Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 231 Moved Qiangzi, Xiao Guoqiang seeks medical treatment for Sun

Chapter 231 Moved Qiangzi, Xiao Guoqiang seeks medical treatment for Sun
He came out with He Jincheng to make money.

However, Gao Ziqiang also has self-knowledge.

This time I went to the Stone Gambling Conference, I can say that I didn't help at all. He Jincheng made so much money all at once, and it didn't have anything to do with me.

In the end, He Jincheng unexpectedly gave him a sum of money.

So he is absolutely unacceptable.

"You and I are still so polite. We came out to make money. Although Shanbaozhai has some looks, but if you want to become bigger and stronger, you still need funds. You should take these first. I usually don't." If you don’t go to Shanbaozhai often, you will take care of everything, how can you do it without money!”

He Jincheng smiled and stuffed the passbook into Gao Ziqiang's hand.

Now that it's all said and done, Gao Ziqiang will be a little hypocritical if he doesn't accept it.

"Brother, I won't say anything, and I will work hard with you in the future!"

Gao Ziqiang's eyes were slightly red, and he said seriously.

Just now he looked at the amount on the passbook, and it was 20.

I have never dreamed in my life that I would have so much money one day.

And all of this was given by He Jincheng.

"Okay, don't be so hypocritical with me, we are just getting started, these are trivial things!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Gao Ziqiang nodded emphatically. Now he has admiration and respect for He Jincheng from the bottom of his heart.

For some reason, he always felt that there was an indescribable and involuntarily convincing feeling about He Jincheng.

It was as if there was nothing in the world that He Jincheng didn't know about, and there was nothing he couldn't do.

After sending Gao Ziqiang away, He Jincheng went back to the room and chatted with Ye Qingmeng.

Tingting has also grown up, and now basically sleeps with her grandmother, so He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng can enjoy the world of two every day.

"Honey, we are considered rich now, should we move out and buy a big house?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"What are you doing moving out? Isn't this place very good? I'm not used to living in that kind of building. It's good for us to be together as a family!"

Ye Qingmeng shook her head.

On the contrary, she really likes this kind of courtyard house with a courtyard.

When she was free, basking in the sun in the yard, reading a book, and watching Tingting running around in the yard, she felt very happy.

"Okay, then don't buy it for now! Let's talk about it when the child reaches the age of school! By the way, let me see how our second treasure is doing now!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

That's what he said casually.

Now here in Nandu, the real estate market hasn't picked up yet.

Now I have some money in my hand, but it was earned by betting on stones.

Events such as the Stone Gambling Conference are relatively rare, and it would be nice to have one a year, and it is jointly organized by the five major families.

Therefore, this kind of thing cannot be regarded as a long-term business.

Just once or twice once in a while.

Early the next morning, He Jincheng went to the clinic after breakfast.

The business of the medical center is now stabilizing, with twenty or thirty patients coming to see a doctor every day, most of them are minor ailments or bone injuries.

He Jincheng is very easy to treat.

After seeing seven or eight patients, no one came for a while, so He Jincheng made a cup of tea, sat in the medical hall, and read a book while drinking tea.

Live and learn, this is He Jincheng's motto for becoming a famous doctor in his previous life.

If it weren't for his hard work, he wouldn't have achieved that.

Book resources in this era are far less than in previous lives, but the advantage is that there are many old medical books to be found.

Before that, He Jincheng asked Gao Ziqiang to help him go to the second-hand book market and buy a lot of thread-bound medical books.

Most of them have been read by him, but there are also some books that are relatively unorthodox. He has only heard of them, but he has never really seen them. He has been reading them carefully recently, which has also benefited him a lot.

"Excuse me, Doctor He is here!"

At this time, a voice came from the door of the medical hall.

He Jincheng looked up and saw a young man standing at the door, looking around inside the medical hall, as if he was looking for someone.

"I am He Jincheng, who are you looking for?"

He Jincheng was a little surprised.

Among other things, it seems that most people in Qiangu Street know him.

Running over to ask Dr. He if he was here, this young man must have come from somewhere else.

"You are Doctor He?"

The young man was startled, and looked up and down at He Jincheng with an incredulous expression on his face.

"That's right, I'm the only one in the medical center, of course it's me!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, pointing to the chair beside him, "Please sit down, talk slowly if you have something to say!"

"Oh, no, I'm here to see a doctor for my son, just wait a moment!"

The young man let out an oh and ran out quickly.

He Jincheng looked outside, only to see a car parked not far from the entrance of the medical hall.

The young man ran to the side of the car and opened the door, as if asking someone to get out of the car.

After the last old man got out of the car, He Jincheng knew who he was.

Isn't this the principal of Nandu Normal University, Xiao Guoqiang!

"It turns out that Professor Xiao is here, please come in quickly!"

He Jincheng got up to greet them a few steps, smiled and let them sit on the chairs, and then poured them another cup of tea.

Besides Xiao Guoqiang, there was that young man and a young woman.

The woman was holding a four or five-year-old boy in her arms, who presumably was Xiao Guoqiang's grandson.

I made an agreement with Xiao Guoqiang before that today he will see a doctor for his grandson, but the other party will bring the child over.

"Doctor He, I don't know if it's convenient now. This is my grandson, Xiao Huzi, and I hope you can show him!"

Xiao Guoqiang's tone was very polite, and there was a bit of expectation on his face.

Both the young man and the young woman had expressions of suspicion on their faces.

The two looked at each other, and they could feel each other's thoughts.

What's the matter with the old man, after returning home yesterday, he said that the little tiger was saved, and today he is going to find a magical doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to see him.

Unexpectedly, it was He Jincheng.

At first they thought it was a famous doctor, but He Jincheng is so young, he probably just graduated from the teacher, can he treat Xiao Huzi?
After all, in the field of Chinese medicine, it is generally believed that the fragrance is getting better and better.

How can such a young doctor of Chinese medicine improve his medical skills?

"It just so happens that there are no patients in the medical hall, first put Xiao Huzi down and let him walk two steps as far as possible, let me see the situation!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

The young woman was a little hesitant, but after seeing the old man's eyes, she had no choice but to carefully put the little tiger on the ground. It was this hand, which was always unwilling to leave the little tiger's body, for fear that he would fall and touch it.

(End of this chapter)

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