he still has to give the money.

"Doctor He, you are a compassionate miracle doctor. We all know this, but we can't let you lose money. This is 50 yuan. You can see if it is enough. If it is not enough, I will lend it to you!"

Old Wang took out some crumpled bills with bloodstains from his pocket. There were ten and five yuan, and more of them were one or two yuan.

"Then charge ten yuan, my medicine is not expensive!"

He Jincheng thought for a while, and took out a ten-yuan note from Lao Wang's handful of money.

If those rich people came to see a doctor here, for such a serious illness, I would have to charge at least 80 yuan.

For migrant workers, He Jincheng would help as much as he could, so he would not charge a consultation fee.

But looking at Lao Wang's appraising eyes, as long as he had to take into account the other party's self-esteem, he charged ten yuan.

Seeing that He Jincheng had collected the money, Old Wang smiled at He Jincheng, and then quickly fell asleep again.

"You don't have to wait here, let Lao Wang have a good sleep, maybe I can continue working with you tomorrow!"

He Jincheng said to everyone with a smile.

Seeing that Pharaoh's injury was fine, everyone dispersed one after another.

And at this moment, a black car stopped at the entrance of the medical hall.

Then I saw a middle-aged man with a big five and three thick, with a lot of things, walked into the hospital with a smile on his face.

"May I ask who is Dr. He Jincheng?"

The person who came was Zhang Youde, and the purpose of coming this time was, of course, to invite He Jincheng to see the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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