Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 239 New Star Cinema, Take My Wife to Watch a Movie

Chapter 239 New Star Cinema, Take My Wife to Watch a Movie
He Jincheng slapped him, his pockmarked face couldn't react at all, he took several steps back from the slap, and his face immediately swelled up.

"Why are you still beating people? He Jincheng, I warn you, don't be too extreme, I'm not easy to mess with pockmarks!"

The pockmarked face said angrily.

"Okay, let me see how you are not easy to mess with!"

Gao Ziqiang stepped forward with clenched fists and wanted to continue fighting.

Pockmarked face immediately became timid, and hurriedly hugged his head and begged for mercy.

Finally, after Gao Ziqiang cleaned up these boys, he kicked them to the door to be doormen.

At first, the pockmarked faces and the others were still shy and afraid to speak, but when they saw Gao Ziqiang clenched his fists again, they immediately became honest and shouted loudly.

"We have no conscience, we are shameless, and use fake products to blackmail, everyone, please don't trust us!"

After some yelling, many people soon gathered around.

After such an ups and downs, the turmoil of Shanbaozhai being slandered and selling counterfeit goods finally subsided, and many people who returned the goods also found that they were deceived, and then came back to want to buy again.

As a result, He Jincheng did not sell it.

"Brother, why don't we sell it, it's all money!"

Gao Ziqiang was a little puzzled, looked at He Jincheng and asked.

"Of course I won't sell it. The things in our store are good and bad. Don't you know? If you buy it, you make money. If customers don't believe in our products, what's the point of us selling? Although we are sellers , but you must also have the attitude you should have, and you can't follow the customer in everything!"

He Jincheng said patiently.

"Understood brother, I know what to do in the future!"

This time someone came to make trouble, and he didn't deal with it properly. This made Gao Ziqiang feel that he could not be the shopkeeper well, and he was sorry for He Jincheng's trust.

"It's okay, take your time, we've just started, there will be more troubles in the future!"

He Jincheng smiled and patted Gao Ziqiang on the shoulder to encourage him.

In the evening, the pockmarked face and the others were almost hoarse, so He Jincheng let them go.

The few people didn't dare to stay at all, and ran away in a desperate manner.

Gao Ziqiang closed the door and went upstairs to rest.

Now He Jincheng lives in the courtyard, and Gao Ziqiang lives upstairs by himself, so he can also visit the shop by himself. After all, there are many petty thefts these days, so he still has to keep an eye on them.

He Jincheng returned home, and after dinner, he handed Tingting over to his mother-in-law to take care of him, while he took Ye Qingmeng to go to the movies together.

This year, there is a domestic film "Shaolin Temple" that has become popular all over the country.

This is a movie that will be called a box office myth for a long time in the future.

The ticket price of 1.6 cents has set a box office of 30 million yuan. If this is placed in 200 or [-] years, the box office will be more than [-] billion in time.

Of course, this is also different from the era we live in. People in this era lack entertainment resources. This movie is indeed very exciting, and the ticket price is touching. Of course, it is normal for it to become popular.

He Jincheng bought two movie tickets through a trustee these days, so he took his wife out to watch tonight.

"It's the first time I've watched a movie. I've only watched TV before, and it's rare. What do you think is so good about this movie? Why do so many people like to watch it?"

Ye Qingmeng was looking forward to it all the way, and kept asking.

He Jincheng smiled on the sidelines, answering if he knew, and giggling if he didn't know.

After a while, the two arrived at the New Star Cinema.

This is the best movie theater in Southern Metropolis. He Jincheng bought the VIP seat in the middle. Although the ticket price is only ten cents, this seat cost ten yuan per person.

The main reason was that Ye Qingmeng was pregnant now, and He Jincheng didn't want any surprises.

Checked the tickets and entered the studio, which was almost full of people at the moment.

He Jincheng took the ticket and asked the person who occupied his seat to get out of the way. Seeing that He Jincheng had a ticket and Ye Qingmeng had a big belly, they didn't say anything, so they ran to the aisle and squatted there to watch.

This kind of situation is very common. In order to make more money, movie theaters will also sell this kind of standing tickets, and the price is half cheaper than the normal ticket price.

Some people are not willing to spend money, even if there is a seat ticket, they will still buy this kind of standing ticket.

Not long after sitting down, the movie started playing.

Ye Qingmeng was quickly attracted by the content of the movie. When she saw the bad guys doing evil, her body trembled with anger, and she would clap her hands happily when she saw the bad guys being dealt with.

Seeing Ye Qingmeng so happy, He Jincheng just smiled and looked at her like this.

All he wanted was for Ye Qingmeng to be so happy for the rest of his life without any worries.

After watching the movie, Ye Qingmeng was still a little bit unsatisfied.

Even though it was past ten o'clock, Ye Qingmeng was already asleep under normal circumstances, but today she was very happy and took He Jincheng for a walk on the street.

"Honey, there's a night market in front, let's go over there and eat something!"

He Jincheng pointed to a brightly lit street ahead and said.

"Okay, I've heard that there are a lot of delicious food in the night market here. It's my first time to go, let's go there quickly!"

Ye Qingmeng heard the words, and hurriedly pulled He Jincheng to run over there.

"Slow down, watch your stomach!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

This girl is really getting more and more relaxed, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

They took Ye Qingmeng around the night market for a long time and ate a lot of delicious food before they returned home.

Guo Lan had already fallen asleep with Tingting, and the two tiptoed about, and then lay down on the bed after washing.

"Husband, I just realized today that life can be so colorful. I used to think it was all on TV!"

Ye Qingmeng was still thinking about everything that happened today, feeling very happy.

"Life in the future will be more colorful, but my wife, you can't patronize and play. Now the child is the most important thing. After you give birth to the baby and finish confinement, I will take you out for a trip!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Tourism, this word is quite new!"

The two chatted for a long time, all about their yearning and planning for the future.

The next morning, because Little Huzi was temporarily staying at home, there was only one more child for breakfast.

Little Huzi was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and he was not used to it at first. He needed someone to help him with everything. Guo Lan was not used to him, and after ignoring him a few times, the little guy was really hungry, so he had to grab food by himself .

Then Guo Lan smiled and taught Xiao Huzi how to use spoons and chopsticks.

Although this little tiger is spoiled, he is a child after all, and his bad habits can be corrected quickly.

After running with Tingting in the yard for a few days, walking became smoother and smoother.

(End of this chapter)

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