Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 235 English Expert, Do You Mind Taking Private Work?

Chapter 235 English Expert, Do You Mind Taking Private Work?
"Let me do the math, the treatment fee plus the medical fee is a total of ten yuan!"

He Jincheng made up his mind and said with a smile.

"Okay, doctor, you are a kind doctor. My old lady's serious illness can be cured in one stroke, and the fee is so cheap. It would be great if there were more doctors like you in the world! "

The middle-aged woman said happily.

After paying the money and taking the medicine, the family thanked He Jincheng for a long time before leaving.

All of this was seen by Xiao Guoqiang's family, and their impression of He Jincheng was even better.

Now they have really seen He Jincheng's medical skills and ethics, he is definitely a trustworthy genius doctor!

"Doctor He, thank you very much today. If possible, our little tiger will stay at your house temporarily. Do you think it's okay?"

Liu Lian still has the slightest doubt about He Jincheng.

If you don't listen to the words of the genius doctor, who else can you listen to!

"Of course there is no problem. It just so happens that there are no patients now, why don't you come with me to my house!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Xiao Guoqiang's family nodded again and again, and after He Jincheng closed the door of the medical clinic, they went together to the courtyard where He Jincheng lives now.

At home, Guo Lan was cooking, while Ye Qingmeng was watching Tingting while reading an English book that He Jincheng had exchanged.

Xiao Guoqiang walked to the door and was surprised when he heard standard English coming from inside.

"Hey, Doctor He, is this your home?"

Xiao Guoqiang looked at He Jincheng and asked.

"Yes, my family lives here, and my mother-in-law, wife and children are at home!"

He Jincheng said.

"Could it be Mrs. He who read the book?"

"That's right, my wife's English is pretty good!"

He Jincheng nodded.

"Hey, it's not only good, it's almost like a foreigner. I didn't expect that Madam He is also a strange woman!"

Xiao Guoqiang said in surprise.

These days, there are quite a few people who know English, but there are not many people who can speak such fluent English, even in Nandu Normal University.

Now the degree of openness is getting higher and higher, and all walks of life in China are like sponges, introducing foreign technology and knowledge, and frantically replenishing their own energy.

As a key university, Nandu Normal University is naturally not far behind in this respect.

Recently, they have collected a lot of foreign documents, and then found someone to start translating, but at the school, there are only a few people who are good at English, and their level is relatively average, so it is not easy to translate.

Now Xiao Guoqiang, whenever he sees someone who can understand English, he will go up and ask. If it is suitable, he wants to hire someone to translate the documents.

I really didn't expect that not only did Xiao Huzi's illness be cured today, but he also met an English expert. How could Xiao Guoqiang not be surprised.

"Come in, everyone!"

He Jincheng opened the door and entered the courtyard, and shouted, "Mom, wife, there are guests!"

Ye Qingmeng stood up, put the book aside, and greeted her with a smile.

"Welcome, welcome, who are these?"

"Let me introduce to you, this one is your future school arrogance, Professor Xiao Guoqiang!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.


Both Ye Qingmeng and Xiao Guoqiang were amazed.

Ye Qingmeng never expected that He Jincheng would bring the principal of Nandu Normal School home.

Xiao Guoqiang was surprised that this English expert was actually a student of his own school.

This is too coincidental!

"Classmate, you are also a student of Nandu Normal University? What's your name!"

Xiao Guoqiang said with some excitement.

It is very difficult to find an English expert these days.

"Hi principal, my name is Ye Qingmeng, and I haven't entered school yet!"

Ye Qingmeng said with some embarrassment.

"Not enrolled? What's the matter? You are such an excellent student, you should apply for admission as soon as possible. Did you encounter any difficulties, or you are still a little embarrassed, tell me, and I will help you solve it!"

Xiao Guoqiang's expression darkened immediately.

Now that the school is in desperate need of talents, it is really unreasonable to let such talents fail to enroll. If you let yourself know who did it, you will be dismissed from his position when you go back.

"Professor Xiao, you misunderstood, it's like this..."

He Jincheng explained with a wry smile.

After listening to the explanation, Xiao Guoqiang came to a sudden realization. Looking at Ye Qingmeng's stomach, he was indeed pregnant.

"Oh, what a pity, but it's a good thing, after all, the child is the most important thing, just like my little tiger, even if he takes care of it every day, he still has problems all over his body!"

Xiao Guoqiang said with a wry smile.

When Guo Lan heard that there were guests, she immediately added a few dishes and entertained the guests with a bottle of good wine.

"Here we come, the last dish is here. See if you can eat enough. If not, I'll go to the street and buy some more!"

It didn't take long before the meal was ready. After Guo Lan served the last dish, she basically used all the ingredients available at home. If she wanted to add more dishes, she had to buy them.

"No big sister, these are enough to eat. It's embarrassing enough for us to visit suddenly, so why bother you!"

Xiao Guoqiang said quickly.

"You are the principal of our Qingmeng family. I have to treat you well. It's all because I don't usually prepare any good dishes. You guys have a try. If it doesn't suit your taste, I'll go buy some more!"

Guo Lan said very politely.

"Auntie, the taste is very good, we like to eat this authentic home-cooked food!"

Xiao Feng said hastily.

After some exchanges, everyone also knew how the two sides intersected.

Guo Lan and Ye Qingmeng were very surprised to hear that the little tiger was four or five years old and could not walk yet.

"Don't worry, little tiger is at our house, and I will take good care of you. Anyway, we have nothing to do now, just bring one more child, it will be fine!"

Guo Lan promised with a smile.

She also usually likes children, especially the little tiger who is very cute and painful, Guo Lan has no objections.

After telling Xiao Huzi about the matter, Xiao Guoqiang looked at Ye Qingmeng.

"Student Ye, it's okay for you to have a baby now!"

"Very good, as long as everything goes well, I will definitely be able to report on time next semester!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

Since she was pregnant, Ye Qingmeng's diet and daily life have been strictly in accordance with He Jincheng's plan. The fetus is well protected. It has been more than four months now. When the next semester starts, the confinement period can be finished without delaying school. reports.

"Then do you mind doing some private work?"

Xiao Guoqiang asked with a smile.

"What private work? I'm pregnant now, so I'm afraid I can't do too many things!"

Ye Qingmeng hesitated, but at the same time looked at He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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