Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 217 Deficiency of Kidney Qi, Mr. Zhang’s Diagnosis Results

Chapter 217 Deficiency of Kidney Qi, Mr. Zhang’s Diagnosis Results
"That's natural, please follow me!"

Zhang Yuanchao got up quickly and led He Jincheng to the second floor.

Zhang Youde followed behind He Jincheng, and the two security guards also followed.

The innermost room on the second floor is Mr. Zhang's bedroom.

Because Mr. Zhang is only deaf and has no other physical problems, he does not need other people to take care of him except for a 40-year-old nanny.

When He Jincheng entered the bedroom, he saw Mr. Zhang sitting on the grand master's chair, holding a book on antique appreciation and reading.

The nanny was sitting on a small bench next to Mr. Zhang, knitting a sweater in her hands, and she was quite leisurely.

Her main task is to communicate with the old man in sign language.

Seeing Zhang Yuan approaching them, the nanny immediately put down the sweater in her hand, stood up, and bowed slightly towards them.

Mr. Zhang didn't hear anything. When Zhang Yuanchao walked up to him, he realized that someone was coming. He raised his head slightly and glanced at everyone.

"What are you doing here?"

Although he couldn't hear, the old man could still speak, and his voice sounded full of anger, not like a patient at all.

"Dad, I hired a doctor to show you your ears!"

Zhang Yuanchao didn't know sign language, so he could only speak loudly while gesticulating, as if the old man could hear him as long as he was loud enough.

But in fact, Mr. Zhang is really deaf and can't hear anything at all.

The nanny on the side quickly used sign language to convey information to the old man.

Seeing that the doctor was invited again, the old man snorted coldly and threw the book in his hand aside.

"Look for a doctor again. Over the years, I've seen hundreds of famous doctors, maybe eighty. None of them are effective. Don't waste my time. I'm deaf and retired early. Don't you still have a doctor? Not happy?"

The old man seemed very dissatisfied with the matter of inviting a doctor, and his tone was not very good.

"Dad, the doctor this time will definitely heal your ears. Just trust us again. Our Zhang family can't do without you to preside over the overall situation!"

Zhang Yuanchao said this sincerely.

If the old man doesn't show up, the Zhang family will be severely suppressed soon.

I can't control those network resources that only the old man can maintain.

Seeing what his son said, although Mr. Zhang was still very unhappy, he did not refuse.

"Hmph, it's really useless. I can't solve any trivial matters, so I have to come forward! Where is the doctor, why don't you introduce me quickly?"

Mr. Zhang snorted coldly, and as he said this, his eyes wandered around the room several times, and finally his eyes fell on He Jincheng.

I know everyone in this room, except He Jincheng.

"Dad, let me introduce you. This is Dr. He. Although he is young, he is very skilled in medicine. The old man of the Liu family was seriously ill some time ago, and he issued several critical illness notices. After Dr. He passed, One dose of medicine cured the person!"

Zhang Yuanchao quickly explained.

Hearing what Zhang Yuanchao said, Mr. Zhang looked at He Jincheng seriously again, and was also very surprised.

This person is so young, is his medical skill really as good as his son said?

Anyone who saw He Jincheng's appearance would probably have some doubts.

After all, in the field of Chinese medicine, the older you are, the more fragrant you are. He Jincheng is only in his early twenties, and no one can doubt it.

However, everyone has been invited, Mr. Zhang is still somewhat magnanimous.

"Please sit down!"

Mr. Zhang pointed to the chair in front of him and asked He Jincheng to sit down.

He Jincheng was also polite, sat down directly, and then looked at Mr. Zhang.

He needs the permission of Mr. Zhang before he can see his pulse.

"Excuse me, doctor!"

Mr. Zhang stretched out his left hand and placed it in front of He Jincheng.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to take a pulse, and savored it carefully.

A moment later, He Jincheng regained his pulse, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Zhang Yuanchao and Zhang Youde on the side were a little nervous.

Especially Zhang Youde, his heart is very complicated.

On the one hand, he hoped that He Jincheng could not cure the old man, so that he could use this as an excuse to break He Jincheng's leg.

But on the other hand, he really wanted He Jincheng to cure the old man. After all, the old man was his father, and the old man was really important to the Zhang family.

"How is it, Doctor He?"

Zhang Yuanchao couldn't help asking.

"It's a little troublesome, but it's not impossible!"

After He Jincheng pondered for a moment, he thought of a way and spoke.

Hearing this, both of them were overjoyed.

"Doctor He please take action!"

Zhang Yuanchao said quickly.

"Go and prepare two magnetites, one is crushed into powder, and the other is about the size of candy."

He Jincheng ordered.

Zhang Yuanchao was a little stunned, magnetite?Why do you need this? What is the use of seeing a doctor?

"Okay, I'll get someone ready right away!"

However, since He Jincheng said so, Zhang Yuanchao did not delay, and immediately asked people to prepare.

"Doctor He, I don't know how you want to treat it? Why is my father deaf?"

Zhang Youde asked.

"Old man, this is a deficiency of kidney qi. I think it should be due to an injury in the early years. If you use a magnet to nourish it intensively, it will soon have an effect."

He Jincheng just explained briefly.

I didn't explain that much to people who don't understand medicine.

Both Zhang Yuanchao and Zhang Youde seem to understand half-understand, just waiting for the magnet to be sent over to see how He Jincheng treats them.

After a while, someone sent a magnet.

One was ground into powder and served on a plate, and the other was about the size of a sugar cube.

He Jincheng took out a piece of sterilized cotton from the medical kit, put magnet powder into it, and then stuffed it into Mr. Zhang's ear, and then picked up the magnet the size of a candy cube, and let Mr. Zhang swallow it.

Seeing this scene, the two brothers of the Zhang family looked at each other in blank dismay. This was the first time they saw people being treated like this.

"Wait, it should take about half an hour to have an effect!"

After He Jincheng had done all this, he sat back in his chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

The two brothers of the Zhang family had no choice but to continue to wait.

If it really works, then everything will be fine.

But if He Jincheng dared to play tricks, they would never show mercy.

Let him know what will happen if he provokes the Zhang family.

(End of this chapter)

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