Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 225 Choosing the rough stone, the way of choosing the stone is a bit flustered

Chapter 225 Choosing the rough stone, the way of choosing the stone is a bit flustered

Zhang Hongqi scoffed at He Jincheng's words.

With Cheng Yuan in charge, winning He Jincheng is as easy as pie.

"I'm waiting for you to kneel down and beg me!"

After uttering harsh words, Zhang Hongqi led his own people into the venue.

He Jincheng smiled lightly, and also took Gao Ziqiang and Liu Changhong to choose stone materials.

The quality of the stones on the first floor is uneven. Generally speaking, the probability of having top-quality materials is very low, so Zhang Hongqi went directly to the second floor to pick out those stones of relatively high quality.

He Jincheng did not look like Zhang Hongqi, but looked at the stalls on the first floor.

The way he selects stones is very peculiar, he just puts his hands on the stones, then closes his eyes and feels it carefully, as if feeling someone's pulse.

Gao Ziqiang didn't know how to bet on stones, and he didn't know what He Jincheng meant. Liu Changhong was still young, but he was just curious. He had seen many people choose stones, and most of them took a flashlight to light them. A special instrument to check the texture of the stone.

It is really the first time for someone like He Jincheng to choose stone materials.

After picking for more than ten minutes, He Jincheng couldn't find a stone that satisfied him.

Gao Ziqiang was a little restless, if he lost, He Jincheng would have both of his legs broken.

"Brother, what's the matter, don't you have any idea yet?"

He thought that He Jincheng probably didn't know how to bet on stones either. He bet with Zhang Hongqi before, most likely because he didn't want to lose face.

It's not good to pick now, which is not good for them.

"Don't worry, it's not so easy to pan for gold in the sand, take your time!"

He Jincheng said calmly and with a smile.

Gao Ziqiang was a little dumbfounded, but you really are not in a hurry.

After much deliberation, Gao Ziqiang pulled Liu Changhong aside to talk, Liu Changhong nodded from time to time, and then left in a hurry.

He Jincheng concentrated on selecting stone materials, but he didn't find out what they did.

After half an hour passed, He Jincheng finally picked a stone.

The stone is dark brown with a smooth surface and no texture.

"It's not bad, how much is it?"

He Jincheng looked at the stall owner and asked with a smile.

"Uh, little brother, are you sure you want to buy this one?"

The stall owner, a fat man in his 40s, asked with some doubts.

"Yes, buy it for fun, I don't know much about it either!"

He Jincheng nodded.

The fat stall owner also saw He Jincheng's way of picking stones, and sighed in his heart. Everyone has come to play with stones these days, and I don't know if there is too much money and no place to spend it. Such a game will definitely lose money to grandma's house. !

"I think the little brother must be a novice. How about this? I won't cheat you. I bought this stone wholesale. It costs ten yuan a catty. This is twelve catties. You can add some freight to me and sell it for 150 yuan. Here you go!"

The fat stall owner thought for a while and said.

"Then thank you boss!"

Without hesitation, He Jincheng took out 150 yuan.

Gao Ziqiang quickly took the stone into his hand, then took out the bright flashlight that he had just prepared today from his pocket, and took a photo on the stone, but there was no green light at all, which made his heart sink all of a sudden. down.

"Little brother, betting on rocks is very risky. I sold the item to you. If it's a waste rock, you can't rely on me!"

The fat stall owner kindly reminded me.

He Jincheng smiled and nodded, then went on to the next one.

Gao Ziqiang found a small cart, put the stones on the small cart, and followed behind He Jincheng.

At this time, Liu Changhong came over, and with him was a tall man in a suit.

"Brother He, this is Mr. Su Binsu, an appraisal expert invited by our Liu family. I will ask him to look at the stone for you!"

It turned out that Liu Changhong left to find someone. He was worried that He Jincheng would lose too badly, so he invited the Liu family's imperial appraisal expert.

"Okay, then ask Mr. Su to help me palm my eyes!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile and asked Gao Ziqiang to communicate with Su Bin, while he went to the next booth and continued to choose.

Su Binzai carefully inspected the first piece of stone that He Jincheng selected, his brows furrowed, and he asked about the price, and when he learned that he bought it for only 150 yuan, he immediately shook his head.

"Isn't this blind buying? If my guess is correct, Mr. He probably doesn't know how to bet on stones at all. There is absolutely no material for this stone!"

Su Bin shook his head while talking.

"Ah, no way, Expert Su, show me again, how could there be no drama at all?"

Gao Ziqiang suddenly became anxious.

This has to be wrestling with that boy Zhang Hongqi. If it is really a waste rock, what is it?
"Don't look at it, there is no trace of emerald at all, 150 yuan, what good material can you buy, this stone, 15 yuan is not worth it!"

Su Bin said bluntly.

Gao Ziqiang didn't know what to say anymore. Could it be that the expert appraisal was wrong?
Going to see He Jincheng again, at this time, he was still picking stones in another booth in a leisurely manner.

"Boss, how much is this?"

He Jincheng picked up a palm-sized stone and asked with a smile.

"This one, you can see it's green, so it's sure to be a good material. How about it, I won't ask you too much. It's an opening, 800 yuan!"

The stall owner saw that He Jincheng was quite interested, so he set a price.

He Jincheng shook his head. It's not that he doesn't understand. This stone does have a tinge of green light, but it has many cracks. It's not big in the first place. If there are cracks, it's considered a good material. , I'm afraid it's not worth much.

"There are too many cracks, let's make it cheaper!"

"At most 100 yuan cheaper, seven hundred, how about it?"

The stall owner thought about it, and he collected this material for 300 yuan, and he made a lot of money selling it for 700 yuan.

"Buy it now, six hundred!"

He Jincheng slashed again.

"make a deal!"

The stall owner didn't say anything more, just nodded in agreement.

After paying the money, He Jincheng handed over the stone to Gao Ziqiang.

Su Bin looked at it and shook his head. Such an obvious crack, this material is not good, and the green color is very light, I am afraid that it can only produce some ordinary goods, and it will definitely be a loss.

"Brother, can you do this, or let Expert Su choose one?"

Gao Ziqiang felt that He Jincheng might really not know how to bet on stones, so he was very anxious.

"That may not be true. Sometimes good things are often hidden in this unexpected thing. Put it away, I know it well!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Gao Ziqiang felt that there was something wrong with He Jincheng. The elder brother was very cautious in his work on weekdays. Why did he get so high today that he bought two pieces of waste rock in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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