Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 216 Visiting the Zhang Family, Zhang Yuanchao Tells the Truth

Chapter 216 Visiting the Zhang Family, Zhang Yuanchao Tells the Truth
Of course He Jincheng knew that the conditions discussed now were of no use at all.

However, all he wanted was a verbal promise from the Zhang family.

In this way, even if the Zhang family turned against him afterwards, they should take it into consideration.

"Since Mr. Zhang is so happy, if I don't agree, I will be a little ignorant, but I need to go home and visit Zhang's house later, it should be fine!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Zhang Youde really wants to say that you boy will leave with Lao Tzu immediately.

But it's time to swallow your anger, there is no need to get angry at a critical moment.

"Haha, it is right for Dr. He to tell his family members. Maybe we will not get drunk tonight. If this is the case, then I will not bother you any more. I will go back and prepare everything, waiting for Dr. He Big drive!"

Zhang Youde said very politely.

How low his attitude is now, and how serious he will be held accountable if He Jincheng can't cure the old man.

So Zhang Youde faced each other with a smile as much as possible, as long as He Jincheng was willing to go to the Zhang family for a banquet, then his role was completed.

"Okay, at seven o'clock in the evening, I will visit your residence on time!"

He Jincheng didn't say much.

No matter what the Zhang family's attitude is, this matter must still be resolved.

If you want to come to the Zhang family, you won't be so stupid, you will have trouble with a genius doctor.

What's more, He Jincheng is not alone now, and the Liu family still owes him a favor. As long as he is willing to speak, the Liu family will definitely be willing to help.

It's just that He Jincheng feels that this matter has not yet used the favor he has accumulated with great difficulty.

After closing the door of the clinic in the afternoon, He Jincheng went home.

Guo Lan, the mother-in-law, cooked the meal, and after the whole family finished eating, He Jincheng went out with the medical kit.

He was not in a hurry, and just at seven o'clock, he arrived at the gate of Zhang's house.

As expected of a big family, this house is several times larger than the courtyard house He Jincheng lives in now, and the gate alone can accommodate two cars driving in at the same time.

When he came to the door, He Jincheng was stopped by two security guards.

"Hello, this is a private home, please do not enter unless you are!"

The security guard was very professional, watching He Jincheng coldly, without any slack.

He Jincheng felt a rather fierce aura from these two people, and thought that this family deserved to play crooked ways back then, and the security guards they trained were also very powerful, definitely not ordinary security guards.

"My name is He Jincheng, and it was your Patriarch who invited me here to treat the patients at home!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Okay, please wait a moment, we will not let you in until we confirm!"

The security guard heard the words, didn't say much, turned around and walked in.

After about 3 minutes, there was a sound of footsteps inside, followed by hearty laughter.

"But Dr. He is here? It's really great. We look forward to the stars and the moon, and finally you are here!"

Soon, several people came out, the leader was Zhang Yuanchao, Zhang Youde was behind Zhang Yuanchao, and two security guards were behind them.

Zhang Yuanchao was overjoyed, and when he came up, he held He Jincheng's hand and shook it vigorously a few times.

"I heard that Dr. He is young, but he has superb medical skills. I didn't expect him to be so young. I was really surprised! What's going on with you? Didn't I say it before? If Dr. He came here, don't ask for instructions, just directly Invite people to come in, I think you are really living and going back, you don't have any vision at all!"

Zhang Yuanchao yelled at the two security guards while talking.

"It's okay, they are just performing their duties, Mr. Zhang don't need to get angry, I don't know what to call you?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

He didn't know if Zhang Yuanchao had really told the security guards specifically, or if he wanted to show him off, but this kind of thing was just a trivial matter to him.

"Hahaha, Doctor He is really generous. My humble Zhang Yuanchao, if you don't mind, Doctor He can call me Uncle Chao. This is my third brother Zhang Youde. You know him, so I don't need to introduce him!"

Zhang Yuanchao laughed.

"Doctor He is indeed a trustworthy person. He said seven o'clock, exactly. Welcome to come!"

Zhang Youde also stepped forward to greet him.

He Jincheng responded with a smile, and was then politely invited into Zhang's house by the two.

After coming to the lobby to sit down and serving tea, Zhang Yuanchao spoke again.

"Doctor He, I said I wanted to invite you to dinner. Now that the banquet is ready, why don't we go now? I have two bottles of good wine that I have kept for 20 years, and I will let Doctor He taste it today!"

Hearing this, He Jincheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Uncle Chao, you are welcome. I am not used to eating out, so I have already eaten at home. You two should take me to see the patient directly. If I recover from my illness, I can go home too!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Doctor He is so confident, I seem to have seen the old man recover from his illness!"

Zhang Yuanchao laughed again, it seemed that He Jincheng refuted his face and did not make him feel half embarrassed.

Zhang Youde was angry, he had clearly agreed with He Jincheng to eat together, in order to wait for this kid, he hadn't eaten yet, but you have eaten, are we going to starve?

However, the elder brother said so, he couldn't say anything, he could only echo with a smile.

"Now you two should tell me, who is the patient and what disease did he have?"

He Jincheng took a sip of tea and asked with a smile.


After Zhang Yuanchao pondered for a while, he felt that the old man's illness could not be delayed any longer. For the present plan, he could only place his hope on He Jincheng. As long as He Jincheng could cure the old man, all problems would be gone.

"To be honest, it was my old father who got sick. A year ago, my old father suddenly lost his hearing and couldn't hear anything. We invited many doctors and experts to consult, but without exception, no one could find out what happened. thing!"

"Doctor He, you also know that our family, if there is no old man in charge, will definitely not be able to stabilize, so I hope that Dr. He will try his best to treat the old man. My Zhang family must have a big thank you!"

As he said that, Zhang Yuanchao bowed his hands deeply towards He Jincheng, his face was full of sincerity, without the slightest affectation.

"Sudden deafness? This is quite troublesome. I need to see the patient first!"

He Jincheng frowned and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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