Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 236 Just Like It, Self-Recognition Confidence

Chapter 236 Just Like It, Self-Recognition Confidence
When He Jincheng thought about it, he understood what Xiao Guoqiang wanted to do.

As for translating documents, with Ye Qingmeng's current level, there is basically no problem.

"I have no objection, my wife, please see if you can do it first, if not, just don't do it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"For others, it is definitely not easy, but for you, student Ye, it is absolutely no problem! That's right, the school has recently purchased a lot of foreign literature, but all of them are in English, and our school is not proficient in English. Many, just now I was outside and heard Ye classmate reading English, I think your English level must be very good, Yee classmate!"

Xiao Guoqiang said with a smile, with some anticipation in his eyes.

He really needs talents in this area now.

"Me? I can only say reluctantly, Professor Xiao, you don't want me to help you translate documents!"

Ye Qing dreamed of this, and said flattered.

Her English was taught by He Jincheng, and she is indeed fluent in reading now, but she has never applied it in practice, and she doesn't know if she can do document translation, which makes her a little uncertain.

"Hahaha, just now I heard Mr. Ye's English recitation, I knew that Mr. Ye's level must be very high. How about this? I happen to bring a document here. During this time, Mr. Ye, you can help me translate it first. According to the number of words The salary has only been settled, this document is about 1000 words, if Ye’s translation is qualified, our school is willing to pay [-] yuan!"

While talking, Xiao Guoqiang took out a thick book from his briefcase and put it on the table.

Ye Qingmeng was taken aback by the high price. She could even pay 1000 yuan for a book, which she couldn't even imagine.

"Professor Xiao, I haven't done this kind of work before, so I can't guarantee that I will be able to do it. I can only say that I will give it a try!"

Ye Qingmeng took two deep breaths to calm herself down, then picked up the document and read a few pages.

"How about it, it should be fine!"

Xiao Guoqiang looked at Ye Qingmeng with anticipation in his eyes.

"It's okay, but I still need to organize the language. How about Professor Xiao, you can pick it up in five days. I should be able to translate well. As for the quality, you may need to check it!"

Ye Qingmeng found that although the document had a lot of text, it was stress-free to read, so he agreed.

"Hahaha, that's great. After this book, we still have a lot. As long as you have time, you can tell me anytime. As for the remuneration, one book will be completed once, and you will never be in arrears!"

Xiao Guoqiang laughed, his face full of excitement.

A [-]-word document can be translated in five days. It is conceivable that Ye Qingmeng's English level is indeed very high.

You know, at the school, several teachers translated together, kept looking through the dictionary, looking for information, and it took ten days at the fastest to translate a book. On Ye Qingmeng's side, it only took five days. This efficiency There is absolutely no second word.

"Then thank you, Professor Xiao!"

Ye Qingmeng was also very happy.

Since she was pregnant, she rarely even went out, and she was unfamiliar with the place in Nandu. Even if she wanted to go out, she didn't know where to go, so she just stayed at home and waited until after giving birth. .

She always wanted to make some money for the family, but always asked He Jincheng to go out to work as a villain to make money, which made Ye Qingmeng feel a little guilty.

So on weekdays, in addition to taking care of the children, she also asks her mother to do some manual work from outside.

It's just that the technical content of this manual work is relatively low, and the wages paid are also very low. After a month of work, I'm afraid you can get seven or eight dollars.

If Xiao Guoqiang can really entrust the translated documents to himself, that would be really not too good.

"Okay, then we've made a deal! I'll pick up Xiao Huzi in five days, and I'll also bring some documents. I'll trouble Classmate Ye to translate it!"

Xiao Guoqiang said with a smile.

He is in a good mood now.

So many foreign documents have always been his biggest problem.

Xiao Guoqiang's family left the little tiger in the courtyard.

The two little guys were about the same age, and they had a great time playing. They either ran to play in the mud, or squatted on the ground to count ants.

Seeing the little Huzi playing so happily, the Xiao family and his party left in peace.

After seeing off the Xiao family and his party, Ye Qingmeng excitedly dragged He Jincheng into the house.

"Husband, do you think this is reliable? You can get 1000 yuan for [-] words. Why do I feel like this is a dream?"

Ye Qingmeng said excitedly.

"Let me see if I have a fever, or is it that the world is falling apart?"

He Jincheng stretched out his hand, put it on Ye Qingmeng's forehead, and said seriously.

"Fuck you, but don't you really think that 1000 yuan is too much?"

Ye Qingmeng gave He Jincheng a blank look, and said with some doubts.

"Do you know how important those overseas documents are? With these things, we can catch up with the pace of the times at the fastest speed, and translating documents is definitely a matter of opinion! Your book If it is translated, it will be of great help to the school and even the whole society, and its value cannot be measured by money!"

He Jincheng said.

Ye Qingmeng nodded slightly, and when He Jincheng said this, he suddenly understood.

Just like the food planting technology, everyone passed it on by word of mouth at the beginning. Later, when technology entered people's homes, ordinary people could use these advanced technologies to work, not only greatly increasing the output, but also allowing the common people to grasp the timing of sowing and harvesting. , so as to maximize food production.

This is the case with the early translation work. Often, if an advanced technology or theory is translated, it may have a profound impact on the entire society.

"It seems that my line of work is really important!"

Ye Qingmeng put his arms around He Jincheng's arm and said with a smile.

"As long as you like it!"

He Jincheng fell asleep with Ye Qingmeng in his arms.

Having nothing to say all night, He Jincheng got up early the next morning.

After breakfast, I asked a few words, especially Professor Xiao's grandson, Xiao Huzi, to take good care of him, and then went out to the medical clinic.

Ye Qingmeng now has a new job, and started to study translation literature seriously at home.

This made her feel very fulfilled, especially the feeling of self-recognition, which made her feel confident.

He Jincheng was sitting at the side of the medical hall, when Gao Ziqiang hurried over suddenly, his face was very ugly, He Jincheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't need to guess, something must have happened to Qiangzi's side.

(End of this chapter)

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