Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 218 Magneto cures diseases, the Zhang family's little care

Chapter 218 Magneto cures diseases, the Zhang family's little care
Magneto method water is black in color and enters the kidney, so it cures various diseases of the kidney family and clears ears and eyesight.

This is Li Shizhen's summary in the Compendium of Materia Medica, and it is also the basis for He Jincheng's treatment of Mr. Zhang's deafness.

There is a record in Jisheng Fang, kidney deficiency and deafness, a real magnet the size of a bean, the word pangolin (burned, researched), new cotton plugs in the ears, a piece of pig iron in the mouth, and the ears feel like the sound of wind and rain.

Mr. Zhang is deaf due to his large area and insufficient kidney qi. This method is extremely symptomatic.

Moreover, according to the current situation of the old man, this treatment method can also prevent dizziness and blindness in the future, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone, and it is very clear.

However, Zhang Youde couldn't understand the reason for this. He always had some hostility towards He Jincheng, so after He Jincheng finished the treatment, he quietly retreated and started to prepare for the next thing.

He knew that He Jincheng was good at reaching out, and if he wanted to keep him, he still needed to prepare more people, so that he could be safe.

Time passed little by little.

He Jincheng has always maintained a very indifferent look, as if he is not worried at all.

Mr. Zhang was also drinking tea while reading the newspaper.

With his ears deaf, reading has become his favorite pastime.

Zhang Yuanchao next to him was a little anxious. He was the one who most hoped that the old man could recover his hearing.

Finally, half an hour passed.

Mr. Zhang, who was reading the newspaper, suddenly frowned and stood up abruptly.

Zhang Yuanchao, who was almost asleep beside him, also woke up suddenly.

"Dad, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

His voice was loud and a little anxious.

Zhang Youde, who had already arranged people waiting outside, rushed in as soon as he heard the movement.

Seeing that the elder brother was so nervous and the old man looked surprised, Zhang Youde concluded that He Jincheng's bullshit method was useless at all, so he was furious at that time, and yelled at He Jincheng.

"I knew you were a quack doctor, and you dared to come to our Zhang family. Now I will settle the old and new debts together, and I will take your skin off!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Youde stepped forward and pulled his big hand towards He Jincheng's collar.

He Jincheng sat on the sofa with a calm expression on his face, without any panic.

Zhang Yuanchao's expression was not very good-looking either.

If something really happened to the old man, he would never spare He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, what's going on, shouldn't you explain it?"

Zhang Yuanchao said coldly.

"You can ask the old man yourself what's going on."

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Dad, are you alright?"

Zhang Yuanchao subconsciously looked at Mr. Zhang and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's okay, there was a sudden thunder in my ears just now, which scared me."

After saying this, everyone was stunned.

Because before the old man spoke just now, the nanny didn't tell old man Zhang in sign language.

Mr. Zhang was also taken aback, and then a look of great joy appeared on his face.

"I heard you, Yuanchao, I heard you!"

Having struggled in the society for decades, Mr. Zhang's disposition has long been as stable as a rock, and even if something big happens, he can keep his expression on.

But now, having been deaf for more than a year, he suddenly heard the voice again, which made him very excited and had the urge to cry.

"Dad, can you really hear me? That's great, that's great!"

Zhang Yuanchao was very excited and stepped forward to support Mr. Zhang.

I have to say that he is really excited now.

The old man is the pinnacle of the family, as long as he is fine, no one will dare to think about it.

"Dad, it's great that you're all right. With you here, I'll see who would dare to do those tricks!"

Zhang Youde was also very excited.

Ever since the old man closed the door to thank guests, the outside world has speculated that the old man's health is not good, but he can't go out to refute the rumors, so those small forces who used to hang out with the Zhang family are a little bit ready to change their ways.

Zhang Youde's temper is very hot, and he wanted to make a move a long time ago, but Naihe's influence is not at the same level as the old man's. If he really does, the final result will definitely not be so good.

During this period of time, Zhang Youde was overwhelmed.

It's all right now, the old man is fine, then I can show my skills next.

"You bastard, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Dr. He!"

Mr. Zhang slapped Zhang Youde on the head with a slap, his face was full of anger.

Zhang Youde was taken aback, his old face flushed immediately.

In any case, I am already in my 40s, and I still feel a bit embarrassed by being beaten by my old father in front of outsiders.

"Doctor He, I... It's all my fault. I judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. You have a lot of adults, so please don't blame me!"

Zhang Youde apologized to He Jincheng.

"You're welcome, since there's nothing else to do now, it's time for me to go back!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, got up, packed his things and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, Doctor He!"

Mr. Zhang hurriedly called He Jincheng to stop.

Although my hearing has recovered a bit, I can barely hear it. Obviously, it has not recovered. How could I just let He Jincheng leave like this?
"Is there anything else, old man?"

He Jincheng looked at Mr. Zhang and asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, Dr. He's medical skills are superb. I have lived for so many years, old man, and this is the first time I have seen such miraculous medical skills. I will trouble Dr. He today, how can I let you go home empty-handed! Third, go and give it to Dr. He Bring up the consultation fee you have prepared!"

Mr. Zhang said with a smile.

Zhang Youde was slightly taken aback, but seeing Zhang Yuanchao winking at him, Zhang Youde came to his senses and asked He Jincheng to wait a while, then hurried out to get the so-called consultation fee.

Of course, He Jincheng didn't refuse. It's only natural to charge money for seeing a doctor. Even a genius doctor has to eat, right?

After a while, Zhang Youde walked in with a leather bag.

"Doctor He, a small gesture is not a respect, please accept it!"

He Jincheng reached out to take it, and put it away without checking.

"Thank you, it's getting late, and I have to go home to accompany my wife, so I won't stay any longer, and you don't need to send them off!"

He Jincheng smiled and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Doctor He!"

Mr. Zhang called out to stop He Jincheng again.

"Is there anything else, old man?"

"Doctor He, although I can hear it, the feeling is still not clear enough. I wonder if there is a way to heal me?"

Mr. Zhang said very sincerely.

"The old man has just recovered, let's take a good rest for the next few days, and I will naturally come back to treat the old man after a while!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then walked out without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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