Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 215 The attitude of the Zhang family, the conditions are not binding

Chapter 215 The attitude of the Zhang family, the conditions are not binding
He Jincheng looked at Zhang Youde, feeling very puzzled.

What are they here for?

"I'm He Jincheng, I don't know if your Excellency is..."

Zhang Youde looked at He Jincheng, almost couldn't resist throwing the gift on the ground, turned around and left.

Isn't this bullshit?Such a young man, who has any medical skills, came here to seek medical treatment by himself, so he was asking for trouble.

However, thinking of the plan that his elder brother told him, Zhang Youde forcibly held back the anger in his heart this time.

"Doctor He? Hahaha, you are really young and promising. I heard that Doctor He's medical skills are superb. I don't know if I can find out what's wrong with me!"

Zhang Youde laughed.

"I'm honored, I don't know what your Excellency is here for?"

He Jincheng was a little confused about the other party's intention, and asked with a smile.

"Haha, I'm Zhang Youde, my son bumped into Dr. He a few days ago, and I have already taught that boy a hard lesson. Today, I came here to apologize to Dr. He on behalf of my son. Please forgive me, Doctor He!"

Zhang Youde explained his reason for coming with a smile.

The people who came to see a doctor in the hospital all showed surprise. Looking at He Jincheng, they all felt that this matter was very strange.

The Zhang family has a great reputation in Nandu, basically anyone who is a local in Nandu knows about it.

Two days ago, He Jincheng beat the young master of the Zhang family. Everyone knew about it, and why Jincheng was worried.

Unexpectedly, today the elders of the Zhang family did not come to take revenge, but to apologize.

This really surprised them.

He Jincheng was also a little surprised.

I thought Zhang's family would come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, and I had already figured out how to deal with it. Didn't I expect Zhang Hongqi's old man to be so reasonable?

"Oh, so it's Mr. Zhang, please sit down!"

He smiled and came over to apologize, but he couldn't face him coldly, so he asked Zhang Youde to sit down.

"Doctor He is a high-spirited and honest man, he doesn't care about children, it really makes me feel ashamed!"

Zhang Youde said heartily, I forgive you kid for not daring not to accept my apology, with a smile still on his face, he sat down.

"The previous conflict with your son was nothing more than a misunderstanding. Mr. Zhang will have to discipline you in the future. Otherwise, your son will definitely suffer a lot!"

Although He Jincheng was surprised that the other party would take the initiative to apologize, but after thinking about it, he understood the twists and turns.

Thinking that Zhang Youde must have come here because of his old man's illness, he just wanted to invite himself to see a doctor first, and if he couldn't cure old man Zhang, they would make trouble for him.

Therefore, He Jincheng was not so polite.

Hearing this, anger flashed across Zhang Youde's face, and he was very dissatisfied with this kid He Jincheng in his heart, but he still tried his best to keep a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Doctor He, I will discipline him strictly in the future, Zhang Hongqi, that boy, if he doesn't fight for a day, he will go to the house and expose the tiles!"

Zhang Youde said with a smile.

These words made everyone's jaws drop.

Who would have imagined that the high-ranking Zhang family would be so humble that it would be fine if they didn't retaliate, but they even taught Zhang Hongqi a lesson. What is going on?

"That's good. After all, society is very complicated. A simple-minded person like your son will definitely suffer a lot!"

He Jincheng continued without breaking Zhang Youde's disguise.

Next, He Jincheng continued to see patients and did not treat Zhang Youde too much, as if Zhang Youde was just an ordinary patient.

This made Zhang Youde very dissatisfied, and he came to apologize in person, it's fine if you don't entertain him warmly, but you still ignore him, it's unreasonable!

After He Jincheng cured three patients in a row and there was no one around the clinic, Zhang Youde finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Doctor He, my brother bumped into you before, and my elder brother was also very angry about it. He felt that he must apologize to Doctor He, so he plans to hold a banquet at home tonight, and invite Doctor He to show his face. We must go!"

Zhang Youde couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to explain it to He Jincheng quickly, otherwise he was afraid that he couldn't help but do it.

"Mr. Zhang is so polite. I think it's better not to use it. My wife has also prepared a meal, waiting for me to go home!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

This is the meaning of rejecting Zhang Youde.

This made Zhang Youde even more unhappy.

This kid even put his nose on the face, he was so polite, he didn't even appreciate it.

"Doctor He, we really want to invite you over to have a meal. Our Zhang family is a respectable existence here in Nandu. We also hope that Doctor He will give us face. Maybe we will have a chance to cooperate in the future, right? no?"

Zhang Youde suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and said with a smile.

He Jincheng looked at Zhang Youde with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Mr. Zhang doesn't want to tell me the truth, so what can I do in the past?"

This made Zhang Youde a little stunned.

He Jincheng What does this mean?Didn't tell him the truth, could it be that...

Thinking of this, Zhang Youde's eyes lit up.

It seems that He Jincheng has guessed the real purpose of inviting him today.

Sure enough, this kid is really capable, maybe he can really cure the old man's deafness.

"Doctor He is really sharp-eyed. To be honest, someone in the family is seriously ill, but it's not easy to tell the outside world, so I want to invite Dr. He for a visit as a reason for a treat. Don't worry about the consultation fee. , as long as the patient can be cured, we will definitely reward you with a lot of money!"

Zhang Youde didn't hide anything anymore, he just said it directly, but he still had some reservations, he didn't say that the patient was his old father.

If He Jincheng can't be cured well and talks nonsense, it will have a bad influence on the Zhang family.

"That's a little bit of sincerity. It's okay to make a visit, but we need to agree on the conditions in advance."

He Jincheng said with a smile on his face as expected.

"Doctor He, please tell me, as long as it is not too demanding, we will try our best to meet it!"

Zhang Youde said immediately.

"It's nothing. I know that your Zhang family has a great career. I beat your son before. If you say that you don't hate me at all, I'm afraid you won't believe it yourself!"

Zhang Youde showed embarrassment.

Indeed, if the elder brother hadn't used the old man's illness to convince himself, he would have already smashed He Jincheng's shop.

"So, I need you to give me a guarantee that you are not allowed to provoke me and my family in the future. I think that with the reputation of the Zhang family's painstaking efforts, I shouldn't break my promise!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Of course, I can guarantee now that no matter whether Dr. He can cure the patients in my family, we will never embarrass Dr. He."

Zhang Youde agreed without hesitation.

This condition is basically not a condition.

The Zhang family has countless ways to deal with He Jincheng, and they don't even need to do it themselves.

Therefore, no matter whether the two parties will turn their faces or not, this condition has no binding force.

(End of this chapter)

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