Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 234 The ancient method of decocting medicine, the old lady should not die

Chapter 234 The ancient method of decocting medicine, the old lady should not die

"Thank you, Dr. He. What Dr. He said has benefited us a lot. Now it seems that if you are too pampered and take care of the child, you may do bad things with good intentions, which will actually harm the child!"

Xiao Guoqiang said with emotion.

If they hadn't come to look for He Jincheng today, they wouldn't have known that they had been carefully protecting Little Huzi, but they were actually trying to harm him.

"Professor Xiao is very polite about treating diseases and saving lives. By the way, it's best for Xiao Huzi to have a playmate. My family has a little girl. If necessary, Xiao Huzi can be sent to our house for two days!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Little Huzi is four or five years old. Because he can't walk, he doesn't have any good friends at all.

Tingting is also three or four years old now, she is in the same grade as Xiao Huzi, so she will definitely be able to play together.

"That's great. To make Dr. He laugh, our family is very busy, and we don't have time to take care of the little tiger during the day. It's the nanny who is looking after the child. If we can send it to Dr. He's house, we are naturally willing." of!"

Xiao Guoqiang immediately made a decision and said.

Liu Lian was a bit reluctant, but the old man had already spoken, so she nodded and stopped talking.

"Well, how about this, I'll see these patients first, and you guys stay here for a while, and I'll take you to my house later!"

He Jincheng nodded.

The reason why he did this was that he really wanted to cure the little tiger's illness. If such a cute child still couldn't walk a few years later, it would definitely cause irreparable losses. He Jincheng really wanted to cure it. Little Tiger's.

And secondly, He Jincheng went for Xiao Guoqiang.

With Professor Xiao Guoqiang here, nothing will happen to his wife at Nandu Normal University in the future.

"Okay, please, Doctor He, we'll just wait aside!"

There is hope for his grandson's illness to be cured. Of course Xiao Guoqiang was happy and sat down with a smile.

Xiao Feng and Liu Lian had no choice but to sit aside and wait for He Jincheng to see the doctor.

Little Huzi crawled around on the ground, and soon his clothes became dirty. Liu Lian couldn't help but want to change the little Huzi's clothes, but thinking of her son's illness, she could only grit her teeth and not move.

He Jincheng smiled and treated the patients one by one.

Several patients in a row were all minor illnesses, and He Jincheng quickly took care of them.

At this moment, a group of people hurried in carrying an old woman with white hair.

"Doctor He, show me quickly, my mother is dying!"

A middle-aged man, sweating profusely, looked at He Jincheng almost beggingly.

"Don't worry, let me take a look first!"

Seeing that the situation was serious, He Jincheng didn't dare to delay, and hurried forward to check on the old lady's situation.

I saw that his complexion was very bad, he looked extremely weak, his lips were still a little blue, and the muscles on his face would vibrate from time to time.

He Jincheng looked at the old lady's expression, stretched out his hand to take a pulse, and asked the person next to him.

"Old lady, what's the matter? Is there any medical history before?"

"My mother's heart has always been bad, she has a heart attack, but she doesn't have attacks on weekdays, but today for some unknown reason, she has a heart attack. The first-aid medicine prescribed before has run out, and we are afraid that we will not be able to send it to the People's Hospital. side, send it over and ask Dr. He for help!"

"My mother had a heart attack because she was frightened!"

A person stood up and said: "I was there when I was sick. My mother was sitting and resting in the yard. Suddenly a piebald snake fell from the tree and landed on my mother. My mother is usually afraid of snakes." , that’s why I’m sick!”

He Jincheng figured out what was going on and nodded slightly.

Xiao Guoqiang and the others were a little surprised.

Heart attack, this is an emergency, and instead of being sent to the hospital, he came to He Jincheng instead.

It seems that the people here absolutely approve of He Jincheng's medical skills!

He Jincheng thought for a while, then smiled and said to the group of people: "Heart disease is not a big problem, the main reason is that the old lady was overly frightened, causing her to lose her temper. The current situation cannot be said to be optimistic. Prescribe another side drug, take it and see the effect!"

"Thank you Doctor He, thank you Doctor He!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly expressed his thanks, and asked people to quickly take out paper and pens.

He Jincheng sat there and thought about it before starting to write.After writing the prescription, He Jincheng gave the prescription to the middle-aged man.

"For this prescription, I will prescribe three medicines first!"

The middle-aged man finally thanked the prescription again, and took the prescription.

This is He Jincheng's rule, the prescription is given to the patient, and then he will take the medicine according to the prescription.

"In addition, go buy three fresh sheep hearts. Slice the sheep hearts and make soup, and then use this soup to make medicine. Don't make a mistake!" He Jincheng reminded again.

"Sheep heart? Yes, yes!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, but he nodded quickly without hesitation.

He Jincheng smiled. This method of decocting medicine is rarely used by doctors now.

In fact, in the practice of medicine in ancient times, there was a distinction between "prescription" and "method".In ancient times, good doctors had very strict requirements for decocting medicine. They shared how many liters of water, how many liters were decocted, and how many liters remained; which medicine should be decocted first and which medicine should be decocted later; These are all important.

Even what medicine should be taken hot and what medicine should be taken when it is cold is also strictly regulated.

But up to now, very few Chinese medicine practitioners still abide by this law. The era we live in is far away from the distant ancient times, so it is difficult to demand that doctors must abide by this law.

However, He Jincheng still respects this method, and has been practicing it with himself, and the results are often very good.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the heart of the sheep can replenish yang qi, and it can restore yang and save the adversity.

"Don't worry, I don't think the old lady deserves to die, she will live for a long time!"

Although the situation of the old lady is not optimistic, He Jincheng doesn't feel any dead spirit from her complexion.

It's not that He Jincheng is playing tricks.

Based on his medical experience, he has seen too many births, old ages, illnesses and deaths. What kind of people have not seen it? He naturally developed a different perception. Although it is not very accurate, it is basically eight. Nine are inseparable from ten.

According to He Jincheng's estimation, the old lady is 76 this year, and there are at least seven years left, so her life should not die.

"Great, Dr. He, how much does it cost, we will pay!"

The middle-aged man was very happy, and felt that the old lady's body was guaranteed by the genius doctor He Jincheng, so it must be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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