Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 222 Wen Dou Betting on Stones, The Zhang Family's Poor Performance

Chapter 222 Wen Dou Betting on Stones, The Zhang Family's Poor Performance
"He Jincheng, you must understand the grievances between you and me today! However, I don't bully you, so let's have a literary fight, do you dare?"

Zhang Hongqi's face turned red, and he almost hated He Jincheng to death.

"Fart Wendou, if you want to find fault, come and make gestures with your grandpa Gao! See if I don't interrupt your other push!"

Gao Ziqiang immediately stood up, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to do it.

Zhang Hongqi was so frightened that he quickly hid behind the bodyguard, feeling very depressed.

What the hell is a country bumpkin who came out of nowhere, he would beat people at every turn.

Gao Ziqiang is tall, half a head taller than He Jincheng, and he is also very strong. With this physique alone, he can easily beat five red flags.

"What do you want to do? This is the Stone Gambling Conference. If you dare to do something, I have the power to drive you out!"

Zhang Hongqi threatened very hopelessly.

"Hmph, coward one!"

Gao Ziqiang snorted coldly, sat down and continued eating.

"Wen Dou, Young Master Zhang is so elegant, what kind of Wen Dou is he?"

He Jincheng said with great interest.

This Zhang Hongqi, a complete dandy, can even propose the method of Wendou. It seems that there is an expert behind him giving advice, but he doesn't know who it is.

Thinking about it, Zhang Hongqi must have known that he had cured his grandfather's matter, but he still acted so nonsense. Thinking about it, the Zhang family must have indulged in this matter.

From this point of view, Zhang Wuye, Zhang Yuanchao, and Zhang Youde didn't seem to be as tolerant as they showed.

"Hmph, this is the Stone Gambling Conference, of course it's Stone Fighting, how about it, dare you?"

Zhang Hongqi came out again, and said proudly.

"Brother, don't bet with him. Look at him like that. He must not be holding back anything. It's definitely cheating. Let's not bet!"

Gao Ziqiang said immediately.

"If you admit it, don't gamble, don't gamble, and I won't force it!"

Zhang Hongqi said with a sneer.

"Okay, I'll bet with you, what kind of bet is it?"

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng agreed without hesitation and really wanted to fight Zhang Hongqi.

Many people around, when they heard someone fighting stones, immediately surrounded them.

The most lively part of the stone betting business is when it is time to cut stones. If someone fights and cuts stones on the spot, it will be even more exciting.

"Isn't this the young master of the Zhang family, who actually bet with someone for stones!"

"Who is the other party? It looks a bit unfamiliar, and I don't know why I started fighting with Zhang Shao!"

Everyone talked a lot, and they were very interested in the stone betting between the two.

"It's just right, everyone come to be a witness for us. After the meeting starts, each of us will choose three stones, and then cut them open in front of everyone. Whoever has the highest value wins, how about it?"

Zhang Hongqi said with a smile.

This is the gamble he has long favored.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, you are a dignified young master of the Zhang family, you have a lot of money, if you spend one hundred and eighty thousand to buy a half-cut material, how can we fight with you?"

Gao Ziqiang immediately became unhappy.

As we all know, the higher the price of stone, the higher the possibility of shipment.

"Don't worry about this, this young man won't take advantage of you, so let's stipulate that the purchase price of three stones should not exceed 10 yuan, which shouldn't be too much!"

Zhang Hongqi said with a smile.

10 yuan is nothing to the Zhang family, but it is definitely an astronomical figure to ordinary people.

Gao Ziqiang hesitated.

He knew that He Jincheng must have 10 yuan. It is said that the last time he participated in the auction, he directly earned 10,000+.

But if you take it out all at once, it is equivalent to taking out all your family assets.

"No problem, let's use 10 yuan as the upper limit, so what is our bet?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, without any hesitation.

"If I win, I will break your legs!"

Zhang Hongqi said coldly.

"You're looking for death, I'll break your other leg right now!"

Gao Ziqiang immediately became angry and wanted to do something, but was stopped by He Jincheng.

"It seems that Young Master Zhang is planning to take revenge, and he still wants me to pay back double. Yes, I think this bet is pretty good! As for me, I'm rather vulgar, I want 10 yuan in cash, how about it?" , does Young Master Zhang have any comments?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"What a greedy doctor, okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, let's say nothing, let's prove it!"

Zhang Hongqi immediately asked people to prepare a pen and paper, and then clearly wrote the bet and bet between the two of them. Finally, the two signed their signatures and pressed their fingerprints. This bet of fighting stones was officially signed.

Looking at the bet in front of him, Zhang Hongqi had a successful sneer on his face.

I didn't expect that kid He Jincheng would be fooled so easily. He just used a small aggressive method, so he directly agreed. Wait and see how I interrupt your dog legs!

"You bastard, Hongqi, what are you doing? How many times have I told you that Dr. He is a distinguished guest of our Zhang family, how could he sign such a bet? What a bastard, I immediately tore up the bet!"

At this time, Zhang Yuanchao and Zhang Youde walked over, their expressions were very ugly, and they yelled at Zhang Hongqi.

He Jincheng no longer believed in the harmony between the two brothers, and sneered endlessly.

You two, don't come out early, don't come out late, you just wait until the bet is signed before you come out.

With such a big movement, so many people have come, how could they not know.

The reason why they showed up so late was simply to let He Jincheng sign the betting contract, so that the two of them could get rid of their Zhang family's purpose of repaying grievances with virtue if they came out with some falsehood.

In fact, this was planned by the members of the Zhang family from the very beginning.

"Doctor He, I'm really sorry, my kid is messing around, you must not be as knowledgeable as him! Zhang Hongqi, you bastard, why don't you hurry up and give me the bet, this bet doesn't count!"

Zhang Youde said with a really angry look.

"No, Dad, we signed the bet in front of so many people, how could we tear it up casually?"

Zhang Hongqi said quickly.

"What doesn't work, I say it's okay, give it to me quickly, tear it up!"

Zhang Youde scolded sharply.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, why bother? Since Young Master Zhang really wants to bet with me, then I'll just accompany you. This is the 10 yuan. If Young Master Zhang can't get it out, will the Zhang family be able to get it out?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, how can it not be seen that Zhang Youde and Zhang Hongqi are both at the banquet.

"Oh, how can this work? What a family misfortune. Doctor He, you are a great benefactor of our Zhang family. I didn't expect my bastard son to embarrass you, but Doctor He, you have said so. After this gambling After the Stone Conference, I will definitely teach this kid a lesson!"

Zhang Youde looked very distressed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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