Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 232 Explaining pathology, even holding a child can get sick

Chapter 232 Explaining pathology, even holding a child can get sick
Seeing the young woman's actions, He Jincheng shook his head again and again.

The little tiger is so old that he can't walk yet, so it probably has something to do with the young woman's excessive care.

"Let go of Little Huzi, let him go by himself, I'll see how far he can go!"

He Jincheng said.

The young woman was a little hesitant. She loved Xiao Huzi very much, and she didn't even want his feet to touch the ground, for fear of bringing some bacteria or something.

The young man's name is Xiao Feng, and the young woman's name is Liu Lian, who is Xiao Guoqiang's son and daughter-in-law.

Liu Lian works as a nurse in a hospital, and she is somewhat of a clean freak on weekdays, so she hates her son touching dirty things the most.

As long as I am at home, I must hug the little tiger, and I don't want to let it go for a moment.

That's why she had some doubts about He Jincheng's words.

"Lianlian, listen to Dr. He. Since we are here to seek medical treatment, we should follow the doctor's orders!"

Xiao Guoqiang said, asking Liu Lian to let go of the little tiger.

Seemingly having made a very tangled decision, Liu Lian cautiously let go of her hand.

The little tiger was unrestrained, and immediately ran towards Xiao Guoqiang.

It's just that he didn't run two steps, and the little tiger fell to the ground directly, and then the whole medical hall was filled with loud cries.

Liu Lian hurried forward, ready to help the little tiger up.

"Don't move, let Xiao Huzi try to see if he can stand up by himself!"

He Jincheng quickly stopped Liu Lian.

Liu Lian couldn't bear it very much, but under Xiao Guoqiang's stern gaze, she had no choice but to sit down again.

Little Huzi was crying loudly, opening his hands as if he wanted someone to hug him.

As a result, my mother who loves me the most on weekdays did not come over, and my grandfather and father also sat in their chairs without moving. This made Xiao Huzi even more sad, crying very hard.

And He Jincheng just sat there, watching the little tiger cry, and ignored him.

After five or six minutes, Liu Lian couldn't bear it anymore, she got up and wanted to hug the little tiger and coax him.

"Don't worry, if the child finds that crying is useless, he will stop crying himself!"

He Jincheng said lightly, and continued to cry while watching the little tiger.


Liu Lian's heart ached so badly, she felt very uncomfortable seeing the little tiger crying there.

How could Xiao Guoqiang not be like this? This grandson is what he loves most.

But in order to cure his grandson's illness, he had to follow He Jincheng's method.

"Okay, since we're here, everything is for Dr. He!"

Xiao Guoqiang said lightly, even closing his eyes, not daring to look at his little grandson, he was afraid he couldn't help but rush over to coax the little guy first.

"Don't worry, everyone. I think the little tiger is actually quite healthy. If all goes well, after the treatment is over, you will find that the little tiger is completely cured!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

When several people heard what He Jincheng said, their eyes lit up.

"Doctor He, how sure are you that you can cure my little grandson!"

Xiao Guoqiang asked in a low voice.

"You'll find out later!"

He Jincheng said with a mysterious look.

Xiao Guoqiang didn't say anything, since he was here anyway, he had to listen to He Jincheng's arrangement.

The little tiger lay on the ground and cried for a few more minutes, all the tears had been dried up, one can imagine how painful the little guy is now!

He Jincheng smiled, took out a piece of candy, walked up to the little tiger and squatted down.

"Little friend, do you like candy?"

He Jincheng looked at the little tiger and said.

When the little tiger saw the snacks and candies, he immediately reached out to ask for them.

"Come and chase me, okay? If you catch me, I'll give you the candy"

He Jincheng said with a smile, holding a small candy, dangling in front of the little tiger.

Little Huzi also seemed to know that the food in He Jincheng's hand was delicious, so he wanted to turn around when he stretched out his hand.

However, He Jincheng took his hand back.

"Look at you, if you want to catch me, stand up and chase me!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Doctor He, what shall we do next?"

Tielin laughed.

Is there any other way?

Now he can only pin all his hopes on He Jincheng.

"It's not a big problem, you can take a look later!"

He Jincheng nodded. Seeing that the little tiger was about to grab the candy in He Jincheng's palm, He Jincheng suddenly withdrew his hand, leaving the little tiger in vain.

The little tiger yelled and kept reaching for the candies.

As a result, several times in a row, He Jincheng easily avoided each time.

The opening on the left seems to be missing.

After repeating this several times, the little tiger finally grabbed the candy in He Jincheng's hand and ate it contentedly.

He Jincheng stood up and looked at the dirty little tiger with a smile on his face.

"How is it, Doctor He? Do you need anything else?"

Xiao Guoqiang asked quickly.

"Professor Xiao, don't worry, your grandson is in good health, it's just that he took a breath, as long as he catches up with it, everything will be fine!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Doctor He, what is my son's illness!"

Xiao Feng asked, somewhat unclear.

"Little Huzi's disease, as the saying goes, is not grounded."

He Jincheng paused, and said: "In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, it is because of being hugged too much and being too rustic, so that the spleen and stomach are out of harmony, and the visceral qi is not balanced, so a series of symptoms have appeared."

Liu Lian showed a surprised expression. This is the first time I heard about whether being hugged too much will make her sick.

"This is a standard childhood disease of wealth and wealth. The stomach is soil. After birth, it depends entirely on the stomach soil. Stomach qi can be transported and transformed to maintain the balance of the five qi in the body. Thinking about food and drink will eventually lead to an imbalance of the five qi in the body, and various symptoms will appear.”

He Jincheng explained.

Liu Lian still didn't understand. She didn't understand Chinese medicine at all, and couldn't understand what He Jincheng was talking about. .

"Like this, let me say it another way, and you may understand!"

He Jincheng smiled and said: "As we all know, humans are animals with a constant temperature, and their body temperature will remain at about 37 degrees Celsius. When a child is held in his arms, it is equivalent to sticking to a 37-degree stove. After a long time, no one will be able to stand it. Just think about it, when the outdoor temperature reaches 37 degrees in summer, who doesn’t feel the scorching heat, and who can still have a good appetite?”

This is the knowledge of Western medicine. Fortunately, He Jincheng also understands Western medicine, so he can use the knowledge of Western medicine to explain the cause of this disease.

At this moment, the three of them understood that holding a child can really cause illness!

He Jincheng said that it was a disease of wealth, and it couldn't be more accurate. The little tiger was the baby of the Xiao family, and he was taken care of so carefully that Jingui didn't even have to walk a step down.

Outsiders will envy the child's comfort and comfort, but who would have thought that the child is being roasted by a 37-degree human-shaped stove at this time.

If you hold it for too long, if you don't accept a little bit of earth qi, it will be difficult for the child to vent the heat in his body, and it would be strange if he doesn't get sick.

(End of this chapter)

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