Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 226 After the stone selection is completed, expensive may not necessarily be good

Chapter 226 After the stone selection is completed, expensive is not necessarily good
Although the total cost is only 750 yuan, it is nothing compared to the current property of the two.

"Doctor He, if you choose stones like this, you can't beat Young Master Zhang!"

Su Bin really couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, a few hundred dollars is not a big deal, but if you lose, your legs will be broken. Brother, think about it!"

Gao Ziqiang also opened his mouth to persuade.

"It's okay, I think my eyesight is pretty good, don't worry!"

However, He Jincheng seemed to have taken the wrong medicine and didn't realize his problem at all, so he went to pick out the remaining stones with a smile.

Seeing that He Jincheng couldn't persuade him, Gao Ziqiang could only act anxiously.

Su Bin's face was not very good-looking. He felt that He Jincheng didn't believe in his own identification ability, and didn't take himself seriously at all.

It's really unreasonable, where did this kid come from, to be so arrogant.

Maybe you have superb medical skills, but this gambling stone is not for people to feel the pulse of a doctor, how can you choose so randomly!
For the next half an hour, He Jincheng stopped and went, visited many stalls, and bought several stones.

The cheapest of them is only 50 yuan.

There are also expensive ones, which cost a full 3000 yuan to buy a fist-sized stone.

Su Bin identified and inspected them one by one, and confirmed that two of them were of good quality, and there was a high probability that some good varieties of jadeite could be produced.

But He Jincheng picked eleven or twelve stones in one go, and the rest were basically waste rocks.

Anyone with a bit of common sense in betting on stones would not choose these stones.

"Fortunately, there are at least two promising stones, and we don't have much time for the next one. We can only see what stone that kid Zhang Hongqi chooses!"

Gao Ziqiang thought to himself.

He is now even more nervous than He Jincheng, and his heart is pounding.

If it wasn't for He Jincheng's insistence, he would have asked Su Bin to choose a few stones directly.

The appointed hour has come.

He Jincheng took the selected stones to the place agreed with Zhang Hongqi, and began to verify the outcome of the two sides.

Zhang Hongqi had been waiting there early on. On the table in front of him, there were three rough stones. Two of them had opened the window. It could be seen at a glance that they were rough jadeites with good water species. The third one had not been opened. window, but it seems to be much more dramatic than those brought by He Jincheng.

Seeing that He Jincheng was pushing a cart full of rough stones, Zhang Hongqi immediately laughed.

"He Jincheng, we agreed on three rough stones per person. You brought a cart, do you want to win by quantity?"

Zhang Hongqi said with a sneer.

All the onlookers also laughed.

This He Jincheng is really interesting, he only picked three rough stones, and he sent a cart over directly.

The expert named Cheng Yuan standing next to Zhang Hongqi just glanced at He Jincheng's cart rough stone, and immediately showed a look of disdain.

He is an expert, and he can tell the probability of these rough stones producing emeralds at a glance.

With such a pile of more than a dozen rough stones, it would be good to have two or three green stones, and the quality is definitely not very good, there is no way to compare with the three rough stones I personally selected.

In fact, Cheng Yuan felt that he and He Jincheng, who knew nothing about fighting stones, were simply insulting his reputation.

However, Zhang's family did offer a lot of rewards, so he had no choice but to come.

"Can't I buy other rough stones? I have a total of 12 yuan rough stones here. Qiangzi, you can take any three pieces and compare them with Zhang Shao!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, his face full of relief.

Gao Ziqiang was a little dumbfounded.

What's going on, Brother He is not in the mood today.

Just take three yuan to compare with others, how can you compare!
Isn't he afraid of being broken in both legs?
"Brother, this..."

"It's okay, just do what I say, don't worry, don't you still believe me?"

He Jincheng waved his hand, but did not explain anything to Gao Ziqiang.

Anyway, the verification will start soon, and it is meaningless to explain.

"Okay, I listen to you..."

There was no other way, so Gao Ziqiang had no choice but to take out the rough stone that Su Bin said earlier might produce green, and put it on the table opposite Zhang Hongqi's rough stone.

"Oh, these are all bought on the first floor, I wonder how much you spent?"

Zhang Hongqi now felt that he had the chance to win, so he sneered.

"I spent two hundred and six for this one, nine hundred and two for this one, three thousand for this one, and a total of four thousand and one hundred and eighth!"

He Jincheng told the truth.

Hearing this, Zhang Hongqi laughed out loud.

Four thousand one?This is not as good as the price of a piece of rough stone.

Of these three rough stones, the cheapest one costs 3 yuan, and the other two cost as much as [-] yuan or more.

"Hey, it seems that you are out of money. I told you earlier, I also went to the first floor to choose, which makes me seem a bit invincible, but we agreed before, as long as it does not exceed 10 Yuan, even if it works!"

Zhang Hongqi said angrily.

"My three rough stones cost me a total of 3000 yuan, but you are only [-] yuan. How can you compare with me?"

Some of the onlookers nodded, some shook their heads, but basically everyone felt that He Jincheng was giving up on himself and that he couldn't win against Zhang Hongqi, so he bought a few rough stones to make up the number.

"Gambling on stones, is it the price of buying rough stones? Who said that cheap goods can't produce good things?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Many people nodded slightly.

So, He Jincheng's words are not wrong.

There are many examples of buying top-quality rough stones at a low price. This is the so-called instant riches, but this kind of thing is really rare.

"Hehe, then you want to see luck to win me? It's ridiculous, He Jincheng, just wait for me to break your legs!"

Zhang Hongqi laughed, as if he had seen the scene where He Jincheng had both legs broken and knelt in front of him begging for mercy.

"Then let's wait and see! Stop talking nonsense and start dissolving stones!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

A senior Shijie master came out and looked at the two of them.

"Let's untie mine first, the window has already been opened, master, look at it and untie it!"

Zhang Hongqi said with a smile.

The stone interpreter nodded slightly, and then asked someone to move Zhang Hongqi's rough stone to the machine, and began to analyze the stone.

Because of the opening of the window, the process of unraveling the stone was very simple. In less than 5 minutes, Zhang Hongqi's first rough stone was untied.

Everyone immediately stretched their necks and looked over, and when Master Jie Shi washed it with clean water, the jadeite came out.

"Oh, it's a pity, it's a bit glutinous, it's a top-quality glutinous ice seed, and it almost becomes an ice seed!"

"It's not small. This rough stone was bought for 2 yuan, and it can probably be sold for [-] yuan!"

Many knowledgeable people spoke up.

(End of this chapter)

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