Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 237 The counterfeit incident, refund regardless of whether it is true or false

Chapter 237 The counterfeit incident, refund regardless of whether it is true or false

"Brother, something happened, why don't you go and have a look?"

Gao Ziqiang's face was very ugly, and he said in a deep voice.

"what happened?"

He Jincheng put down the medical book in his hand and stood up.

"He came to make trouble, saying that he bought fake products from us, and asked us to pay ten times the compensation. Several people came here at once, it is clear that they are causing trouble!"

Gao Ziqiang's face turned red with anger, if not for so many people watching, he would have hit them with his hands.

"Is it a fake if they say it's a fake? Is there any proof?"

He Jincheng asked as he walked outside.

"This group of people obviously came prepared. They bought a few pieces of jade from us before, and each of our pieces has a certificate. As a result, it took only three days, and they brought the exact same jade over and said it was Although the counterfeit product looks exactly the same as the one we sold before, after using the equipment to identify it, it was found that it is indeed a fake!"

Gao Ziqiang said bitterly.

"Are you sure those aren't from our store?"

"Absolutely not. Our jade is all cut from rough stones and then processed. How could it be fake! I think those people should be a group of fake masters, and they are here to target us!"

Gao Ziqiang said firmly.

There are high-quality rough stones in the store, and the objects made can also be sold at a very good price. There is no need to fake it!
It's just that Gao Ziqiang really couldn't tell, because the objects brought by those people only looked exactly the same, but they were indeed fake.

Now that they came here with the certificates to demand compensation, Gao Ziqiang had no choice but to come to He Jincheng.

"Let's go and have a look first. If it's fake, it can't be real, and if it's real, it can't be fake! Since the other party came prepared, let's have fun with them!"

He Jincheng's face was a little ugly.

When I came to Nandu, I just wanted to start a small business and support my family.

But there are always people who come to make trouble for him. It seems that if we don't deal with these people properly, there will be no end to it.

When the two came to Shanbaozhai next door, they saw many people crowded at the door and making noise.

The two staff members are sweating profusely now, trying to explain to these customers, but these people don't listen at all, clamoring for a refund, and directly cursing profiteers, it seems that they will not be able to hold back.

He Jincheng's face was ugly.

These people are really ruthless enough. They came here with such fanfare to say that Shanbaozhai sells fake goods. Those customers who bought items in Shanbaozhai before, when they heard that it sells fake goods, they didn’t care about anything. Asked, ran over to refund the money.

If the other party is really allowed to succeed, then Shanbaozhai will definitely close its doors and go bankrupt.

"Don't worry, everyone, we won't sell fakes, don't be deceived by villains!"

"Everyone, please calm down, okay, our boss has already invited experts, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer later!"

Both clerks were hoarse, but these people didn't listen to them at all.

"You are a black shop, hurry up and pay us ten times the compensation!"

"Really think of us as fools, lose money quickly, otherwise, we will smash your store!"

These customers didn't know which ones were intentionally making trouble and which ones were trying to make money out of the chaos. Anyway, a group of more than a dozen people all looked filled with righteous indignation, as if they had really encountered a scam.

"Give me peace!"

At this moment, there was a loud shout like thunder, and everyone present was startled, fell silent involuntarily, and turned their heads to look at He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang.

"If Shanbaozhai really sells fake products, you can call the police to investigate, but if you make such a fuss, it's my turn to call the police!"

He Jincheng said angrily.

It was only then that the crowd came to their senses, and after calming down for a while, they started shouting again.

"He is the owner of this store, let's ask him to refund the money!"

"Refund your money!"

"Refund your money!"

The crowd immediately boiled again.

He Jincheng didn't speak again, but locked on to the two loudest people.

He could see that besides the pretended anger on the expressions of these two people, there were more excitement and secret joy.

"Calm down, everyone. If you really want to return the product and get the money back, there is no way to do it like this!"

He Jincheng said lightly, and then walked towards the store.

"Those who want to return the goods, line up and register the information. After we verify it, we will definitely return it!"

Everyone heard the words, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know if what He Jincheng said is true.

"Brother, no, we will go bankrupt like this!"

Gao Ziqiang was very anxious.

If it is true that all products are returned and refunded, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars just for these dozen or so people.

Shanbaozhai can now make a profit of several thousand yuan a month. If it does this, the store will definitely go bankrupt.

"It's okay, I know what's on my mind!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly and didn't say much.

"Are you really going to refund us?"

Someone asked with doubts.

"You guys are making such a fuss because you just want to return the goods. As long as you bring back the things you bought from us as they are, and you have all the certificates, you can return the goods and get a refund. We, Shanbaozhai, operate with integrity, and there is no deception!"

He Jincheng said lightly, and then ordered the clerk to prepare paper and pens for registration.

"Okay, let me return this bracelet first. I spent 200 yuan. You said it was jadeite. I went back to find someone to identify it and found out that it turned out to be plastic. You are clearly cheating It's a scam, we need ten times your compensation!"

The person who spoke was a man in his 30s with a pockmarked face, and he looked very ferocious.

"I'm sorry, you said it's a fake. Please provide proof. It's best to ask your friend to come and appraise it. If it is confirmed that it is something sold in our store, we will definitely compensate you ten times!"

He Jincheng shook his head.

This group of people really know how to make money. If they change hands, they will pay ten times the compensation.

"What do you mean, you're lying, right? Everyone heard it, this kid is just fooling us!"

The pockmarked face said angrily.

The crowd boiled up again, shouting that the merchant has no conscience.

"Don't worry, everyone. I don't want to take back this person's stuff. That's because I think what they get back is not what we sold it for. As long as we are sure that we sold it, we will definitely return it at the original price!"

He Jincheng promised.

"Okay, okay, then return mine first. This is the bracelet I bought, and there is a certificate. I haven't touched it once when I go back!"

A fat man squeezed forward and said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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