Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 223 Declining the Kindness, Liu Lisheng Kindly Reminded

Chapter 223 Declining the Kindness, Liu Lisheng Kindly Reminded
If He Jincheng was just a fledgling boy, he might really be deceived by Zhang Youde's impeccable performance.

It's a pity that He Jincheng has been a man for two generations, and his actual experience far exceeds that of Zhang Youde, a rough man.

If Zhang Hongqi hadn't been authorized by the Zhang family, how could he bet on stones with him in such a big way?
I'm afraid that not only everyone in the Zhang family knew about this, but they also secretly helped a lot. Otherwise, where would such a cynical, ignorant dude like Zhang Hongqi have the confidence?
"As the saying goes, it's the son's fault that he doesn't teach his father. Mr. Zhang really needs to discipline Young Master Zhang!"

On the contrary, He Jincheng followed the other party's words and even gave Zhang Youde a lecture.

This almost made Zhang Youde unable to hold back.

This kid He Jincheng really climbed up the bamboo pole, did he really think of himself as an adult?
Members of my Zhang family, when will it be your turn, a little doctor, to teach you?It's really unreasonable!
"Hahaha, what Dr. He said is right, after the meeting is over, if the third brother doesn't clean up that kid, I'll clean it up myself!"

Zhang Yuanchao was afraid that his third brother would be impulsive again, so he immediately spoke first, laughing loudly.

Several people exchanged a few more pleasantries, and the two brothers of the Zhang family went to greet the others.

"Doctor He, you're here too. Just now I heard that Zhang Hongqi was gambling with a doctor. I thought it might be you. I didn't expect it to be exactly as I expected!"

Just as Zhang Yuanchao and the two left, a hearty laugh came.

"So it's Uncle Liu, is the old man here?"

The person who came was Liu Lisheng. Last time He Jincheng cured Mr. Liu's illness, the relationship with the Liu family naturally became much closer. Liu Lisheng is 45 this year, so it is normal for He Jincheng to call him uncle.

"The old man didn't come. There's no need for him to show up for such a small scene. When he gets older, he likes to plant flowers and raise birds at home. He doesn't care about many things!"

Liu Lisheng waved his hand and said with a wry smile.

"The old man still enjoys his life very much in his later years. After working hard all his life, he should enjoy the happiness!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Mr. Liu is not an ordinary person either.

In the early years, he started from scratch and made a living by reselling antiques. He started as an apprentice at first, and after he finished his studies, he traveled all over the world.

Later, after the war was over, he retired from his career, settled down in Nandu, opened an antique shop, and slowly relied on some of his previous resources to make it bigger.

Although he experienced the turmoil in those years, most of the family property was preserved because Mr. Liu's background could withstand the investigation.

Up to now, under the leadership of Mr. Liu, the Liu family has become one of the five major families in Nandu. The family property is roughly estimated to be tens of millions. It can be said that it is a very wonderful life.

Therefore, He Jincheng also admires Master Liu.

Moreover, Liu Lisheng was very friendly to him.

The Liu family has a more forthright personality. When they don't know you, their attitude may be cold, but once they recognize you, they will be very enthusiastic.

Not to mention someone like He Jincheng who has been kind to the Liu family, they will be even more grateful.

"By the way, Doctor He, let me introduce you. This is my son Liu Changhong, Changhong. He came to see you, Brother He. Your grandfather's illness was cured by you, Brother He!"

Liu Lisheng dragged a person out from behind, and introduced him to He Jincheng with a smile.

This Liu Changhong is quite tall, more than 1.8 meters, but his face looks a little immature, probably not very old.

"Brother He, hello, thank you for curing my grandpa. From now on, you will be my big brother. If you have anything to do, just tell me!"

Liu Changhong patted his chest, and said with a smile, looking very heroic.

"Hahahaha, okay, Changhong doesn't seem to be in the same grade, is he in college?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Where, this kid knows how to play around all day long. Last time you came to see the old man, this kid was playing outside, so I didn't see him. He is sixteen this year and is studying in Nandu Middle School. Unfortunately, his grades are too poor. I see, there is no hope for college, and when he graduates from high school, let him go home and help out!"

Liu Lisheng said with a wry smile.

"No, although your Liu family has a great career, diplomas are very important these days. I suggest that if you want to achieve great things in the future, you should go to college!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, feeling that Liu Lisheng's idea was a little unreliable.

This year is only 82 years. At this time, college students have relatively high gold content. Not only are they popular now, but it will be very important in the future. If possible, try to go to a university.

"Oh, I get a headache when I read a book, there's nothing I can do, I've inherited my father's genes!"

Liu Changhong said with a smile.

"You bastard, what's the matter with me, how can I say that I also graduated from high school!"

Liu Lisheng glared at Liu Changhong.

He had never been to college before, and his academic performance was also very poor. Liu Changhong was using this incident to stimulate himself.

"Hey, dad, I'm not wrong. I heard from my grandfather that when you were young, you were often beaten up because of poor grades in school!"

Liu Changhong laughed and said, Liu Lisheng was so angry that he almost couldn't help hitting the child.

"Changhong's grades are not good. Maybe it's because he doesn't like what he's studying now. As long as he can find something that interests him, I think he can achieve something!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, he thinks Liu Changhong is quite smart, but he is just not studious.

"Hey, whatever kid you want, if you can pass the exam, go for it, if you can't pass the exam, there's nothing you can do!"

Liu Lisheng said helplessly.

"By the way, what are you going to do about the bet with that kid Zhang Hongqi? As far as I know, the Zhang family invited Cheng Yuan, a well-known stone gambling expert in Southern Metropolis. This part is very familiar, even the old man appreciates that Cheng Yuan, if you bet with Zhang Hongqi, you must actually compete with this Cheng Yuan, the chances of winning are not great!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Cheng Yuan is also called Cheng Sandao.

All the stones he picks will be green within three cuts.

From this nickname, it can be seen that this Cheng Yuan is definitely not simple.

"Our Zhang family also has an expert in stone identification, how about I ask him to assist you?"

"No, I am enough alone. If I can't even deal with Zhang Hongqi, I will have no face in Nandu!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, with a confident look on his face.

"Doctor He, I have to remind you that the Zhang family is a bunch of small-minded villains, you have to be careful!"

Liu Lisheng said with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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