Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 238 Long memory, no qualification to refuse

Chapter 238 Long memory, no qualification to refuse

"Bring me something and let me see!"

He Jincheng said.

The fat man quickly took out the bracelet and the certificate, and He Jincheng verified that it was correct, and returned all the money to the fat man on the spot.

When the fat man got the money, he was completely relieved, so he stopped booing along with him.

These days, it's pretty good to get the money back when you encounter scammers. They are not professional blackmailers, so naturally they don't expect to pay back ten times.

With the precedent of Fatty, others hurriedly asked He Jincheng to refund the money.

He Jincheng verified them one by one, and as long as they were indeed from his own store, they would all be returned.

In less than half an hour, there were only three people left, He Jincheng, who did not return.

Without exception, these three people all demanded ten times the compensation. He Jincheng did not give in at all, and said to death that the things in the hands of the three of them were not from Shanbaozhai, so they could not be compensated.

So the three of them took the initiative to ask for a reduction in compensation, as long as He Jincheng paid three times the compensation, but He Jincheng still disagreed.

"Is it a bully? Why do others refund money, but we don't refund!"

Mazi said angrily, looking like he was about to smash the shop.

"Others are returning real items. None of the items in your hands came out of our store. Of course we can't return them to you. How about this? Let's wait until we call the police!"

He Jincheng was not used to these people either.

Judging by the skillful cooperation of these people, it is definitely not the first time to do this kind of thing. Maybe the Security Bureau still has a criminal record. When the police come over, they will understand what's going on at a glance. Don't talk about losing money then Well, these bastards probably have to go in and squat for a few days.

"You! Well, well, what a Shanbaozhai. You really don't know how to praise things. Today, I left my words here. Wait until tomorrow, and if you ask for it, I won't accept it!"

That pockmark knew that He Jincheng had noticed this, so he immediately stopped pretending.

The reason why they did this was to collect protection fees in disguise.

He Jincheng could see it, but he still didn't want to take the money, that's why he didn't want to pay the protection fee.

If so, then there is nothing to be polite about.

"It's a big tone, did you open this Qiangu Street?"

He Jincheng didn't like them, and said with a sneer.

"Whether we drove it, you will know soon! Let's go!"

With a sneer on his pockmarked face, he turned around and was about to leave.

"If you want to just leave, is it so easy? Do you really think that our Shanbaozhai is a shantang?"

Gao Ziqiang stepped in front of Mazi and the others, and said with a sneer.

"You dare to stop us, are you courting death? Do you know who we are?"

Mazi was furious, and there was even a killing intent in his eyes.

"Isn't it just a bunch of counterfeiters? It's not like I haven't done it before. If you have the guts to blackmail, you must be prepared to be beaten!"

Gao Ziqiang didn't want the three of them to leave just like that, otherwise, in the future, these counterfeiters would have to break through the threshold of Shanbaozhai, so he was going to teach these boys a lesson, so that they would have a long memory .

"court death!"

That Mazi couldn't bear it anymore.

I've been in this business for so many years, and I've never seen anything like this.

After all, Mazi raised his hand and punched Gao Ziqiang in the face.

Gao Ziqiang is not a vegetarian, with a height of 1.8 meters and a whole body of muscles, facing Mazi's punch, he did not dodge or dodge, and he raised his hand and punched him.

The two fists collided with each other, and there was a muffled bang. Mazi let out a scream, and took several steps back from the shock, his whole hand was numb from the shock.

"Don't be dazed, give it to me, this kid has a lot of strength!"

Mazi gritted his teeth and roared.

The two people who came with Mazi also looked fierce and rushed towards Gao Ziqiang.

Gao Ziqiang was not afraid at all, and basically played recklessly. He took several hard hits from the opponent, and also retaliated several times.

However, Gao Ziqiang's physical fitness is nothing to say, he was beaten several times, and he didn't even snort. As a result, the opponent backed up repeatedly after being beaten, and he didn't dare to go up again, all of them showed expressions of panic.

Mazi knew that he had hit the iron plate today.

The opponent not only has good eyesight, but is also very skilled. I'm afraid five or six people can't subdue him.

"How about it, come on, keep fighting, is this cowardly?"

Gao Ziqiang clenched his fist and said with a sneer.

"You...Okay, we admit it, what are you going to do?"

Mazi knew that if there was no explanation today, he would definitely not be able to leave.

He Jincheng came out and said lightly: "To ruin the reputation of my Shanbaozhai, what do you think should be done?"

"We misunderstood, please apologize to you, at worst, lose some money!"

Mazi gritted his teeth and said, hating these two people to death.

"Apologize and lose money? We don't need these! How about this, you will be doormen at the door today. If someone comes over, tell the other party how you cheated. We are off work, and you are off work. That's all for now, how about it?"

How to restore Shanbaozhai's reputation is naturally to let these troublemakers explain to others by themselves. This is also the most convincing method, which can eliminate the negative impact of this incident on Shanbaozhai to the greatest extent.

Gao Ziqiang originally wanted to break one of these people's legs to make them remember, but after hearing He Jincheng's punishment, he immediately gave a thumbs up.

This trick is still ruthless, it not only teaches these boys a lesson, but also eliminates the negative news about Shanbaozhai, killing two birds with one stone!

"Impossible! Don't go too far, we are just eating this bowl of rice, you let us do this, how can we make a living in the future!"

Mazi immediately shook his head and vetoed it.

"Now, you don't have the right to refuse! You can either do what I said, stand outside and explain, or you will have a leg, choose yourself!"

He Jincheng narrowed his eyes slightly, his tone full of chill.

Mazi and the others looked at each other, gritted their teeth and wanted to rush out, but they were kicked back by Gao Ziqiang without exception.

"In the last ten seconds, if you don't make a decision, I will help you!"

He Jincheng said coldly.

Mazi and the others couldn't help shivering. Rather than being cut off from their fortunes, of course the legs are more important, so they could only bite the bullet and agree immediately.

"Very well, it seems that you are not particularly stupid!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Today we are planted, and the mountain will not turn around. Don't fall into my hands in the future, otherwise, I will definitely kill you!"

Mazi was so angry that he couldn't help cursing again.

"You talk too much, it is necessary to help you manage it!"

He Jincheng snorted coldly, stepped up to pockmarked face, raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

(End of this chapter)

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