Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 224 Three pills, Zhang Hongqi can't wait

Chapter 224 Three pills, Zhang Hongqi can't wait
He Jincheng nodded.

Of course he could see that the members of the Zhang family were all white-eyed wolves.

They cured Zhang Wuye's deafness by themselves, so it's okay for them not to be grateful, but they still want to deal with themselves.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have treated the Zhang family.

However, He Jincheng is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated by others. If they really dare to make a move, He Jincheng will not be polite.

The consequences of provoking a genius doctor are very serious.

"It's good that you know it in your heart. Don't worry, I will come forward when it is critical. No matter what, the Zhang family has to give my Liu family some face. Don't dare to do things too badly!"

Liu Lisheng was still a little worried about He Jincheng.

That Cheng Yuan is no ordinary person, his ability to identify stones is number one in the Southern Capital.

Facing such an opponent, He Jincheng basically has no possibility of winning.

"Thank you Uncle Liu! I have my own way to deal with it!"

He Jincheng slightly cupped his hands towards Liu Lisheng and smiled.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't say anything more, I still have some people to receive, Xiao He, please help yourself!"

He Jincheng said Uncle Liu, so Liu Lisheng couldn't call him Dr. He anymore.

"Dad, I'll take Big Brother He around here, you go to work first!"

Liu Changhong said with a smile, he didn't want to follow Liu Lisheng away.

Following Liu Lisheng's side, he was very uncomfortable and had to be restricted in everything he could do.

Moreover, this kid is very interested in He Jincheng, especially for He Jincheng's medical skills. So many doctors can't cure his grandfather's illness. He didn't expect that He Jincheng would be effective immediately after taking action. He is simply a miracle doctor!

Therefore, Liu Changhong wanted to get close to He Jincheng to see if he had any unique skills in his hands. If he could learn one and a half tricks, wouldn't he also be able to become a genius doctor.

Of course, Liu Changhong was just trying to have fun.

"Okay, it's fine to learn more from Brother He. If you encounter any trouble, please notify me immediately. I'll be in the hotel!"

Liu Lisheng nodded slightly.

It's also good to let his son follow He Jincheng around, let him learn from others and experience it.

He Jincheng is not a few years older than Liu Changhong. They are all famous medical doctors. Liu Changhong is still in school and has no skills. The gap is really big!


Liu Changhong looked very happy.

After Liu Lisheng left, He Jincheng introduced Gao Ziqiang to Liu Changhong.

"Brother Qiang!"

Liu Changhong was very sensible, and he opened his mouth to say "Brother Qiang", which made Gao Ziqiang a little embarrassed.

Liu Changhong, the young master of the Liu family, actually called him brother, which made Gao Ziqiang feel proud and proud.

"Good boy, follow Lao He, I promise I won't treat you badly!"

Gao Ziqiang patted Liu Changhong on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"We met for the first time, and I didn't prepare anything. I have a bottle of pills. There are three pills in it. They are my secret life-saving pills. No matter how serious the injury is, if you take one pill, you can last for three days!"

He Jincheng took out a medicine bottle from his pocket, which contained the pills he specially refined. He originally wanted to give it to Mr. Liu, but just happened to meet it, so he just gave it to Liu Changhong.

"This is the legendary elixir. It's too powerful. Brother He, can't I have a taste?"

This kid Liu Changhong is really confused, life-saving pills, if you want to try one, it's a waste of money!
"Only three, you can see for yourself!"

He Jincheng spread his hands and handed the medicine bottle to Liu Changhong.

"Hey, I'm not stupid. This kind of elixir should only be used at critical times! I'll keep it now!"

Liu Changhong said with a smile.

Although Liu Changhong is somewhat ignorant, he is not a fool, of course he knows what this thing means.

If the old man gets sick again in the future, at a critical moment, this pill can be used to hold the old man alive. In three days, no matter where He Jincheng is, he can come here.

"Okay, the food is almost ready, let's go for a walk, the quality of this year's stone, I heard it's pretty good!"

Liu Changhong led He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang around the venue.

All kinds of stones dazzle the eye.

This floor is basically high-end goods, and they are all very complete. They can only rely on guessing and gambling, which is a great test for identification skills.

The stones here are basically relatively cheap, with prices ranging from several hundred to tens of thousands.

On the second floor are some half-opened stone materials, many of which have opened windows, and even the green has been removed. The quality is obviously much better than that on the first floor, and the cheapest one costs 2000 yuan to buy.

Ordinary people dare not go up to the second floor without enough money.

"There must be hundreds of stone merchants, and there are too many. Are we going to vigorously develop the jadeite industry in Southern Metropolis?"

Gao Ziqiang's eyes were dazzled, and this was before the official start of the conference, and many stalls were still fiddling around, and they hadn't officially opened for sale.

Of course, there are also some booths that have been set up early, and the bosses are already preparing to sell them.

The three of them wandered around for half an hour, looked at it on a whim, and finally sat down to drink in the teahouse on the second floor.

"This teahouse was built by our Liu family. You don't need money to drink tea. Brother He, drink more!"

Liu Changhong spoke.

"Oh, so that's the case. Since this is the case, we will not be polite!"

Gao Ziqiang rubbed his hands and ordered a pot of Shifeng Longjing.

This is the best product in Longjing, which is very rare.

Several people chatted while drinking tea.

Not long after, someone came to the stage and announced that the Stone Gambling Conference had officially started.

"It's finally started, Lao He, this time it's all up to you!"

Now, not only for betting, but also the source of goods from Shanbaozhai, which is very important.

This stone betting meeting is exactly this great opportunity.

"He Jincheng, are you ready?"

At this time, Zhang Hongqi came over again.

This kid is now leaning on a cane, and it looks like he has suffered another leg injury.

"Hehe, are you so anxious to lose?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Don't play tricks on me here, let's select three stones within an hour, and the purchase price should not exceed 10 yuan. This is a written statement in front of the big guys. You can't play tricks!"

Zhang Hongqi said with a sneer.

Behind him stood a middle-aged man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, who looked very educated. He presumably was the stone gambling expert Cheng Yuan that Liu Lisheng mentioned.

"Since you want to lose money so much, I have no choice but to help you. Start the timer now!"

He Jincheng stood up with a smile, and at the same time, everyone noticed this, looking around as if watching a good show.

(End of this chapter)

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